Episode 90: The Distance Between (XI)

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The attendees of the banquet constantly gathered around Heinricion.

Heinricion occasionally made a friendly smile.

‘I guess it’s sincere.’

Eristella quietly descended from Heinricion’s shoulder.

At this rate, it was obvious that until the banquet was over, she would only see young ladies and members of their family try to attract Heinricion.

‘I don’t really want to see it.’

As the fox trudged along while looking at the floor, it felt a gaze from somewhere.

It slowly raised its fluffy head to check who it was.


It was Viscount Diaclen. Eristella had seen him at the last donation meeting. Recently, he was the topic of Heinricion and Rowen’s conversation because of his remarkable business performance.

Viscount Diaclen was staring intently at the fox.

The stare was so strong that it made the fox’s fur stand on end. It was a gaze that made one wonder what he was thinking. 

A sticky, sullen gaze.

Somehow, the back of the fox’s neck felt cold.

‘What. Why are you looking at me like this?’ It was when Eristella pulled her head back at the burdensome gaze.

“Are you that famous fox?”

Expressing curiosity toward the little animal, Viscount Diaclen bent one knee and met its gaze. The corners of his eyes were weirdly eerie.

“You look cute.”

Then he gently stroked the fox’s head.


There were many people who showed interest in the fox today. However, their purpose was to gain favor with Heinricion.

‘Is Viscount Diaclen doing this for the same reason?’

Eristella pondered for a while, but since she also had doubts about Viscount Diaclen, she followed his tune.

Ever since the incident where she was hypnotized, there was a figure that had stuck in her mind. 

A boy named Emmett.

Somehow, somewhere… the face of that boy and the person in front of her now sort of overlapped. She wondered if that little boy would grow up to have a face like this.

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It was then.

“You have really pretty golden eyes.”

With a grin, Viscount Diaclen peered into Eristella’s eyes.

“You have pretty eyes.”

Ung— This incited goosebumps.

The moment Eristella’s eyes met Viscount Diaclen’s, she seemed to know who he was.

The black magician who she fought against in the Prouthu area.

His current appearance from then, but it was certain.

Sharp, golden eyes were directed at Viscount Diaclen.

Clearly, he didn’t have black eyes. He didn’t have black eyes that resembled a boy named Emmet whom she had met as a child.

But at the very least, the shape of those eyes were the same as the black wizard Declen.

‘Who are you…’

Suspicions of his identity only grew.

However, Eristella was convinced that he was not an ordinary viscount. There must be relations to either Emmet or the black wizard. 

It was when the fox stared blankly at Viscount Diaclen. He was doing something similar. Then he muttered meaningfully.

“Once you see it, you will never forget it.”

His gaze on her seemed to dig into her insides.

The moment was terrifying.

‘I hope you didn’t figure out my true identity. It couldn’t be.’

Still, there was a feeling of foreboding.

Viscount Diaclen stretched out his arm, as if intending to pick up the fox.

At that moment, she instinctively felt that she had to keep her distance from Viscount Diaclen, and was about to step backwards little by little.

“Here you are.”

A reassuring voice was heard.

Before anyone knew it, Heinricion was holding Eristella in his arms.

“Anyway, you really can’t stay still.”

Heinricion scolded the fox and exchanged eye contact with Viscount Diaclen. And then, briskly, he turned around.

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As midnight approached, Eristella quietly left the banquet hall.

To be honest, this banquet had another purpose. 

After the emperor shook off all his attendants, he met up with Eristella.

“This is the picture I was talking about last time.”

He pointed to the picture.

“One of the people in the picture is His Majesty the First Emperor. But I don’t know who the person next to him is.”

After the empire was founded, numerous murals and portraits were left behind to record those who contributed to its founding.

It could be said that data of that time was overflowing. However, after skimming through all the materials, there was nothing similar to him.

“I’m just guessing that maybe this person has something to do with black magic.”

“If this person really has even a little to do with black magic…”

Neither Eristella nor the emperor finished the sentence.

If that person was a black wizard, the portrait painted with the emperor signified that the two had some kind of relationship.

It was something that should not be taken lightly.

“Actually, the number of wizards has been clearly declining little by little since our predecessors.”

That’s why, as a princess, Eristella personally met children with magical talents.

“The reality is that there are only a few wizards with the ability to protect the empire right now. At least your presence offset that sense of crisis.”

The reason people didn’t notice the decrease in the number of wizards until now was also because of the existence of the powerful wizard Eristella.

While the emperor thought it was fortunate, he also always had a sorry heart.

“Come to think of it, I made you carry too much weight from a young age.”

“It wasn’t that much.”

Eristella shrugged her shoulders, brushing it off lightly. Never once did she consider it a heavy responsibility nor find it a heavy burden. 

Rather, she was willing. To be able to do something for the empire she loves.

It was a feeling that the emperor and Eristella did not say, but at the same time shared it.

Eristella wanted to talk more with the Emperor, though the threads of daylight by the window suggested it would be difficult.

“Are you going already?”

“Yes. I have to go back before morning.”

“Right. Lala, will you come to see your brother again soon?”

A bright smile appeared on Eristella’s face at the emperor’s words of longing.

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“Of course. I’ll definitely come again!”

Eristella hugged the emperor goodbye.

Even though some time had already passed, she was still thrilled that she had regained friendship with her brother.


When Eristella was young, she wandered every inch of the palace.

That’s why it was easier for her to move alone and not be seen by others.

As she was about to pick a deserted route and head to the place where Adelasia’s carriage was ready, she felt some presence along with a lovely, chattering voice.

She decided to hide herself for the time being and see who the people were.


The people approaching were none other than Heinricion and Brianna.

The two of them were heading somewhere while having a friendly conversation.

‘Why did the two of them come all the way here?’

Although unable to take her eyes off the two of them, Eristella moved in the opposite direction like she was pretending to not notice.

But before she had barely taken ten steps, she turned back around.

Then, as if she had made up her mind about something, she started chasing the two of them.

Without much difficulty, she was able to find Heinricion and Brianna.

‘What am I doing right now?’

Even while chasing after them, a sense of shame rose up several times, but she couldn’t stop as she had already followed them this far.

Of course, this was something she had to keep a secret from Sonia, and definitely, Charlotte as well.

She couldn’t stay still, chasing after Heinricion.

‘Is he really interested in Brianna?’ Eristella’s eyes narrowed.

Not long after, Heinricion and Brianna stopped walking.

‘Hmm, it’s a nice place.’

‘What are the two of you talking about and what are they trying to do?’

Eristella was curious, she could hardly hold back.

Has she ever been this impatient? Eristella tried to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two who were a distance away, hardly reflecting on her own actions.

—The world’s greatest Eristella René Leonardo, chasing after someone like a stalker.

If she got caught, she wouldn’t never be able to lift her head.

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It was when Eristella’s emotions fluctuate back and forth due to confusion and embarrassment.

Heinricion abruptly stopped conversing, and turned his head in the direction of her hiding place.

‘I was so agitated that I couldn’t control my magic.’

Dread rose from Eristella’s stomach as she tried to hide her body and presence as much as possible. 

But Heinricion scanned around as if he had already noticed something.

Then, for a moment, he gazed right where she was.

It was clear that his green eyes were precisely focused.

‘Shit. Heinricion noticed… right?’

There was nothing more to think about. At the very least, Heinricion had noticed someone looking at him, and it was clear that he took a step further and guessed that it was Eristella.

At a moment like this, Eristella had only one choice.

‘It’s time to run.’

‘What can he do if he catches me only after I left the scene? He will have no choice if I insist.’

She will never admit that she had chased and spied on them.

And so… Eristella ran with all her might.

It was only after she had run far enough that she would not be caught by Heinricion that she barely looked back.


Fortunately, Heinricion didn’t seem to be pursuing her.

‘I should quickly go back to the carriage and pretend nothing happened.’

Looking behind her, Eristella barely managed to catch her breath and hurriedly headed for the carriage.

This time, a new and unexpected difficulty appeared in front of her instead of behind her.

‘Why is that guy there?’

Eristella could see Viscount Diaclen walking over leisurely.

—The Grand Duke’s Fox Princess, END of Volume 1—

Is this the volume ending what you expected? The team will go on a 1-week break, then it’s full speed ahead for volume 2! Which is a very small 33 episodes

Ame: It felt like it hasn’t been long since I was tempted by the cover and placed my itchy fingers on the documents. It’s already the end of volume 1!?! (。•́︿•̀。) WHERE’S DA ROMANCE? Where’s the KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE? STop teasing us, author! I won’t mind if you make Eri snap Declen or whatever out of existence and yay, the world is saved and cute+sexy times at the grand ducal residence o(≧▽≦)o

Here’s to more fluff, more foxy shenanigans, and romance!!! + Will the emperor ever get a name? Place your bets!

AP: Hope you guys are fulfilled with cute and sassy fox, and an ML shaking his head at the side. Pray for Ame guys, her brain is grinding trying to tl this. Mine has already imploded. K, bai xx

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