Episode 58: Precious Things (VI)

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“Wow…! I can’t believe it. It’s so beautiful.”

“How did you do it? Did you use magic?”

Naturally, everyone was amazed and asked Viscount Diaklen questions about the glass marble. They couldn’t help but think it was magic.

“No. The great thing about this item is that it gives you this special moment without the help of a wizard.”

Viscount Diaklen smiled charmingly while looking at the cherry blossoms that still had not disappeared.

“What an amazing thing! Now, let the auction begin!”

The host announced the start of the auction with a loud voice. After that, there was fierce competition for the glass marble, and an enormous price was set.

“I think today’s highest price will go to Viscount Diachlen. Everyone seems to want to enjoy the cherry blossoms, so let’s take a short break before proceeding.”

When the auction paused, everyone gathered around Viscount Diaklen and busily poured out questions.

Heinricion and Eristella stared at the figure.

[Hmm. It would be strange if he really didn’t use magic.]

Why did he make this? She had this question.

“By the way, do you still have no thoughts about changing the donation item?”

Heinricion glanced at Eristella.

In case she changed her mind, he had prepared a replacement item.

[I like that.]

But Eristella flatly refused, as if it would be impossible.

When the cherry blossom rain stopped and the auction started again, the initial enthusiasm subsided like a lie. At that time, the host raised his voice, perhaps in an attempt to change up the atmosphere.

“This time, it’s an item donated by His Excellency, the Grand Duke of Adelasia. It’s very different from what he has donated in the past, so I’m looking forward to it even more.”

The presenter showed everyone the item that was taken out of the box he had received.

It was old looking at first glance, but the clean fox doll seemed to have been carefully crafted.

“It’s said that the Grand Duke himself made this doll when he was a child. Isn’t it very cute?”

It was not a valuable item, but a doll Heinricion made himself.

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That alone caused enthusiastic responses from people. Amazingly, there were a lot of people who wanted it.

“Doesn’t it look like the fox next to him?”

“Oh. It’s very similar.”

As if they had made a new discovery, the people took turns looking at the fox doll and the fox on Heinricion’s shoulder.

“The Grand Duke must have been fond of foxes since he was a child. How cute.”

Heinricion’s face almost turned red several times because of the people’s reactions, but by squeezing his willpower, he managed to keep his composure.

“Now let’s get started.”

The response at the moment exploded beyond expectations.

“I want to take it this time.”

“What should I do? I want it too.”

“I think the competition for this doll will be fierce as well.”

The competition for Heinricion’s fox doll was extremely tight. In particular, the participation from  ladies and young children was fierce.

It was when the amount appeared to be rising without end.

The assistant went up to the host, delivered a note, and whispered something.

Then the host exclaimed, gesticulating exaggeratedly as if he was performing a play.

“This auction has reached the highest price! Is there anyone else who can do this?! Finally, I will count to five!”

No one raised a hand or signaled as the number five disappeared.

It was an unimaginable amount.

“Then I will inform him that the bid has been successful!”

The host exclaimed in a loud voice like a shout.

“Who is it?”

Many were murmuring curiously. The host raised his voice and announced.

“The main character who won the fox doll is Grand Duke Adelasia, the original owner! I thought the highest amount had already appeared today, but the Grand Duke himself stepped up for the Empire.”

As such, at this donation event, Heinricion recorded the highest auction amount.

Contrary to the host’s fanciful claims, Heinricion simply couldn’t bear to hand over the fox doll to anyone else.

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The person who enjoyed the most watching the scene was, of course, Eristella.

‘I guess it’s very precious. Enough to buy again.’

At Eristella’s teasing expression, Heinricion’s face twitched slightly.

Obviously, Eristella had anticipated this situation from the beginning.

“It seems we’re seeing an unexpected side of the Grand Duke.”

“I was thinking of giving it to the fox as a present.”


Heinricion held out the fox doll in front of the fox sitting on his shoulder.

“Thanks to you, we had a very good view. Haha!”

A crack appeared on Heinricion’s composed face, but the laughter of the nobles, who did not notice, grew louder.

In fact, as the original purpose of the auction ended, Eristella became more and more nervous.

The deepest connection with black magic… The possibility it was the emperor.

Now the two were suspicious of the likelihood.

In Heinricion’s eyes, it was none other than the emperor who had changed the most in the past six months.

During that time, the existence of black magic was so buried that it could not have been considered. But now that he knew that black magic had penetrated the nobility, he naturally doubted the emperor.

At any rate, if the emperor had anything to do with the black wizards, Eristella and the emperor would be on opposing sides.

Eristella was also prepared to become her brother’s enemy.

She hoped it wouldn’t come down to it, but suspicions sprouted in the corner of her heart.

So she was trying to ease her heavy heart by deliberately playing more pranks.

Right when the atmosphere of the party was at its peak.

While enjoying the party, Eristella kept a close eye on the emperor’s condition.

The emperor showed no interest throughout the event.

Then he left his seat in the middle. Eristella wanted to chase after him right away, but it was too much for her in fox form.

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Eristella waited until midnight. As the time approached, all she did was focus on the clock. 

It was when Eristella continuously glanced at the clock nervously.

11:55 p.m.

‘The magic hour is coming.’

56… 57… 58… 59…

As midnight neared, Heinricion naturally advanced towards the banquet hall entrance.

“Be careful. If you’re in danger, hide. I’ll go find you.”

Heinrion affirmed in a low voice, audible only to the fox perched on his shoulder.

The fox nodded and quietly jumped to the floor. Then it immediately left the banquet hall, running down the halls of the Imperial Palace.

When the little animal reached an empty place, the second hand of the clock tower was pointing to the right time.

Twelve o’clock. Immediately, at midnight…

A mysterious fog enveloped the fox, and its shape gradually changed.

Eristella, who had returned to the body of a princess, moved quickly.

To see what was happening around the emperor.

Eristella was even thinking of revealing her identity to the emperor.

It would be difficult to access if he was in his office or in his bedroom.

Fortunately, however, the emperor was in the garden not far from the banquet hall.

‘Wait a minute… Are you sleeping right now?’

Eristella paused. And she quietly assessed the situation further.

It was then. Someone came to the emperor’s side.

A person dressed in clothes that did not suit the Imperial Palace stopped in front of the emperor with light steps, as if taking a walk.

Eristella’s eyes narrowed, taking a closer look at the person.

However, she couldn’t see the stranger’s face because she was lying on her back.

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“Your Majesty. Are you resting?”


“You did a great job today. I’m sure the master will be happy too.”

‘What is this? Who is the master he just mentioned?’

At that second. The emperor, who had his eyes closed as if he was tired, opened his eyes.

The emperor’s cold gaze turned to the person.

“Stay away. Don’t you dare think of touching me.”

It was the complete opposite of how he appeared at the donation party. This was the image of the emperor Eristella knew.

“Oh, my. You’ve come back after a long time.”

The stranger didn’t panic at all, but spoke with a smile on his lips.
(TL/N: since the gender of this person isn’t identified yet, i’ll use masculine pronouns instead of gender neutral pronouns as ‘they/them’ instead of ‘he/him’ is going to mess up the overall grammar.)

“You’re a very strong-willed man.”

The unfamiliar voice exclaimed with admiration. That scratched Eristella’s nerves.

“Don’t worry. You will feel comfortable again soon.”


The person reached out towards the emperor’s head. Then he quietly chanted.

As his spell continued, the emperor wrapped his hands around his head as if in agony, squirming and drooping helplessly.

He didn’t even think to resist.

‘How in the world is this happening? What the hell is going on right now?’

“There are still a lot of things left for Your Majesty to do…”


The emperor’s eyes had already lost focus, becoming blurred.

“…Willingly. For us.”

Just hearing the voice gave Eristella goosebumps. To the extent that she could automatically imagine what kind of face the person was probably making. 

“I hope you don’t come back to your senses by then. Take care, do continue to do well.”

When the stranger left, the emperor’s head was bent to the side.

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