Physician Song understood that Gu Jiao's requirements for medicinal materials were extremely stringent, so he said no more and just obediently picked out the bad medicinal herbs.

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There were not many patients today; only four came in the morning.

Near noon, Physician Song saw that Gu Jiao was still there and asked, "Young Miss Gu, why are you still here? Don't you have to go back home for lunch?"

There were people in charge of cooking in the medical hall, but Gu Jiao didn’t eat in the medical hall and instead usually went home to cook for the elderly woman.

But now there was a Granduncle who could cook.

Gu Jiao shook her head, "No, I'll eat in the medical hall today."

Physician Song smiled and said, "I see! Then I’ll tell the kitchen to cook more dishes!"

Gu Jiao gave him a sound of assent. It would indeed be nice for her first meal at work at the beginning of the year to be sumptuous.

Gu Jiao continued to bury her head in sorting out the medicinal herbs when suddenly a thin young man came in with a somewhat cautious expression, "Excuse me, is there a physician here?"

Gu Jiao lifted her eyes and saw a delicate and nice-looking young man. Only, he was too thin, sallow and malnourished.

"I am. This way."

She said, intending to bring the young man into the consulting room, but then she heard the other party say, "No, no. I just want to grab some medicine, I’m not here for an examination."

Gu Jiao: "If I don’t examine you, how could you know what medicine to take?"

The young man pulled out a crumpled piece of paper from his starched sleeve, "I have a prescription here."

Based on this young man’s bearing, he shouldn’t be a street bum, but his clothes were as shabby as those of the homeless.

Gu Jiao took the prescription and looked at it, then said to him, "This prescription is not suitable for your illness."

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"Ah?" The young man was momentarily stunned, "But, you don't know what's wrong with me, so how can you conclude that the prescription is not suitable for me?"

Gu Jiao returned the prescription to him, saying, "This piece of paper looks so old, it has been used for a long time now, hasn’t it? And yet your situation doesn’t look any good at all. If this prescription is effective, you wouldn't remain in this condition."

The man suddenly felt pain in his right upper abdomen again.

He covered the aching spot as his brows tightly knitted together.

Alas, beauty was justice indeed.

It was a pity for such a good-looking young man to die of illness at such a young age.

Gu Jiao held out her hand and said, "Give me your hand."

"Huh?" The man was in so much pain that he failed to come to his senses for a moment.

Gu Jiao simply grabbed his other hand and put her fingertips on his wrist.

The man suddenly changed expressions, showing agitation, "Men, men and women should keep a proper distance!"

He tried to pull his hand back, but found that he couldn't no matter how much force he exerted.

Were all little girls so strong these days?

Gu Jiao checked his pulse before stretching up his eyelids with her fingers.

The young man backed away in fear. Shopkeeper Wang put a stool behind him in time so that his knees folded and he fell on the stool.

He had never encountered a girl like this before.

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He was completely dumbfounded.

Gu Jiao calmly withdrew her hand, asking, "Does your mouth often feel dry and bitter? Do you feel anorexic and nauseous?"

The young man nodded his head.

Gu Jiao: "How long has it been hurting?"

The young man: "One or two months, I don't remember."

Gu Jiao: "Have you always been consuming this prescription?"

The man shook his head and said, "No, I’ve been taking another prescription beforehand, but my condition didn't get better, so I went to another medical hall afterwards."

Gu Jiao frowned, "Are there so many quacks in the capital?"

The young man was suffering from chronic cholecystitis, which was swelling and irritation of the gallbladder that continued over time. According to intervention studies, the effect of Traditional Chinese medicine against it was extremely good. Even Physician Song, who had just started his studies last year, could treat it successfully.

But this young man had already been in two medical halls but didn't get the right prescription for his disease.

The young man bowed his head and said nothing.

Gu Jiao wrote a prescription and handed it to the medicine boy to get the listed medicine.

"Young Miss Gu, here!" The medicine boy tied up the medicine bags with a straw rope and handed it to Gu Jiao..

Gu Jiao gave it to the young man and instructed, "Consume these twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Use a strong fire to boil it and let it simmer for two quarters of an hour. Consume it for five days first, then come back here in the morning of the sixth day."

Instead of reaching for it immediately, the young man asked, "How much is it?"

Gu Jiao: "One hundred wen."

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The young man looked surprised.

Gu Jiao looked at him, "Why? Is it expensive?"

The young man shook his head like a rattle drum then said somewhat in disbelief, "Are you, are you sure you’re not selling fake medicine?"

Gu Jiao:“…”

Twenty wen for a pair of medicine. This price was really hard to come by in the capital.

That was because this prescription itself didn’t need too expensive medicinal herbs. Of course, if it was a noble personage, who would surely demand for the best medicine, Gu Jiao could also bring out a medicine worth one or two taels of silver.

The young man paid the money and walked out with the medicine bags.

He was barely out of the door of the medical hall when he was hit by a man.

He fell to the ground, and the medicine bags were scattered all over the ground. He quickly reached out to pick them up, but a foot stepped on one of the medicine bags.

His thin figure was enveloped by the huge shadow of the other party.

His hand that was picking up the medicine bags froze.

The other party looked at him with a blade of grass in his mouth and both fists on his hips. He then said frivolously, "Yo? Isn't this Young Master Liu? Did you come out to buy medicine again? What's wrong with you this time? How about you tell your brothers about it and these few brothers of yours will help to treat you? The kind that doesn't cost money!"

Several lackeys behind the man burst out laughing.

The young man flushed with humiliation as his clenched fingers pressed on the ground, his knuckles faintly white.

The big fellow spread his legs apart and said to the young man, "Crawl under this grandpa's crotch, and this grandpa will buy you medicine!"

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Several lackeys of the man jeered fiercely.

The young man's eyes reveal endless humiliation and murderous gleam.

Just then, a small figure came out and kicked the big fellow away!

"Who are you?" One of the lackeys rushed over.

Gu Jiao didn’t want her hands to get dirty by touching him, so she grabbed the rod at the door and beat him away.

The rest of them weren't too much trouble to solve. In the blink of an eye, everyone was knocked down.

That big fellow had the best skill among them, but even he didn't have the strength to fight back at all. He could barely stand up on the ground as his legs were still shaking.

He glanced at Gu Jiao with fear and hatred, saying, "Where did you come from, you little bitch?"

With a swing of her hand, Gu Jiao struck the big fellow with the rod, causing him to lose four of his teeth!

The big fellow twisted in pain. He covered his bloody mouth and growled inarticulately, "Do you know who we are?"

Gu Jiao responded lightly, "I don't care who you people are. He is a patient of Miraculous Hands Hall. If you make trouble in front of Miraculous Hands Hall, expect to be beaten."

The big fellow smiled maliciously and said, "You don't even know who he is, do you? He is Liu Yisheng! All the physicians in the capital dare not treat him. If you dare to cure him, you definitely won't have a good ending!"

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