Episode 85: The Distance Between (VI)

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From one to ten, Sonia’s words were all correct.

Hence, Eristella couldn’t ignore Sonia’s words or get them out of her mind.

It made her head even more muddled.

Then Sonia gave another piece of advice.

“How about imagining it?”


‘That’s easy to say.’

It wasn’t that Eristella hadn’t tried.

What kind of future does she want to draw with Heinricion? Several times, she tried to use her imagination.

But each time, the results were disastrous.

Especially, the future of actually marrying Heinricion…

‘Ugh. I’m really going crazy!’

While Eristella struggled with her imaginary pain, Heinricion watched her silently.

‘She’s very quiet today, like she’s lost in many thoughts.’

Even as he stared at her, she suddenly lowered her head and slapped herself. Then she repeatedly let out a long sigh, as though hoping for the ground to go out.

Their eyes definitely just met, but she didn’t notice at all, immersed in her thoughts. Then, she jumped up, silvery-white hair fluttering like dandelion spores.

‘And now she’s waving her hands like she’s swimming?’

Everything… Everything was bizarre and suspicious.

Heinricion wondered when Eristella would notice that he was watching her, but eventually he opened his mouth first.


Eristella winced the instant she made eye contact with him.


As if she hadn’t looked at him before, she slowly turned her head and stared elsewhere, but this only deepened Heinricion’s suspicion.

“Something is off.”

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The moment Eristella heard Heinricion’s deep voice, she realized.

‘What a mistake.’

Due to being engrossed in her own musings, she unconsciously stared at him too intently.

It was but of course that Heinricion would find it strange!

Right when Eristella was shifting her pupils back and forth.

The corners of Heinricion’s mouth went up as she persisted in looking elsewhere– currently, right out the window.

Heinricion approached, but Eristella retreated, one step back at a time.

And at that very second, as strong sunlight came through the window, Eristella’s body became smaller and smaller.

Having turned into a little fox, Eristella escaped the oncoming Heinricion, swiftly running to the other side of the room.

“Where are you going?”

Heinricion chased after Eristella, but she stretched out her limbs and ran more vigorously.

If she ran away instead of answering, Heinricion would find it more dubious, but this was the best unless there was a proper answer.

Like this, she could run until she meets one of the employees. If she was hugged by someone else, Heinricion wouldn’t be able to interrogate her.

‘Turning into a fox helps at times like this.’

In the end, Heinricion, who couldn’t catch the fox, wasn’t able to find out anything.

“You were staring at me with a very funny face.”

Heinricion muttered as he glared at the back of the fox’s head.

“What are you up to this time? I’m curious, but…”

He didn’t bother to pursue Eristella.

‘I’ll figure it out eventually.’

Heinricion leisurely turned.


Heinricion’s prediction came true.

The figure moving stealthily from outside the door of the office was proof.

As soon as Eristella heard the news that a letter had come from the Imperial Palace, she went to the office first.

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She cautiously approached on her tiptoes, moving stealthily.

At the same time, unbeknownst to Eristella, Heinricion laughed inwardly because the way she poked her head out was ridiculous.

Eristella glanced at Heinricion, wary of being caught, but endeavored to read what was written in the correspondence.

It wasn’t fun to catch a fox by simply stretching out his hand right away. Heinricion didn’t really want to do so.

Anyway, the letter that came this time wouldn’t be much different from the past.

“Did you send private information this time?”

Heinricion murmured as he poked the letter with his finger, wondering if he should open it or not.

The emperor’s letters arrived steadily day after day without rest.

In addition, Eristella couldn’t help but smile widely whenever she saw a letter, even twisting her whole body in delight. She read and re-read the letter several times until the edges of the paper were worn out.

Watching that scene from the sidelines, Heinricion was quite fed up, and to be honest, he was on the verge of becoming grumpy.

Rowen, who did not know the contents of the letter, shook his head at his master’s murmurs to himself.

“Probably not? This time, it’s stamped with the imperial seal.”

That meant it was official business.


Heinricion then tilted the letter to the side so that Eristella could have a better view.

Eristella hurried over and concentrated on its contents.

It was not a personal message to Eristella. Rather, it contained information about the Marquisate of Lateran.

The chaotic atmosphere calmed down and the disposition of Marquis Brandon Lateran was also issued.

Marquis Brandon Lateran was kept alive and imprisoned. There was a lot of information to dig out from him.

“The rest of the members of the Marquisate of Lateran packed everything they could and left.”

Pretending to speak to his aide, Heinricion told Eristella.

Since only the marquis joined hands with black magic, the other family members were able to leave quietly.

However, the noble status of Marquisate of Lateran was forfeited and all its lands were confiscated.

“Everybody left, only Greta Lateran remains.”

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When the marquis lost everything he had ever enjoyed, his family abandoned him and fled in search of a way to live.

Only Greta Lateran, who could not be tied to them as family, was left in the empty mansion.
(TL/N: remember? The current marchioness was the marquis’ mistress.)

The empty mansion, a place no one went to and even actively avoided.

“His Majesty wants to hear your thoughts about Lady Greta’s treatment.”

Greta was the princess’ lady-in-waiting, and their relations were varied.

The decision on the marquisate was already set in stone, but as far as Greta Lateran was concerned, Eristella was given a choice.

“What do you want to do?”

Eristella contemplated.

‘Hmm. Shall I visit her?’

The last time she saw her, she was in a frantic state.

‘I’m not going to let you off the hook. But there are things that are bothering me.’


After midnight, Heinricion and Eristella secretly visited the residence of Lateran.

The mansion was desolate.

The empty marquisate was guarded by Lady Greta alone, without any employees.

It was in ruins.

Without anyone restraining them, they were able to find Greta wandering about the empty mansion.

What was she doing here?

Greta, who was busy moving alone, stopped when she found Heinricion and Eristella.

“I feel like I haven’t finished it with you yet.”

There was no sign of mischief.

The graceful and majestic Princess Eristella was dealing with a sinner, her own lady-in-waiting.

“I thought you would come. Sit over here.”

There was no surprise on the face of Greta as she greeted the two.

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Eristella sat down on the table and swiped it with her fingers. The blackness of her fingers revealed the state of the neglected mansion.

“There is only water, but even that is not in good condition. I have nothing to offer you.”

No longer feeling the need for ceremonies or formalities, Greta sat across Eristella.

“If Your Highness is bothered by what I said in my questioning, don’t worry.”

In fact, Greta’s words were also an important issue.

Eristella has revealed her true identity to some, but not yet to all.

“I won’t reveal anything about you. I won’t even be in the capital anymore anyway.”

“I will not forgive you even though you helped me with this.”

“I spent several years as Your Highness’s lady-in-waiting. I know that much.”

‘Why did you cross the line so far when you know me so well?’

If Greta hadn’t crossed the line, she might have had other options.

Perhaps reading Eristella’s gaze, Greta spoke with a self-deprecating face.

“I hated Sonia. Even in the midst of her messy family situation, she seemed strong and confident.”

It made Greta constantly compare herself to Sonia. Objectively, Sonia had nothing better than her, but when Greta scrutinized herself, she seemed to keep getting shabbier. 

She didn’t want to accept that fact.

Stubbornly, Greta’s words continued, furrowing her brows.

“Moreover, Your Highness, you treated Sonia favorably.”

Sonia easily got what Greta couldn’t have no matter how hard she tried. She didn’t want to admit it, but it was definitely jealousy.

“So when Your Highness disappeared, I thought it was an opportunity.”

Jealousy and joy were her true feelings.

“A lot of things have actually changed.”

The words flowed out of Greta’s lips, which were pulled into an empty smile, as if it was all meaningless when looking back now.

“This is my personal revenge and atonement for what I had done.”

It was her own expression of apology. Eristella’s face darkened as she heard Greta’s words.

Ame: It started with some cutesy scene, and ends in seriousness >_> sounds just about right, like how this entire novel played out pfft–

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