Episode 51: Why Did the Princess Disappear? (II)

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The situation of that day was drawn like a picture in Heinricion’s head.

“The child’s parents were also scared of being involved in the wrong way and kept it strictly confidential.”

In the meantime, the boy couldn’t come forward because he was scared and lived in hiding. Then he found out that nonsensical tales about the princess were spreading, and he couldn’t ignore such rumors.

However, living in a distant country, he heard the rumors late, and of course it would take him a long time to get to the capital.

“I’m sorry I was too late, and I regret it.”

As the boy told Rowen the truth of the day, he was full of guilt and anxiety towards Eristella.

But Eristella didn’t care about the delayed testimony. The problem was that the child showed up here.

‘You… I told you not to.’

Eristella was dissatisfied with the child’s appearance. It wasn’t safe yet.

‘This will put him at risk. First of all, to make sure that the child and his family will be safe…’

Eristella’s head turned. The only person she could ask for now was Heinricion.

‘Heinricion! That kid…!’

Before Eristella even asked for it…

“Make sure that child and his family are safe.”

Heinricion instructed Rowen.

“Provide everything they need.”

“Yes. Don’t worry. I’ll arrange it so that they’re thoroughly protected, and no misfortune will ever occur.”

Thanks to those words, Eristella’s face became more relaxed.

If it was Heinricion, he would be able to protect the boy and his family from the black wizards.

“You don’t have to worry. I will make sure no one can touch you.”

‘Heinricion is speaking to the child. But why does it feel like he’s talking to me?’

Eristella glanced sideways at Heinricion, and their eyes met.

“Honestly, I’m very surprised. That Her Highness the Crown Princess would do something like that.”

To begin with, Rowen didn’t believe the rumors surrounding Princess Eristella. At least the princess Rowen knew wouldn’t do anything against her own pride.

So he was curious about the truth surrounding the disappearance of the princess.

Indeed, the truth he learned was very different from the rumors.

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What kind of person was the princess?

From the first time he heard this story at the Prouthu territory, confusion about the princess’s existence arose in Rowen’s mind.

“I just thought that something incredible had happened. But… I never expected she was saving a child.”

The princess must have acted knowing that she might lose her life in return. Or was she conceited, assuming she would be okay?

Rowen wouldn’t know because he wasn’t her, but… 

“Either way, it’s something others can’t do.”

As Rowen reported, his heart was reverent. It was a pity that he had no way to check further.

However, unlike Rowen, Heinricion, who knew how to check, reacted differently.

“…It is certainly so. She did a great job, even when she didn’t know what her own life would be like.”


“Without fear.”

Heinriched murmured, looking at the fox silently.

It was a dry, but somehow angry voice.

Eristella did nothing wrong, but strangely, Heinricion’s gaze was fixed on her.

‘Why are you staring at me like that?’

In the past, if Heinricion stared at her, she would stare back at him even more harshly, but now she kept turning her head in the opposite direction.

She felt weighed down by those bitter eyes.

Eristella was perplexed inside when faced with an atmosphere that felt as if she had to apologize.

‘Why am I scared…?’

As Heinricion stayed silent, Eristella became strangely awkward.

She felt as if she had done something wrong.

‘Well, what should I do now?’

It was when Eristella was being stared at while she looked around for no reason.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

Heinricion asked in a subdued voice. As if he was sad somewhere.

“If you were worried about the child, you could have asked me for assistance.”


Eristella was restless, feeling like she had to explain well.

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“Or… you couldn’t trust me.”

Heinricion spat out as if talking to himself.


‘If I don’t explain anything like this, he’ll definitely get hurt.’

‘What to do…?’

‘Wait a minute!’

The fox’s four limbs leaped vigorously. It managed to grab hold of the hem of Heinricion’s clothes as he stepped forward with a quick gait.


However, as if it rushed in too quickly without thinking its actions through, the fox unwittingly bit his shirt, and as a result, its four adorable feet swayed in the air.

That moment.

Somewhere, a clock rang, announcing midnight.

Dang— twelve regular sounds.

The strength that was pulling Heinricion’s shirt was lost, and the feet, which were shaking in the air, touched the ground.

Eristella raised her head and looked intently at Heinricion.

‘There’s never been a time when I didn’t believe in you.’

It was not just that. Eristella seriously revealed her true feelings.


That was the moment.

Her voice clearly entered Heinricion’s ears.

And golden eyes met green eyes.

Before he knew it, she returned to the form Princess Eristella.


But it was an illusion.

Eristella was still a fox. For a moment, Heinricion’s eyes were filled with the image of the princess, as if in a fantasy.

[Just a little…]


Eristella murmured. She seemed to be saying something, but he couldn’t understand.

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Then, Heinricion’s face tilted forward by itself.

[I thought I didn’t even need an explanation for that kid.]


[I haven’t done anything great. Wouldn’t it sound like I’m showing off?]

Eristella’s words flowed out faster and faster, listing excuses hesitantly.

[It’s not like that at all.]

Eristella wiggled her paws vigorously as her face flushed red, at a speed so fast that she felt like the wind was blowing.

[I’m embarrassed to say such a thing!]

Eristella, who seemed to be sweating a lot on her face, was not sure what to do. Finally she could not bear it any longer and shouted.


Heinricion looked at the unfamiliar figure.

She, who laughed even when people pointed their fingers in front of her, was now clearly ashamed.

And… she didn’t seem to know what a great thing she had done.

She took an enormous risk to save a child she had never met. How many people in this empire could do the same thing?

There could be no misunderstanding in that act.

Eristella genuinely thought it was no big deal.

Heinricion, who was looking at her like that, tilted his head to the side, and narrowed his eyes.

‘Are you shy?’

Eristella had her head turned towards the opposite direction and kept talking nonsense without moving an inch.

“Why do I keep seeing a side of you that I don’t know?”

Heinricion muttered involuntarily.

He didn’t know. With what kind of perspective should he look at Eristella’s actions in the future?


Heinricion’s fingers moved intermittently.

Tuk. Tuk. Tuk.

How had Eristella been living all this time?

It was only now that he was curious.

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Although she was still self-centered and reckless. The more he got involved with her, the more… 

‘Why do I feel like I’m missing something?’

Heinricion had been ignoring Eristella for several years.

He decided to try to find the traces of the Eristella of that time.

Was the Eristella that most people know the real Eristella?

Not externally, but thoroughly.

There were a few things he already knew.

Eristella’s last atrocity before her disappearance. The case of assaulting the acting Marquis of Haveling.

The whole story was caused by the acting marquis’s mistreatment of the young heir of Haveling, Heinricion’s nephew. 

Also, the deaths of the grand ducal couple of Adelasia, Heinricion himself was the decisive factor that led to her ‘bad’ actions.

Therefore, the events that raised Eristella’s notoriety up to now might have other truths behind them.

‘I need to know. The real Eristella.’


Heinricion moved directly without instructing anyone.

He went on a search of her whereabouts, starting with the records he had investigated to find the missing princess for the past six months.

As a result, he found the place where Princess Eristella had wandered around alone after escaping from her maids when she went out.

Heinricion headed straight there. To see for himself the traces of Princess Eristella.

‘Have you been here all this time?’

It was an unexpected place.

Noisy atmosphere. Streets intertwined with each other without order.

It was a rough patch in the outskirts of the capital.

No one knew that Eristella visited this place.

“You must be looking for the princess.”

“…Did you know?”

“I know. She tried to hide it, but she wasn’t very meticulous. It was something we all knew.”

“We just pretended not to know because Her Highness the Princess was delighted that her ‘perfect’ disguise worked.”


Heinricion’s expectation that he might learn a different side of Eristella here was raised.

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