Chapter 048 - “Big Brother, everyone knows that you must make your demands first before you pay up.” (3)

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He Shichen finally bit the bullet and said, “I don’t know.”

He Yuanyang was taken aback a little, “What do you mean you don’t know?”

Worn down, He Shichen told the truth, “I went to bed early last night and didn’t sell them. I’ve probably lost money on them.”

He Shichen only remembered it again when He Yuanyang brought up investment earlier.

He Yuanyang was baffled, “Oh, which platform did you buy them from? The bitcoin market never closes……”

Unlike the stock markets or futures, one can buy and sell on the bitcoin market 24/7. When He Yuanyang missed out on the final rise on price, that was a while ago. The situation had probably changed again by now.

In fact, the bitcoin market was fluctuating even while they were chatting.

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He Shichen had given up, “We can check it right now. I was too busy to check it yesterday.”

Chu Qianli knew nothing about bitcoin but she was as shocked as He Yuanyang right now. Frantic, she said, “What did you mean by you’ve lost money? No way. That can’t be……”

Chu Qianli was very sensitive to the word “lose”. She recalled that He Shichen had good luck when it came to money.

Getting a headache from her whining, He Shichen gritted his teeth and said, “I’m the lose who lost money. What are you frantic about? It’s not your money that we lost.”

Chu Qianli replied angrily, “You can’t lose money. I had never been wrong when it comes to divination. You are ruining my reputation!”

Chu Qianli thought he didn’t buy any. If he had bought and lost, then the outcome of her reading would be inaccurate.

Chu Qianli panicked all of a sudden. She had never lost whenever she battled the others when it came to divination. So how was it possible that He Shichen would be able to break her trend?

Chu Qianli, “You think this is about you losing money? You are crushing my faith here!”

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He Shichen, “? ? ?”

He Shichen tried very hard to suppress his anger, “What is this faith we are talking about? Don’t you claim that you are a Marxist?!”

Chu Qianli shouted at the top of her lung, “Who said one can’t have two faiths?!”

He Shichen, “! ! ?” How can you still call it faith if you have two of them?!

Yu Shen took the role as the go-between. “Alright, alight. It’s not even that much money. There is no need to get so upset over it.”

He Zhenghe, “I’ll cover it for you. Don’t worry too much about it.”

He Yuanyang had already brought his laptop over. He brought the screen up and said, “Alright, let’s see if you can at least break even……”

He Shichen logged into the platform from He Yuanyang’s computer and started checking out the current bitcoin market.

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Chu Qianli poked her head over curiously. She had no idea what she was looking at so, baffled, she asked, “How did you do? How did you do?”

Both He Shichen and He Yuanyang stared at the data but neither one of them said anything for a long, long time.

Chu Qianli, “No way. No way. No way. Are you really telling me that my reading was wrong?”

Still nothing from the two.

He Shichen had a numbed look on him.

After a while, He Yuanyang patted He Shichen hard on his shoulder. Feeling both annoyed and amused, he scolded him, “Dang, boy, that poker face of yours. You did that on purpose to spite me, right?

“Aye, I should have guessed. You always do that fake humble thing and get me all worried for you and every time you ended up making more than I did. That being said, your timing this time was much better than mine……” He Yuanyang stood up, turned around, and comforted Chu Qianli. “Don’t worry. He was faking it all along. What is that term that you young people like to use? He enjoys being Versailles* about it.”

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From He Yuanyang’s perspective, He Shichen was being humble purposefully by saying that he didn’t do well before he showed him how much he really made. He was certainly drumming up to a faceslapping.

Chu Qianli was stunned, “Did that mean he didn’t lose money?”

He Yuanyang, “No, no, not at all. He still stands to make a massive amount even if he sells right now.”

Chu Qianli let out a big sigh of relief. Her reputation was still intact. She was still number one in the world.



Translator's notes:

I hope I am the first translator to introduce you to the how “Versailles” is used as a verb / adjective in Chinese internet slang – it means someone gloating [about something ostentatious] in a seemingly “low key” way. For example (from the internets), “Oh, I can’t believe my husband bought me a pink Ferrari. I wish he had checked with me first what color I want.”

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