Episode 48: When the Princess is Away, the Bad Guys Come Out to Play (V)

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“Now that this has happened, there’s no choice but to prove it.”

Otherwise, everyone would be inclined to believe that the princess joined hands with black magic.

Thus, in order to persuade Eristella, Heinricion seriously stated.

“There are people who are still on your side even now.”


As soon as he grasped the situation, Heinricion closely watched the reaction of the aristocratic society.

This was why he knew they still existed.

“Still, you are the pride of the empire.”

No matter how much they cursed Princess Eristella, there were many who believed that she was protecting them.

“No matter how self-centered the princess may be, she’s not that kind of person.”

“The princess is the sword and shield of the empire.”

It was not an overstatement. 

Apart from the princess’s personal reputation, they believed in the princess as the protector of the empire.

“But that too will go away with time. You know that better than anyone.”

As time goes on, all kinds of gossip and speculation would add to the misunderstandings surrounding Eristella.

It wouldn’t take long for those who still support Eristella to change their minds, once the rumors were polished like a well-fitted puzzle.

“What a terrible thing the princess did…”

“Maybe the magic that was unusually strong was related to black magic?”

“How could the princess of the empire do such a thing?”

It would probably go that way.

No one would defend her anymore. 

All suspicions and one-sided attacks would be directed towards Eristella without anyone stepping in on her behalf.

There would be no one willing to risk everything to protect her.

In the end, the two knew all too well that people’s beliefs were easily shaken and could change if they didn’t confirm it with their own eyes.

Heinricion was worried about Eristella.

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Because he had been watching from the sidelines as Eristella was criticized and pointed at by people. At one time, he also denounced her.

So it was regrettable that the misunderstandings piled up one after another.

Heinricion knew the approximate circumstances of that day.

When investigating the circumstances of his parents’ deaths due to the County of Azurdi matter, he learned several things.

The day Eristella disappeared, she also fought a battle with a black wizard.

However, how did Eristella end up being defeated? He didn’t know what had happened in the process.

The problem was, that part was important to resolve the doubts on Eristella.

“You have to let them know that you chased the black wizards alone. You did it to protect people.”

[There was no grand reason. I just did it because it was something I had to deal with.]

Eristella naturally thought so; the reputation of being the protector of the empire was not just for decoration.

She was trying to solve it by taking responsibility in her own way.

There was nothing to explain. Eristella drew a decisive line.

“The day you disappeared. What exactly happened that day?”

Heinricion was frustrated by what she was trying to hide.

He wanted to hear the truth about what took place before she became a fox.

At least, he believed he deserved that much.

Eristella stared at Heinricion for a while, then gradually opened her mouth.

[I fought a black wizard and somehow became a fox. That’s all.]

But the words that came out of her mouth were short and dry, as if there was nothing more to explain.

“You know that’s not what I’m asking. Why do you keep trying to avoid it?”

Eventually, Heinricion expressed frustration at her insincere answer.

[What do you want to say?]

Eristella’s eyes also became fierce.

‘Does he really think I have something to do with the black wizards?’

‘Well. Something like that can happen too.’

‘Actually, I’m the one who saw them the most. Isn’t that quite wrong?’

Eristella poured out harsh complaints.

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[Are you asking me why I lost?]

“Because that’s the most important thing.”

Heinricion did not retreat at all and demanded an answer from Eristella.

Eristella spit it out as if she had no choice in the face of his determined eyes.

[I just lost because I was careless.]

Of course, there was no way she was not vigilant.

And Heinricion knew that it was just an excuse.

The explanation was a cover full of holes no matter who heard it.

Even if he asked for more, it didn’t seem like there would be an answer. He looked at the fox that had stubbornly shut its mouth and spoke coldly.

“Eristella. Timing is also important in revealing the truth.”

‘If she doesn’t open her mouth now, she will forever miss the opportunity to explain.’

“If this continues, you will be framed for colluding with black magic.”

[Is it that important?]

“If it goes on like this, there will be no place for you to come back to later.”

At this rate, Princess Eristella would become a stain on the empire. If that happened, even if she returned to her original form, her position as a princess would not remain.

Therefore, he tried convincing her that she should protect her place to return.

Right then.

[I don’t think there is any need to go back.]

Eristella muttered meaningful words as if she was talking to herself.

It was definitely a small voice, but the sound was clearly heard in Heinricion’s ears.

“What are you talking about?”

[Just. After I return to my original form and clean up the black wizards, I think it’ll be okay not to be here.]

Becoming a fox made Eristella see a different world from the one she had been living in. So it would not be bad for her to return to her original form and live another life.

Of course, there was a way to clear up the misunderstanding causing a fuss in the empire.

But for that to happen, a truth that had to be revealed.

‘I don’t want to expose that.’

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It was a long time ago that she first became aware of the existence of black magic.

She didn’t want to remember that day most, but at the same time, she could never forget.

The day Eristella shed the most tears in her life. She wept in grief and fell from exhaustion.

A feeling of helplessness that nothing could be changed.

It was also the day she promised herself that she would not despair like that any more.

From that day on, Eristella was completely different.

Despite everything, it was a fact that couldn’t be told to anyone.

This truth had yet to be told. Compared to the memories of that day, the current misconception was nothing.

And… She was used to people’s judgment and contempt.

Being hated was a familiar thing. As it has always been like that.

But it was also true that she was a little tired. So she just wanted to let it go.

Until the end, Eristella did not open her mouth.


The night was so dark that even the shadow couldn’t reveal its existence.

Heinricion and the fox showed their backs to each other coldly on the bed as if they had drawn a line.

The fox glanced back, but that was all.

‘I couldn’t help it.’ Eristella persisted in concealing the facts.

“At this rate, you will be falsely accused of colluding with black magic.”

Heinricion’s words came to mind.

She cared about his words as much as he believed in her.

From a certain moment, that opinion became natural. Every time she realized that, Eristella felt her heart pound and sink.

‘What am I supposed to do with someone who trusts me?’

It was so unfamiliar to her. He was rather careful and tough, unlike before.

‘What if I hurt the heart who believed in me because of my attitude?’

If Heinricion treated her with the same cold attitude as before… Perhaps she hurt more than before.

Eritella turned her body over and over. And using her front paws, she slightly gripped the ends of Heinricion’s flowing hair, and closed her eyes.

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‘With whose discretion?’

For Heinricion, Eristella’s attitude was the most upsetting.

This was a problem.

Whether she was really in the wrong or falsely accused, she had to actively explain if she was involved.

But Eristella always shut up as if she acknowledged all the rumors.

‘And that’s not all.’

There was obviously something he wasn’t aware of.

He wanted her to say it.

Even when his parents died.

And now.

But she didn’t trust him. So she shut her mouth.

‘It doesn’t matter if she doesn’t trust me.’

In the past, Heinricion would not have tried to understand any more.

After all, Eristella would have thought that he was such a person.

However… Eristella was acting as if it was okay to be misunderstood, and Heinricion couldn’t stay still.

Now that he knew that the Eristella he knew was not everything.

If he hadn’t learned more, he wouldn’t truly know Eristella.

Hence, even if Eristella kept silent, Heinricion was determined to dig tenaciously.

Heinricion decided to make all those who spoke carelessly shut up.

“Rowen. Go directly to the Prouthu estate. Check it out personally.”

If he scoured the place where everything happened that day, he would surely find something.

“Is there anything that was missed from the day the princess disappeared? Any little thing.”

Heinricion’s eyes were shining firmly in the dark.

This was Heinricion’s error. Without realizing it, he wanted to protect Eristella with a childish heart that would never exist again in the world.

Ame: Heinricion is definitely the first to fall in love!! …If he isn’t in love already. But really, what is so hard to tell, Eristella? Save Heinricion and us from the agony and mystery!

AP: Bet you it’s cuz the secret is related to Heinricion ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) or OR ORRRR she was born from black magic

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