"At the moment, all the yamen people dare not move. They have sent someone to the estate to check with Lord Marquis."

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Steward Liu was bewildered.

Did the other party just make use of Marquis Xuanping’s name for their extortion scam? Which scholar was so bold? He actually cursed Marquis Xuanping to be buried underground?

Wasn't he afraid that Marquis Xuanping would kill his entire family?

The last person who dared to swindle others under the name of Marquis Xuanping had now two-meter tall grasses growing in his grave!

Marquis Xuanping scoffed and smiled, "Interesting, interesting. Chang Jing!"

A black-clad guard urged his horse over, "Lord Marquis!"

Marquis Xuanping: "Go and save people."

Steward Liu wondered, "Lord Marquis, who are you going to save?"

Marquis Xuanping couldn't help laughing. He responded, "Isn't this Marquis buried under the ruins? Why shouldn’t we save this Marquis?"

Chang Jing replied seriously, "Understood!"

Marquis Xuanping: "By the way, see who that kid is."

Chang Jing rode to the direction of the music house along with three other guards.

Steward Liu didn't quite understand his own Marquis's approach. He asked, "Is Lord Marquis worried that the Crown Princess may not last long so you have them rescue people without delay?"

Chang Jiing was the most skilled guard with the highest martial arts under Marquis Xuanping. Since Marquis Xuanping sent him to deal with the matter, naturally he didn't mean to save only one person. Marquis Xuanping wanted Chang Jiing to save all the people, including the scholar who used his name to cheat others.

Steward Liu said, "Lord Marquis, isn’t that person simply too bold to claim that you’re the one crushed under the ruins? Aiyo, isn’t this cursing Lord Marquis to die?"

Marquis Xuanping sneered, "Is this Marquis a person who would die after being cursed? Among those old men in the court, eleven out of ten are eager to see this Marquis die."

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Steward Liu: "Ah... It's not that exaggerated."

Just seven, eight, or maybe nine!

The main reason for that was that Marquis Xuanping was too arrogant in court and never curbed his edges, relying on the fact that he had the respect of His Majesty.

One time, when he paid bribes openly and the booklet reached His Majesty’s hand, His Majesty only gave him a few words of reprimand.

After all, Marquis Xuanping was a great hero of the State of Zhao. He won the war against the State of Chen a few years ago and reversed the hostage situation between the State of Zhao and the State of Chen, reducing the State of Chen to a prisoner at once.

At present, a hostage prince from the State of Chen was still living in the imperial palace.

How harshly they treated An Junwang at the beginning, they now returned it twice as much to their hostage prince.

"But while they want this Marquis to die, they can only pretend to be grandchildren in front of this Marquis." Marquis Xuanping looked at the endless stream of people outside and continued, "Nowadays, there aren’t many people who dare to openly offend this Marquis. This Marquis felt so lonely ah…"

Steward Liu:“…”

"But if the news of your meeting with the Crown Princess gets out..." This was what Steward Liu was most worried about.

Marquis Xuanping said arrogantly, "Caution is a choice, not a necessity."

Chang Jing arrived at the music house with the other guards.

The yamen runner guarding the entrance didn't know them, but he couldn't stop them at all either.

All of them didn't know what was going on. They only saw Chang Jing’s group of four laid out an iron chain that glittered coldly in the light and chained up both ends of the huge slab. Then, the four men rose to the air and lifted up the slab that weighed thousands of catties together!

The yamen officer almost popped his eyeballs out from shock.

Holy, where did these experts come from?

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Chang Jing’s group of four placed the giant slab in a safe open space, and then began to clear up the destruction.

It was easy for a second collapse to occur here, so Chang Jing and others were very careful in their actions.

On the other side, Xiao Liulang passed through many obstacles to reach Gu Jiao's side.

Gu Jiao's situation wasn’t good. The huge slab on the top was so heavy that it pressed the upper part of the two smaller slabs lower and lower, so that their bottom part squeezed Gu Jiao’s chest and back respectively, making it difficult for her to breathe.

Xiao Liulang listened to the familiar breathing sound, and his heart tightened, "JiaoJiao, is that you?"


That’s nice to hear.

Gu Jiao couldn't speak.

Xiao Liulang dared not move the slabs at will and simply felt her sleeve in the dark. He grabbed her hand and said, "Don't be afraid."


She wasn’t afraid.

Gu Jiao held his hand back.

She was lying under the slabs while he knelt down outside, holding her hand all the time.

It was nice to have someone hold her hand in the dark.

They had no idea how long they stayed like that until the huge slab above was finally removed and the harsh light hit down.

Xiao Liulang found the right position to pull away the slabs and free Gu Jiao from being squeezed by them.

Gu Jiao was finally able to breathe smoothly and gasped heavily.

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Watching her taking a big breath, Xiao Liulang's heart that was hanging in his throat finally fell back down.

Chang Jing’s group quickly cleared away the obstacles.

Xiao Liulang helped Gu Jiao up and intended to take her away, but she suddenly turned her head, looked at the crushed wall behind her, and said gaspingly, "Wait, there's still another person there."


Thanks to Chang Jing and others’ assistance, the injured were quickly rescued. A total of two women and two men were buried in the basement.

One of the men was the scholar who shouted "Marquis Xuanping is being crushed down here". As for the other rescued man, his whole body was covered with dirt by the ruins, so much so that he almost resembled a clay figure. Therefore, the yamen officer and yamen runners were not sure whether he was really Marquis Xuanping or not.

In a word, they were at a loss.

The yamen officer wanted to take their statements, as a result, all the parties had left and nowhere to be seen.

Those few formidable experts were gone too.

The yamen officer: "..."

What kind of day was this?


When Fei Shuang woke up, he was lying on a clean and soft bed. The light in the room was dim and there was a faint smell of medicine floating in the air.

He felt dizzy for a while, and when he made sure that he wasn’t dreaming, Fei Shuang's eyes flashed a trace of vigilance.

He hurried to touch the hidden weapons on his person, only to find that there wasn’t a single hidden weapon.

His whole body was absolutely empty; even his clothes had been cut.

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He moved, and a tearing pain in his left abdomen struck him at once, making him gasped.

Looking down, he saw that a bandage was wrapped around his stomach, and the wound had been applied with medicine. Apparently, the medicinal fragrance was coming from here.

He touched his face.

The mask was still there.


Just then, the door was pushed open.

He frowned warily and was on the alert.

Second Owner came in, looked at the bed and said with his eyebrows raised, "Oh, you’re awake? You woke up quickly. That's good, you can now drink the medicine. Little San, get the medicine!"

Some guy whose name was originally Little Liu but was forcibly changed into Little San by Gu Jiao went to get the medicine, stomping. [T/N: Liu is six, san is three, btw.]

The medicine was cooked early and kept warm on the stove.

"Second Owner, here!" Little San came into the room with a bowl of steaming medicine.

Second Owner pointed to the bedside table and said, "Just leave it there and you can go."

"Sigh!" Little San put down the medicine bowl on the table, went out wisely, and also closed the door on his way out.

Second Owner sat down on the stool across the bed, put one hand on the table, and looked at him leisurely, "What's the matter? Do I still have to feed it to you?"

Fei Shuang looked at the medicine on the table, but didn't immediately drink it.

Second Owner sighed, "Don't worry, it’s not poisoned. I won't smash my own signboard with such an act!"

Fei Shuang looked at him warily and asked, "Who are you? Where is this?"

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