Episode 97: Wherever the Attention Blows (VII)

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Shortly after returning, Eristella tried to tell Heinricion the strangeness she had just felt from Viscount Diaclen.

[Heinricion. It seems that Viscount Diaclen is careful with what he says in front of me.]

What that meant was huge.

Until now, people’s attitude toward the fox had been consistent. They gave it a brief glance and showed interest, but they weren’t cautious or vigilant.

If a person was careful of what he says in front of a fox. It suggested he regarded his words as something that could be understood.

Perhaps, beyond that… there was a possibility that he had noticed her identity.

‘No way. Could it be?’

Though she thought she hadn’t been caught, her instincts were warning her to be careful.

[Just now, Viscount Diaclen looked at me…]

It was when she was trying to explain the discomfort she felt earlier to Heinricion.


Heinricion’s body shook as he rose from his seat.


Eristella reflexively tried to provide support, but the fox’s tiny body made it impossible.

Heinricion’s condition seemed to have deteriorated rapidly.

Right. It was an illness that made even Eristella lie down. Heinricion couldn’t have withstood it. 

He was just forcefully holding on.

‘Are you okay? Let’s not stay like this, let’s go to your room.’

Eristella urged as she anxiously tugged Heinricion’s collar.

But Heinricion simply held his forehead for a moment, catching his breath; then he raised his head with a calm expression.


At that call, Rowen, who had been waiting outside, entered.

“Yes. Your Excellency.”

Heinricion maintained a very nonchalant face, so Rowen didn’t notice his condition at all.

Even though his body was as hot as a ball of fire. The heat could be felt even at the soles of his feet.

Truly, he managed his expression well. He did not show any signs of pain.

He must be so skillful because he has done it countless times.

Eristella thought she could see how much he had endured by himself while pretending to be okay.

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It was clear that Heinricion would rest only after he finished what he had to do.

Eristella gave up taking Heinricion to his bedchamber right away.

Instead, she climbed onto his shoulder and brought her body close to his face. She couldn’t support his body, but she could at least support his head like this. 

‘Is this the only thing I can do for you right now?’

Eristella knew very well that he was stubborn enough to not listen to anyone, even if he was sick. She decided to watch for now.

“Certainly, Viscount Diaclen has a suspicious side.”

The two of them had a discussion before Heinricion met with the viscount today.

“Did you find out something about him?”

“I checked to see if the viscount’s documents were forged, but there was no possibility of manipulation. He is the eldest son of the viscounty, and succeeded the title three years ago.”

This was what Eristella had instructed Heinricion to find out when she started having doubts about Viscount Diaclen.

It was a family that did not even have a presence in the capital until it received attention. So, if he put his mind to it, there was a good chance that he could have faked his identity.

That’s why they looked it up.

“I personally met and confirmed the names and appearances of people who had seen him when he was young, and there was nothing amiss.”

At least, it seemed that he was the real Viscount Diaclen.

“Additionally, I’m investigating his work in the past 10 years.”

“Let’s look into other family members too.”

In many cases, the family was the biggest whistleblower.

If there was something suspicious about Viscount Diaclen, they would be the ones who know better than anyone else.

It was also suspicious that only the viscount advanced to the capital and the rest of the family stayed in the manor.

After discussing a few more points, Heinricion stood up.


Heinricion, after barely finishing his work, slumped into the bed as soon as he entered the room.

[Why did you do that?]

Eristella scolded.

She could have just slept. He suffered because he took her illness for no reason.

As much as she was sorry, harsh words flowed out again.

“Were you…?”

At that second, Heinricion’s eyes narrowed as he sensed something strange.


Eristella’s eyes turned to the distant air.

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“Were you awake then?”


Oh right. She had pretended she didn’t know. It slipped her mind because she was worried about his condition.

‘Even though he isn’t feeling well, he’s very sharp.’

Eristella was somewhat nervous. But she tilted her head as naturally as possible and responded.

[I don’t know. I opened my eyes as my body suddenly felt lighter. I just felt better when I woke up?]

This was not consideration for Heinricion.

She was too embarrassed to reveal that she was actually awake at that moment.


Heinricion stared at her suspiciously, but Eristella was steadfast and insisted.

[Yes. And why are you sick?]

“I guess I got it from you.”

‘It’s more like you deliberately took my cold.’

[Still, today’s schedule is over, so you can rest well.]

Until the end, Eristella pretended not to know anything.

“Yes. Thanks to someone, there is time.”

Heinricion deliberately poked and bruised Eristella.

That it was all done for her.


Eristella couldn’t believe that Heinricion had been pretending nothing happened until just a moment ago.

[Wake up. Are you okay? I think it would be better to call a doctor right away.]

His condition seemed to be worse than expected.

Eristella stayed still because she couldn’t reveal herself even if she was sick, but it was different for Heinricion.

She felt it would be better to call a doctor and a servant than for her to take care of him.

It was when Eristella tried to get Sonia to call someone.

Heinricion caught her by the tail. Eristella turned around at the pull.

“Are you passing it on now?”

Even as he was suffering from a high fever, Heinricion pricked Eristella’s conscience.

[No! For you right now… I’ll do it. Then you’ll believe me, right?]

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Eristella was a princess with a living conscience.

At the very least, she didn’t want to upset Heinricion, who was sick because of her.

But she couldn’t bring water or medicine with the body of a fox.

Thus, she looked for Sonia.

Sonia was startled to find a lively fox suddenly running up to her, and went to the bedroom with it in her arms.

She then found Heinricion, gasping for breath as if in pain.

“What’s going on? Your Highness, are you all right now?”

[Yes. I’m perfectly fine.]

Anyone could tell in a single glance that Eristella was full of energy. To the point it was hard to believe she had struggled a little while ago.

Sonia’s gaze slowly moved from Eristella to Heinricion.

“But this time, His Excellency the Grand Duke is sick?”

Eristella nodded her head.

“Your Highness suddenly got better… His Excellency suddenly fell ill… Aha.”

Sonia, who was confused at first, muttered to herself and suddenly smiled.

“I understand. Is Your Highness taking care of him?”

[Huh? …Yes. I am.]

“Then I will wait outside. Call me if you need anything.”

Sonia spoke as if it was natural, then she smiled meaningfully and withdrew.

‘What? Why do I feel like I need to explain?’

For a period of time, Eristella immersed herself in worries about the unknown awkwardness.

But at the sound of Heinricion’s weak groans, she hurriedly headed to bed.

She wiped away his cold sweat and helped him drink water comfortably. When he fell asleep, she did not leave his side. She simply watched.
(TL/N: it wasn’t mentioned, but eri turned into her human form.)

‘Last night, I must have looked like this. Most likely.’

Somehow, Heinricion’s condition was better than Eristella’s, and as time passed, his breathing became more stable and his fever dropped.

Of course, it could also be thanks to Eristella’s care with utmost sincerity.

‘Being a caretaker is hard work.’

Exhausted, Eristella slumped back into the chair.

After she nursed Heinricion through the night, she wondered whether he did what he did so he didn’t have to take care of her.

‘There is a good possibility.’

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Eristella’s eyes narrowed.

‘Oh well. What can I do about that? It’s still true that you’re sick because of me.’

Again, Eristella wiped away Heinricion’s cold sweat. Her mouth was grumbling, but her movements were sincere.


‘I think I fell asleep.’

When Heinricion opened his eyes, he felt that his body had become much lighter. He looked around.

The disgruntled voice that had been muttering next to him all night sounded like a lullaby, but now, Eristella was nowhere to be seen.

‘Where did you go?’

As he raised his body slightly, he heard a rustle in his side.


He lifted the covers and saw the figure of a sleeping fox, curled up next to him.

While looking down at the fox which had fallen asleep with an expression of great fatigue, Heinricion carefully raised his body.

However, the fox’s eyes twitched as if it would wake up at the slightest shaking of the bed. Thus Heinricion decided to lay back down again. 

‘Let’s sleep a little longer.’


The fox was staring at Heinricion, who had become healthy in just one night, with a complex and delicate gaze.

‘If I had just one day, I’d be better too.’

Due to her strange pride, Eristella never wanted to admit that she was weaker than Heinricion.

Then in the afternoon, Heinricion suddenly suggested.

“Let’s try to build up your physical strength.”


Her little body shuddered when he said those words in a tone that was as if he knew exactly what she had been thinking. Either way, he brought out a set of exercise equipment for foxes.

“If you do this three times a day consistently, you will be strong. Work hard.”

With a fed-up expression, Eristella shook her head.

‘It should be fine if I just mess around a little.’ 

Without hesitation, she took her eyes away from the equipment.

Though… she seemed to be able to hear Heinricion laughing.

‘I’ll pretend to not know.’

Although stiff, Eristella raised her head up without flinching an inch.

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