Episode 56: Precious Things (IV)

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It was something Eristella asked for. In addition, it was clear from Sonia’s attitude that she found out what she wanted.

The moment Eristella’s eyes shone.

“Wait a minute.”

Eristella got up and called Heinricion, who had retreated to the next room.

“Let’s listen together. You should know.”


Eristella, along with Heinricion, decided to listen to what Sonia had to say.

“Yes. I’ve heard a lot of things; let me tell you.”

Sonia, Eristella, and Heinricion all sat around the table.

“After listening to the stories, I think the atmosphere of the Imperial Palace is definitely different from before.”

Sonia had met up with a servant working at the Imperial Palace. She had helped that servant before, which was why the servant followed her closely.

“In particular, His Majesty’s official schedule has been significantly reduced. Even if he attends, he leaves early.”

“Certainly, His Majesty has been doing that recently.”

Heinricion was also thinking the same thing.

“And among the servants… They believe that His Majesty the Emperor seems to have changed a bit.”

“There’s a change?”

“Yes. But it’s a bit vague…”

Sonia hesitated, saying that it was difficult to pinpoint, but soon explained the tension in the Imperial Palace.

“As a result, the entire palace is anxious, and the atmosphere is rigid.”

It was like walking on a thin ice sheet; everyone was wary of each other and trying not to make mistakes.

Eristella immediately understood. The Imperial Palace didn’t have such an ambience when she was around.

Although the emperor openly hated Eristella, he was not as secluded as he is now.

‘What is really going on?’

It was clear that something was wrong.

‘I want to see my brother in person.’

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During the founding day banquet, the emperor merely showed his face and left, so she couldn’t even look at him properly. 

“Is there a schedule in which the emperor will directly participate?”

“Even if there isn’t one now, there will be one soon.”


—It just so happens? Eristella questioned through her shining eyes.

“Is a donation party coming up soon?”

Heinricion, who was listening quietly, muttered as if he had a guess.

“Yes. You’re right. Soon, there will be a donation party, before the empire goes to war in the Norrent region.”

“Certainly, the Emperor must lead there.”

A donation party.

It wasn’t just a charity event.

“Right. I was the first to participate every time.”

Eristella was a symbol of protection of the empire. She was the most active at every donation event.

A war-prone empire.

It was an event to commemorate the courage and sacrifice of the knights heading out for war and to raise money for the military.

Even if it was the emperor, he could not recklessly ignore this event unless it was an unavoidable reason.

Therefore, the emperor would definitely attend the donation event.

“Then it’s decided.”

Eristella could evaluate her older brother thoroughly. How on earth was he doing?

‘What happened in my absence?’

‘I’ll check it out for myself.’

Whether the emperor of the empire still qualifies as emperor.


The donation event was where valuable items donated by various nobles were put up for auction, and the person who made the winning bid obtained the item.

Of course, all proceeds were donated.

In particular, since they were funds sent to the battlefield, there was even a ranking as to how much donated goods the nobles sold.

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All the while, Princess Eristella and Heinricion did not fall out from the rankings, having sold the highest amount at any time.

“What are you going to donate?”

“Well, I’ll have to think about it. You should pick one.”

So far, Heinricion had mostly donated high-value gems or modified magic stones produced by the Grand Duchy of Adelasia.

This time, he asked Eristella to pick something out of consideration for her, who couldn’t do anything.

“I’m going to choose a very expensive one?”

He did not notice the glint in her eyes and the wide grin on her face.

“I don’t care. It’s a place for that anyway.”

“Hmm. Great. Then I’ll really pick one.”

Heinricion shrugged his shoulders, saying that she could do anything.

Eristella moved right into action.

She was determined to choose something that would surprise Heinricion. Humming, she looked around Heinricion’s bedroom.

‘What in the world are you going to choose, going all the way there?’

It was when Heinricion started to feel anxious.

Eristella, who had been poking around for a long time, proudly presented something in front of Heinricion.

At the same time, his face hardened.

His eyes trembled slowly as he asked Eristella.

“…Are you kidding me?”

“No. Really. Donate this.”

Eristella nodded once without a change to her face color.

“What the hell is this…”

All of a sudden, Heinricion had a headache.

‘Is it a joke, or are you being serious?’

‘To choose something like this…’

‘Did you think of this from the beginning?’ 

Heinricion’s mind was far away. 

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‘I don’t think Eristella will ever change her mind.’

He felt like he shouldn’t have asked her to choose.

‘What am I supposed to do?’

‘Just refuse? But if I say ‘no’ to this, Eristella will…’

It was terrifying just imagining the reaction.

He could absolutely see how sarcastic she would be. In that case, he would rather…

Heinricion closed his eyes tightly. Soon, he opened his mouth with great difficulty. During that brief moment, he struggled countless times.

The item Eristella chose was none other than Heinricion’s childhood attachment doll.

He couldn’t forget the fox he met when he was young, so he made it by hand sewing.

And if it was torn or stained in the slightest, he would fix it himself and wash it by hand. He really cherished it.

Not only that, but when little Eristella told him to throw it away because she was going to buy him another doll, he even shed tears… Now it contained all the memories that he wanted to forget.

‘Where did you find this?’

Right when Heinricion was about to swallow a sigh.

“It was in that drawer? Also, it’s in the top row.”

Eristella’s eyes were bright, and she spoke as if she had read Heinricion’s thoughts.

‘Right. It was there.’

He tried to throw it away several times, but each time, he hesitated at the last moment, and in the end, he left it there unattended.

It was amazing that she even found it.

“Do as you please.”

Ultimately, Heinricion gave up and left it to Eristella’s will.

“By the way, are you really going to stay until past midnight?”


The donation event would start early in the evening and continue until the next morning.

Hence, Eristella was planning to attend the donation party and remain past midnight after returning to her original state.

“If anyone ever sees…”

“Don’t worry about that. I’ll be careful not to get caught, but if I do…”

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Fufufu. Eristella continued speaking with a meaningful smile.

“There’s a way.”

Eristella was confident.

Heinricion was convinced. Clearly, the method Eristella had in mind was not a carefully planned  trick as he had hoped.

It was probably an absurd and bizarre prank.

“And Heinricion. You know it too. We need to check the condition of His Majesty this time.”


The playful atmosphere that had just flowed between the two of them disappeared.

“Do you know what these people involved in black magic have in common?”

They were the people of the imperial faction.

No one explicitly mentioned this, but Eristella and Heinricion were thinking the same thing.

What if it wasn’t a coincidence that this happened only to the nobles of the imperial faction?

If so, who were they all linked to?

‘…The emperor.’

So even if it was dangerous, they had to check the condition of the emperor.

And on the other side of Eristella’s heart, she was worried about the emperor, her brother.

If anything happened to him… She had to help at any cost.

“If the worst happens.”

Heinricion continued, looking straight at Eristella.

“I’ll help too.”


The donation event was held in the open hall of the Imperial Palace for the general public to see.

Therefore, compared to other splendid imperial banquets, they tried to create a friendly atmosphere where as many people could join as possible.

All were able to participate regardless of their status, and the families of the knights who would head out to the Norrent region were also invited.

The purpose was to make the families feel proud rather than sad while watching the event.

However, this donation party had a different atmosphere than before.

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