Chapter 002 - Perhaps he wanted to be prepared after listening to her divination (2)

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As the only son, He Shichen had always been resilient. He had been competitive since the day that he was born and was determined to become an outstanding heir of the He family. He had received the earth-shattering blow that he wasn’t even a child of the He family recently!

His parents were poor, shallow, and villainous. They had successfully swapped the baby back then and finally revealed the truth when they were sick. They wanted to scam money from the wealthy He’s when they could no longer afford their astronomical hospital bills.

He Shichen rejoiced in a gloomy way that his stupid father died in the hospital and wasn’t able to enjoy a penny nor did he become a smudge in his life. All of his pride from the past had been shattered. He had been raised as an elite and all of his schoolmates around him valued family background and status a lot. And him, on the other hand, was the son of a criminal.

He had not been able to sleep lately and was, occasionally, almost driven to the point of self-hate.

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Nevertheless, he could not let himself be defeated. The challenge would begin with the return of Chu Qianli. As much as Yu Shen had said that they were both important to her, but naturally their own child would be more important.

Perhaps she was filled with anger and the desire to revenge and couldn’t wait to take back everything. Or that, being raised in the remote area, has a coward personality and was incompetent and not able to adapt to the world of the rich.

One way or another, he must take advantage of what he could and take the winning stance.

As much as he was the dirty beneficiary, he was still the heir raised by the He family. He couldn’t get over just handing over everything that he had worked for his entire life just like that.

The servants in the house suddenly became frantic and rowdy. He Shichen knew that He Zhenghe was returning with the child. He put his old textbook aside, stood up, straightened up his sleeves in a reserved manner and got ready for his upcoming battle.

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Outside the yard, the chauffeur opened up the door for his two passengers respectfully and stood quietly to one side and waited for them they got of the car slowly. The middle-aged man was dressed in quality material and his aura extraordinary. The boy behind him, however, was plain and simple. They two of them were a stark contrast of each other.

After the dusty boy had gotten out of the car, the chauffeur was able to look him up and down in close distance. That was when he realized that she was a girl. Her hair was very short and she looked like a boy from a distance. Truth was, her features were delicate with red lips and white teeth. If one was to look carefully enough, they would not have confused her with a boy.

Noticing the look on his chauffeur, He Zhenghe turned, looked at Chu Qianli and had an idea. He said helplessly, “Qianli, are you sure you don’t want to go buy some clothes? It’s not too late for us to go now.”

He Zhenghe planned to do some shopping with his daughter on their way back and pick up some everyday items but he was turned down immediately.

Sure enough, Chu Qianli was still very determinant. Shaking her head, she said, “Today is not a good day to shop.”

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He Zhenghe, “Says who?”

Chu Qianli, “Says the stars.”

He Zhenghe, “?”

He Zhenghe didn’t follow the girl’s logic. He was curiously. “What else did the stars say?”

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Chu Qianli said slowly, “The stars also said that Dad will feel awful if he doesn’t spend some money. You can just transfer the money over to me. That way we will both be very happy.”

It wasn’t a good day for her to shop today but it seems she would have good luck on the wealth end. She just might be able to secure herself some money.

He Zhenghe chuckles. “Now I see what you are trying to do here.”

Chu Qianli cocked her head and asked, “Did the stars lie?”

He Zhenghe, “No, no, no. The stars did not lie. I’ll send it to you in a little while. You can go buy anything you like on your own.”

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