Episode 67: Bait-and-Switch (I)

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‘It would be better to be prepared.’

He didn’t think Greta would keep those words to herself forever. Somehow, it felt like she was starting to show her rebelliousness because of this incident.

‘She’s no longer useful anyway.’

There was no value in Greta Lateran now.

Actually, she was always a thorn that made him uncomfortable.

Moreover, through this incident, she also learned about black magic.

There was a high probability that she would have known all about what he had been doing in secret.

Since there were things he had done through her in the meantime.

So he thought it would be good to get Greta to clean it up this time.

Either cut her off entirely or keep her completely in his hands.

It just so happened there was a way. The marquis immediately called the butler.

“What is Greta doing now? Is she still confined to her room?”

“I heard she came out today.”

The butler replied with surprise when the marquis, who had not paid any attention to Greta after the incident, asked her how she was doing.

“Really? That’s good. Tell her to come.”

At the marquis’s command, the butler turned to find Greta.

A fishy smile spread across the marquis’s face as he looked at the back of the butler.


Greta came out of the room after a few days.

Even within the mansion, whispers and murmurs regarding her could be heard, but she ignored them all and strode forward.

Since she decided to make a deal, this process was inevitable if she was going to move on.

Besides, she had to see her father once to find the evidence the princess wanted.

‘I can roughly guess a few places where he might keep his records. I can’t search through them all, so I have to figure out exactly where they are.’

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Fortunately, she didn’t even have to go looking for him first.

“The marquis is looking for you.”

Having prepared her heart, Greta immediately followed the butler to the marquis’s office.

However, the marquis was not easy either.

“It seems like I haven’t seen your face in a long time. Yes. How have you been?”

He asked even though he knew she hadn’t come out of her room.

Her father was deeply involved in black magic. It was even drawing him.

Since he did not have any ability to use magic, it must not have been him who used black magic.

‘He’s probably a connection.’

It was when Greta was immersed in thought while looking at the marquis.

“You know this has put me in trouble. As I, too, care about public opinion, the scope of my activities has narrowed.”


“I respected your wishes and entrusted you with family affairs, but now that things have turned out like this, I need to have a certain guarantee to continue trusting you and working together.”

Marquis Lateran consistently showed a calculating attitude toward Greta. There was no such thing as concern or consolation from him.

Thanks to that, Greta could calmly listen to what her father was saying.

“I won’t say it again. You should know everything now.”


Greta did not hide her true feelings and answered while looking directly at the marquis. Then the marquis burst into a hearty laugh.

“Hahaha! As expected, you’re also my daughter. You don’t even pretend to be ignorant. Only I know this secret, and now you know too. Neither my wife nor Layla have any idea.”

It was as if he thought Greta was special and entrusted her with this work.

But it was more like he didn’t want the two people he cared about to get dirty.

The corners of the smiling Greta’s mouth twitched.

“You’re special. So from now on, I can only trust you with all these things.”

The marquis showed strong trust, but he continued with a somewhat troubled face.

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“However, it’s safest for only one person to hold the key to anything.”

Marquis Lateran opened his mouth and spoke while staring at Greta with eyes narrowed like a snake’s.

“I want to be assured that I can trust you completely.”

His words were polished, but in the end, they meant one thing.

He meant to take her mind into his own hands. That is, to brainwash her.

Putting pressure on her, pretending it was all for her. 

“Greta. Can I trust you?”

Noticing the true intentions of the marquis, Greta felt agitated for a moment, but responded calmly.

“I’ve done everything Father told me to do.”

“What can I do? As the one who leads the family, I have no choice but to doubt and check again and again. I can only entrust everything to someone I can completely trust.”

He always forced Greta to persevere and sacrifice.

“Let me have faith in you.”

Greta could only be recognized if she accepted his condition.

The marquis’s intentions were consistent. To become a doll that would lose its will and ego, was that really what he intended to say to his daughter?

“As long as you don’t betray me, it won’t do any harm. Is there any reason to hesitate?”

Greta’s face, which had hardened a moment ago, softened slightly. On the contrary, she slowly parted her lips with a slightly relaxed face.


Greta readily accepted.

It was like she was showing with her whole body that she had nothing to stand for.

“In return, Father, please make one promise.”


Satisfied with her reaction, the marquis expressed displeasure by slightly squinting.

“Yes. I’m entrusting my sanity, so I’d like you to do that much.”

She demanded, unfazed by her father’s reaction.

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“Okay. Speak.”

After thinking for a while, the marquis accepted her request.

“I can trust Father. But the person brainwashing me is someone else.”

“You don’t have to worry about that because your father guarantees it.”

“Furthermore, not long ago, I was in trouble from being misunderstood for being involved in black magic. I can’t be brainwashed without any preparation.”

Her concern was something that could not be covered by pretty words. He knew it could not be suppressed if he refused.

“At least I should know who it is.”

She was indicating she wanted to meet him in person.

It was a request that could not be easily granted, but the marquis nodded after calculating, unable to find another option.


Returning to her room alone, Greta now had to make a careful decision about the options she was given.

She had a hunch that the cost of faith her father had offered her should be avoided if possible.

But there was only one way to avoid it. Showing evidence of alternative beliefs.

‘The existence of the princess. And I have to confess the deal the princess offered to me.’

‘Whose hand should I hold? What do I want to get?’

Greta grabbed a pen.

Then, after much thought, she began to write a letter to Princess Eristella.


“As promised, an answer came from Lady Greta.”

Sonia had retrieved the letter from the secret location.

In her correspondence, only the time and place were given without further explanation.

“It’s tonight.”

“This is definitely suspicious. She’s been quiet all this time, and then suddenly making an appointment for the same day, it seems like a scheme.”

Sonia seemed to be concerned about the content of the correspondence.

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“This isn’t what was originally agreed on.”

There was no way that a record buff like Marquis Lateran would not have taken note of the black wizards he had come into contact with.

“She decided to find out where Marquis Lateran’s records were kept and let us know…”

Finding the archives of Marquis Lateran and testifying against him.

That was the agreement they had with Greta.

“I think she’s intentionally leading us to this place.”

When the letter was checked again, a map showing the exact location was found.

It was the most intimate place in the Marquisate of Lateran.

How should a letter that was different from the agreement be judged?

“It’s kind of uncomfortable to be called like this all of a sudden.”


It was natural that the more they contacted each other, the higher the risk of exposure. Therefore, they had to avoid meeting in person.

Eristella was troubled as the situation was different from what was anticipated.

“It might be a trap, but it might contain what we are looking for.”

She had to go.

“I cannot miss this opportunity.”

She had to find the black wizard who brainwashed the emperor as soon as possible.

To do that, even if there were risks, she had to accept them.

“Then I will go too.”

Sonia added,

“You know, even if I can’t use magic, my swordsmanship is quite good.”

Sonia had been practicing swordsmanship by herself since she was a child, and after she became a lady-in-waiting, she was supported by Eristella and received formal education.

“I won’t be a burden.”

Sonia seemed to have already made up her mind. She stressed that no matter what happened, she would be with Eristella.

Eristella couldn’t help but nod.

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