Episode 78: Bait-and-Switch (XII)

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Eristella could feel Heinricion’s hand slowly slipping between her fingers even as she tried to hold on tight.

‘Shit. It would be nice if this chaos would subside a bit.’

In the end, even the fingertips that were barely connected fell off.

By stretching out with strength, she tried to grab his hand again, but it wasn’t easy because she couldn’t see what’s in front of her.

It was when the loud friction and storm that had been ringing with unstoppable momentum gradually died down.

As soon as Eristella opened her eyes, she looked around…


Heinricion was nowhere to be seen no matter how much she looked around.

Where did he disappear to?

She completely escaped the hypnosis and returned to the real world, but he was nowhere to be found.

Everywhere she looked, she couldn’t see him. As if he had gone to a completely different place.

Eristella panicked and started to assess the situation, but felt a presence from behind.

“It’s a kind of conversion room… As expected, His Excellency the Grand Duke is amazing.”

The black magician revealed himself, stepping in front of Eristella.

“You used it twice in a row.”

While responding sullenly, Eristella tidied up her disheveled clothes.

Actually, she was trying to hide her agitation, sorting her mind while pretending to be calm.

At the last moment, the black wizard sent Heinricion to another place.

‘Heinricion will be safe. The real purpose of the attack must have been to separate us.’

So, instead of worrying about Heinricion, the priority was to deal with the black wizard in front of her.

“It was you.”

Eristella recognized the black wizard’s face.

“I didn’t know you would remember me, a humble person. It’s an honor, Your Highness the Princess.”

He, the black wizard, greeted Eristella politely. No, it’s ‘she’, not ‘he’.

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‘I thought she would be outstanding.’

She was the closest to the emperor. The maid who brings washing water every day and night.

That’s the identity of the black wizard who approached the emperor.

Obviously around, but no one would be wary of.

This was the reason why she could move stealthily like a shadow.

“You managed to figure it out.”

“Because it’s my memory.”

It was disgusting that she dared to use her memories. It could be considered a defeat, and this made Eristella feel very uncomfortable and ashamed.

If it was the usual Eristella, it was a trick that would never have been caught.

And what she didn’t like the most was the fact that she hadn’t known about such a dangerous being by the emperor’s side.

“Did you think I wouldn’t figure out that you were watching us?”

“Actually… Yes. I didn’t think you’d know.”

The black wizard pretended to be flustered, but quickly changed and showed off a teasing smile. 

Even though her identity was discovered, she wasn’t nervous at all.

“To be frank, it exceeded my expectations.”


“I can see why he said we should be careful of Your Highness.”

The black wizard continued to subtly provoke Eristella. She enjoyed watching the princess’ face harden.

“Your Highness doesn’t seem to be feeling well right now. Are you okay?”

Noticing Eristella’s condition, the black wizard continued to provoke her.

For a long time, Eristella couldn’t overdo it because she was holding out with less than half of her original magical power.

Moreover, since she tried her best to awaken from the hypnosis, the opponent might have calculated that she would be able to deal with the current Eristella. 

It was then.


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A faint voice rang out.

Eristella’s face was cold enough to make the black wizard wonder if she was able to make such an expression.

“You’re not scared, are you?”

For Eristella, the black wizard in front of her just looked arrogant and stupid.

Warnings were not Eristella’s cup of tea.

‘In this case, I just have to show it.’

Instantly, Eristella exploded her powers and targeted her opponent with precision.

It seemed like the black wizard was blocking it, but having expected it, Eristella struck again.

The black wizard was pushed back by an attack of pure magical power that did not work with grappling techniques.

Ultimately, the black wizard, unable to overcome Eristella’s magical power that seemed to weigh down her entire body, collapsed to the floor. She struggled to overcome the pressure somehow, but as time went on, it only got stronger.

“…Ugh, keuk!”

Eristella coldly snarled at the black wizard who was bleeding and barely supporting her body.

“You’re mistaken. Do you think I won’t be able to deal with the likes of you just because I can’t use half of my original strength?”

An arrogantly grounded confidence. And now, the power she exploded was proving that.

“Who do you think I am?”

With every word uttered, the power exerted on the black wizard doubled.

As if to show off the overwhelming difference, Eristella boldly unleashed her own magical power.

“It’s me. Princess Eristella, the sword and shield of the empire.”

No matter how weak Eristella was now, the black wizard’s powers were far short of the vast power she possessed.

To think she thought that she could deal with Eristella just because her original strength was exhausted… It was a foolish idea, even if she didn’t really know her.

“He told you to be careful…”

Eristella mustered the rest of her strength. She was determined to end it now.

“This is what it means.”

—The moment you get caught by her, your life cannot be guaranteed, so be careful. If you don’t know what that warning means, all that’s left is… This is all.

“How dare you touch my family? You must have been prepared.”

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Letting the black wizard live was never Eristella’s intention.

“Keuk! Urgh. Uhhh. Keurgh…”

Struggling in pain, the black wizard crawled on the floor. The pain was enough to make her drive her fingernails against the ground, but her eyes were the same as before she was attacked.

“Ugh… Heh… hehehehe…”

Rather, she smiled provocatively at Eristella. It didn’t look like she was at death’s door.

“I decided to give my life to my master anyway. Even if I die now, I have no regrets.”

Even as the black wizard vomited blood, she was laughing.

A cracked and hoarse voice. However, it was clearly extended only with that will.

“K-Killing me doesn’t change anything. In the end, our plan will be completed…”


“I-It’s just a pity that I couldn’t see t-that moment in person.”

The expressionless face’s breath stopped.

Her red, bloodshot eyes remained open as if she would not yield in the slightest.


The sight was so grotesque that it gave Eristella goosebumps.

But it wasn’t time for her to be stunned. There was something that must be done immediately.

“I have to go to where the emperor is.”

Eristella turned and ran.

“Your Majesty!”

Killing the black magician wasn’t the end.

His life would be in greater danger if his body was completely ruined by the spell that was suddenly lifted.

Additionally, all this while, the emperor resisted with all his might to avoid being completely dominated by black magic.

In the process, a tremendous strain would have surely been placed on his body and mind.

Therefore, it was necessary to check the emperor’s condition as soon as possible. It wasn’t over until then.


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When Eristella arrived, the emperor was on the verge of collapse.

The eyelids that half-covered his blurry gaze blinked several times.

But she wasn’t sure if she saw it right, as almost immediately, the emperor’s eyelids fell down.

Fortunately, Heinricion was already by the emperor’s side.

So, perhaps, he would be fine. She had this belief that had no basis whatsoever.

“Heinricion, how is His Majesty?”

“His Majesty’s ego was almost eroded. Fortunately, His Majesty was still holding out, and the black magic didn’t permeate completely.”

Actually, when Heinricion first arrived, he thought it was already too late. The emperor was in such a dangerous state.

However, thanks to Eristella defeating the black wizard who had been brainwashing the emperor, Heinricion was somehow able to save him.

“I blocked it, but His Majesty lost consciousness.”

When Heinricion appeared unexpectedly, the observing black wizards left their positions. He wanted to pursue them, but at this moment, the emperor’s condition was more important.

At first glance, his condition looked bad. It was when Eristella’s face started to distort.

“He’s a strong-willed person, so he’ll definitely be able to overcome it.”

“…It should be. It has to be.”

If something was wrong with the emperor, she would seek revenge on them at all costs. Eristella vowed so.

At this very second, Eristella’s body suddenly lit up. In the place where the light disappeared, only a little fox remained.

Despite the serious situation, she was frustrated at her own plight of being forced to be a fox; she shook her head, trying her best to stay calm.

“For now, let’s go back with His Majesty.”

Heinricion put the fox in his arms and carried the emperor on his back.

“Do you know where to go?”

Heinricion asked the fox, who knew the layout of the Imperial Palace better than anyone else.

[If you go over there, there is a door disguised as a wall. The emperor’s inner room can be accessed through there, so let’s sneak in quickly.]

Traces of black magic remained on the emperor’s body. Dark red spots were everywhere, and his fingernails were stained black.

These traces that had been suppressed while being dominated until now were revealed all over the body as soon as the brainwashing was released.

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