Chapter 046 - “Big Brother, everyone knows that you must make your demands first before you pay up.” (1)

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The blood red sun left a lasting memory with Tan Muxing.

Under the brilliant layers of cloud, there were only a forlorn dark shadow by Chu Qianli’s feet, drawn out by the setting sun.

Walking through the school under the setting sun, Chu Qianli part ways with Tan Muxing.

After seeing Chu Qianli had gotten inside of the car, Tan Muxing looked up at the sky. Rubbing his eyes, he felt that the setting sun was too strong for the eyes and the starry sky offered a much better quiet kind of beauty.

Chu Qianli’s words from earlier were like dancing sparks. It burned one casually, yet leaving not a trace behind.

Chu Qianli waited inside the car.

He Shichen got inside the car with a long face not too long after. He sat down to one side quietly.

Studying He Shichen’s gloomy look for a little while, Chu Qianli suddenly pinched her fingers together and started waving her hand in the air aimlessly.

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Photo: Pinching one’s finger to perform a reading (Chu Qianli wasn’t really doing a reading right now. She was just messing with He Shichen).



Photo: Just to drive the point home. 

He Shichen was not in a good mood. Noticing her antics, he asked in displeasure, “Just what are you doing now?”

Chu Qianli messed around with him, “According to my reading, you have lost the fight.”

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It was obvious that He Shichen didn’t win over Qi Yan. He was radiating cold air since the second he had gotten inside of the car. He read of displeased from head to toe.

He Shichen, “……”

Chu Qianli stopped with her fingers and chuckled, “I’m just kidding. I didn’t even need to pinch my fingers to figure that one out.”

He Shichen, “…………”

He Shichen turned his head and looked out of the window. He needed to look at the scenes outside in order to calm himself down. He would otherwise be driven to illness by her.

What is the worse experience when one plays a video game?

It is definitely not when one is killed by one’s enemy but when one’s teammate frantically said “good job!!” after one is killed.

So much had happened to He Shichen on this Friday – from the talk with his teacher to losing his squabble with Qi Yan to being mocked by Chu Qianli in the car – that he was withdrawn since after dinner and completely forgotten to talk to his parents about a certain someone spreading feudal superstition on school ground.

Inside the living room and watching He Shichen retreated quietly upstairs, Yu Shen was worried. “What is going on with Shichen?”

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Chu Qianli sat and watched television leisurely from the couch and said casually, “Big Brother lost his fight with the number one student of the grade today. She said that she scored two points higher than him. I gathered that he is hiding in his room working on another set of problems.”

He Zhenghe was taken aback a little, “Oh mi, he’s still that competitive?”

Yu Shen walked upstairs, worried. She knocked on He Shichen’s room door and reminded him, “Shichen, don’t stay up too late. We are going over to Second Uncle’s tomorrow.”

The next day, Chu Qianli and the others set out in their cars to visit He Yuanyang for their family gathering again.

By the second time, Chu Qianli was already familiar with her Second Uncle’s place as well as her Second Uncle’s personality. He Yuanyang’s favorite thing to do was to talk about investment. He didn’t necessarily have to make a lot of money. He simply enjoyed the process.

Chu Qianli studied He Yuanyang’s look over the dinner table and asked hesitantly, “Second Uncle, did you stay up all night last night?”

“I couldn’t sleep at all!” said He Yuanyang as he smiled helplessly. “Ask Shichen, I am sure he stayed up all night as well.”

Chu Qianli played along and looked at He Shichen, “Big Brother, did you stay up all night last night?”

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He Shichen was low in energy level for a change and replied in a perfunctorily way, “……I didn’t sleep well.”

He was so angry yesterday that he tossed and turned and wasn’t able to fall asleep for a long time.

He Yuanyang bragged, “See? What I told you? He wasn’t able to sleep either!”

Chu Qianli, “Why was that?”

He Yuanyang let out a long sigh.


Translator’s rambling:

Guilt tripped by Uwu…………… This is all I have for now.. TT . TT

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