Chapter 040 - He Shichen only wished the world would implode right now. (2)

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The celebrity fangirl was just there during lunch and she was back again. It had barely been a few hours.

“Money is not really a concern here,” said the girl helplessly. “Mainly, I Have this friend……”

“Mainly you enjoy telling me stories?” Chu Qianli had an odd look on her. “This time is ‘A friend of mine’ series?”

Chu Qianli stared at her quietly. “Don’t show me any more celebrity photos. I won’t fall for it a second time.”

The city-dwellers were very complicated. She had learned her lesson and would not fall for it easily again.

Facing Chu Qianli’s numb look, the girl frantically shook her hand and laughed dryly, “I am serious this time. I really have a friend and I want to ask a question for her……”

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Chu Qianli shook her head, “We can’t do that.”


“The value of the divination in the form of a relay is very low. Perhaps I should say that many fortune tellers find it offensive.

“Your friend must b a very smart person and probably didn’t want to review their identity. But if the inquirer does not even trust me, then I don’t need to answer their questions either.” Chu Qianli let out a long sigh. “To be truthful with you, behaviors like that would get you a beating from other fortune tellers.”

They were just there to cause trouble. First, they asked a fake question. Then they wanted a divination by relay. All of these were behaviors that many fortune tellers frowned upon.

The fangirl was taken aback a little. “But you seemed to have very good temper. I don’t see that you want to beat me up?”

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Chu Qianli was explaining to her calmly. She was not jumping up and down in rage.

Chu Qianlis’s eyes were limpid. She grumbled aggrieved. “That’s because my attack is weak. I worry that I can’t take you.”


“What? You think I don’t want to? I just didn’t have the ability to!”


The fangirl lowered her head in embarrassment. She cleared her throat awkwardly and said, “……I’ll relay that back to her.”

Upon hearing that, Chu Qianli lifted up her curtain and sent the girl on her way with a smile. “Okay. Do come again. There will not be a refund for this time.”

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The fangirl went straight back to her class to relay the message.

After hearing about the incident, Qi Yan pondered a little and said, “As the grandmaster had invited me over, I shouldn’t be too rude either. Thank you so much for your help. I should have thought it through first.”

“But which part of her words did you read the invitation from?” The girl blinked blankly, then said, “Qi Yan, did you read too much I Ching? I felt that you have been talking in an ancient way.”

The fangirl recalled what Chu Qianli had said. Did Qi Yan interpret “Come again” as “Please come in person”?

Was that the interpretation skills of a valedictorian?

She was able to draw non-existing information from very limited words. Perhaps she had developed that ability from years of reading comprehension.

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Over on the other side, He Shichen was standing outside of the teacher’s lounge. He knocked on the door politely and only pushed the door open slowly and walked inside after he was instructed by the class teacher to do so.

Closing the door behind him, he asked, “You looking for me, Teacher?”

There were all sorts of problem sets piled up on the desk, a computer to one side, but the chair was empty.

No other teachers were there and their class teacher was the only one there. He quickly stood up when he saw He Shichen and started rubbing his hands together the way a fly would. He greeted He Shichen, “Oh, you are here. Nothing serious. Have a seat……”

The nervousness of the class teacher gave He Shichen a bad feeling right away.

As he was one of the best students of his grades, he had been praised a lot by the teachers. But he could sense that something was very wrong right now. This was very different than normal.

As baffled as He Shichen was, he forced himself to sit down anyway and waited quietly for the class teacher to delve into the topic.

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