Episode 23: The First Appearance of Black Magic (III)

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“Then do you not know the exact cause of death?”

“I don’t know much other than that they suddenly showed abnormal symptoms.”

Heinricion couldn’t say that they died from the effect of trying to use black magic to take advantage of Princess Eristella’s possessions.

It was because the moment he revealed that fact, people would naturally find out that Eristella was still alive.

“Your Excellency, this is a serious matter, so I may have to ask for your help a few more times.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll cooperate anytime.”

“Thank you.”

After Knight Commander Austin thanked Heinricion, he opened his mouth and spoke politely to everyone.

“It is not good to stay here any longer, so distinguished guests, please return to the banquet hall first.”

“…Yes. We go back.”

“That’s right.”

The situation settled to some extent. However, the tension did not disappear.

The existence of black magic had been fading in everyone’s memory.

Some might be nervous about the fact that it now rose to the surface.

‘Because the count and countess aren’t everything.’

Perhaps the County of Azurdi was just the beginning.

How far had it permeated?

Eristella had a suspicion that it might have penetrated much deeper than she had initially expected. 


It was unreasonable for the banquet to continue in the midst of chaos. In the end, the National Foundation Day banquet ended in a haphazard manner.

While returning in a carriage, Rowen, unable to bear it any longer, asked Heinricion,

“What did Count Azurdi mean? He knew how the previous Grand Duke and Grand Duchess died.”


Rowen threw out those complicated feelings. The death of the previous grand ducal couple was a traumatic event, not only for Heinricion, but also for everyone who stood by him.

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So he kept thinking about it, but he couldn’t quite understand it.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. In turn, he raised his voice and his face was twisted like he couldn’t control himself.

“I still cannot forgive the princess. Since then, Your Excellency has had nightmares every night and has been unable to sleep…!”

It was one of the reasons why he still showed hostility and glared whenever Princess Eristella was brought up.

But despite Rowen’s tenacious questioning and lamentation, Heinricion remained silent throughout the ride.

It was as if he was holding it in now so that he could speak properly later.

As they got closer to the grand ducal residence, Eristella became more and more restless.

Contrary to her desire that they would arrive a little late, she eventually arrived at the residence of the Grand Duchy of Adelasia.

Soon, the bedroom door closed, leaving Rowen behind.

Now, only Heinricion and Eristella were left.

The former walked slowly and placed paper and pen on his desk.



He called her by name, not ‘Fox’.

It was when she looked back nervously.

Heinricion was looking at Princess Eristella with a completely different gaze from before.

The problem between the two people, which had been hidden because one was in the shape of a fox, came to the surface.

“Now tell me.”

Heinricion’s calm voice was filled with emotions that were heavier than exasperated shouts and anger.

“Exactly what Count Azurdi meant before he died.”


“What the hell happened that day?”

Heinricion thought hundreds of times to say this one sentence.

Count Azurdi said it in a fit of rage before his death. It was highly probable that it was just nonsense because he wanted to live.

Had there been anyone who could have known the truth of that day, Heinricion would have inquired.

At that time, there was no one who could properly tell him what had happened as Eristella had completely blocked other people’s access.

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So it could be a lie as a last-ditch effort. Probably.

‘But if there’s even a little bit of truth in those words…’

Heinricion’s eyes narrowed.

It seemed like he was missing something. And he felt like he had to figure out what it was.

What the hell happened that day when he wasn’t in the capital?

He decided he would get an answer from Eristella today no matter what.

Eristella grabbed the pen. She wrote some words.

— The reason you can’t sleep… Is it because of that?

Heinricion’s eyes were red and bloodshot. His blood vessels were about to burst as he tried to suppress his unbearable anger with his last shred of reason.

“You wonder why I can’t sleep?”

The question was spat out with a grin. It wasn’t seeking an answer.

A smirk appeared on his lips.

“I haven’t slept in years.”


“From the day I couldn’t even protect my parents’ death.”

His clenched fists trembled, unable to bear it any longer. The squeezed strength that held on so tightly as if the muscles were bursting was reaching its limit.

He wanted to hurt himself. He wanted to dig his heart out. How could he say it hurts a little?

With that thought alone, he was picking out words one by one and spitting them out.

“If only you hadn’t caused trouble back then.”

Eristella only hardened, like she had broken down while standing.

“Or at least if you hadn’t stopped the news from coming to me when something went wrong.”

The pain he felt was acute.

It wasn’t just that the news was delayed and he missed it. At that time, apparently, Eristella had prevented Heinricion from returning in time.

“I wouldn’t have let them go like that.”

Strong anger towards Eristella flowed out. The pain, which Heinricion felt, became a sharp dagger and pierced Eristella.

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“What is the reason?”

He was really curious.

“Why the hell did you do that then?”

He still didn’t quite understand.

Until then, the relationship between Eristella and the Grand Duchy of Adelasia was not bad. Rather, it was friendly.

The time they spent together was also not short.

That was why, even more so, Heinricion’s world was changed in an instant by the events of that day.

“At least, you should have waited for the funeral. As my fiancée, even at the funeral…”

Heinicion never expected that Eristella would do such a thing.

The events of that day came to Heinricion as a betrayal.

The eyes of Heinricion, who had been pouring out his resentment and frustration of the past, became cold.

Then he continued speaking, again disappointed and letting go of any expectations.

“You must have been capricious anyway. It’s always been like that.”

His words, mixed with a deep sigh, came out dejectedly.

Maybe something went wrong. He used to think like that.

Maybe it was Heinricion’s wish.

But over the past few years. and at this moment, Heinricion came to a realization. There were no circumstances that couldn’t be helped.

It was just because of Eristella’s whims. It was just that she did it of her own accord.

“I’ve had nightmares ever since.”


“I can’t sleep.”

Both Heinricion’s face and her voice lost strength. He couldn’t maintain his usual stoic expression and pretend to be okay.

His broken heart was exposed.

Heinricion turned back. Like it wasn’t worth talking about anymore.

Eristella was unable to answer any of his vexed questions.

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That was because she was determined not to tell anyone, no matter what.

There would never be a day when that resolution would break.

The day where she would change her mind would not come. No matter how many bad things she heard from Heinricion for the rest of her life. No matter what misunderstandings he got and however hurt he felt.


Eristella once again solidified her resolve.

Then she turned her back to Heinricion and walked away.

Heinricion had turned around first, but after a few seconds, he looked back. He was wondering if Eristella would give him any excuses. But she had already turned her back.

Heinricion’s face, looking at Eristella’s cold back, slowly and painfully contorted.


Eristella moved forward, with an apology in her mind that she couldn’t get out of her mouth. She could feel Heinricion’s gaze behind her, but she never looked back.


‘Let’s go somewhere else today.’

Eristella hesitated in front of Heinricion’s bedroom door. Eventually, she turned around.

‘He wouldn’t want to see me today.’

‘If I’m there, rather than sleep, I’ll only have nightmares. Let’s find another suitable place.’

Eristella walked so quietly that she couldn’t even hear her own footsteps.

‘But where should I go?’

‘Anessa will probably be happy if I go to her, but I’m not really inclined to do so.’

‘Heinricion’s room may be a temporary resting place, but it was sort of mine.’

That’s how comfortable it was. So it would be uncomfortable anywhere if it wasn’t there.

Eristella eventually settled in the corner of the hallway, not far from Heinricion’s bedroom.

Although it was the hallway, it was warm thanks to the fluffy carpet, so it wasn’t a problem for a night’s sleep.

Eristella curled up and slowly lowered her eyelids.

But tonight, she couldn’t sleep either.

Ame: AP, do we have a :shake_fox: gif? I want to shake the answer out of Eristella. Like come on girl, communication! 

AP: Gotta beg Eristella to make one *cracks open popcorn bag*

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