Chapter 054 - “That’s enough. That’s enough.” (4)

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Tan Muxing had no idea what had changed Chu Qianli’s mind but she returned to her physical examination with her head held high and did quite well.

Chu Qianli was in a very good mood after the physical examination. She swapped her seat back with Tan Muxing.

Tan Muxing understood that as a sign that she was no longer worried that her head would be blown off and that the issue had been resolved calmly.

Sitting next to the window, Chu Qianli even stuck her hand out and said arrogantly, “Nobody can stop me now. I can reopen my business and make a comeback!”

She had been so worried all morning long that she didn’t even start her business today.

Tan Muxing said in a low voice, “A comeback is not a compliment.”

Chu Qianli let it got to her head. “Who said astrologists are good people?”

Tan Muxing, “?” Was this really the same astrologist who was comforting me in the field earlier?

As Chu Qianli had a talk with Qiu Qingkong earlier, her disciple had toned down their advertisement lately and plan to develop their client base privately instead of being too open about it.

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With their current stable list of customers, it would be much harder for the teachers and the school to find out.

Nevertheless, Chu Qianli was still summoned by the teacher to the teacher’s lounge that afternoon and she had no idea what it was about.

Chu Qianli was a little worried. “What is going on? Have I really been too cocky? That my business was wiped by urban management before I was even opened for business?”

There shouldn’t be any more unfortunately events today per her earlier reading.

Tan Muxing comforted her, “Teacher Liu is very nice. I don’t think that is the reason. She doesn’t usually interfere with the student’s hobbies.”

“You’ve chatted astrology with her last time so she had already learned about it then. She didn’t chastise you then, right?’

Tan Muxing recalled when Teacher Liu was helping Chu Qianli put away her player cards but Chu Qianli, on the other hand, told her to not go drinking. If Teacher Liu had any problems with that, she would have said something then.

If it was any other teacher, Tan Muxing would probably choose to go with her. But he thought Teacher Liu would be fine.

Inside the office, Teacher Liu had some troubles as of late. Her job was fine and she was well-liked by both the students and her supervisors. Her problem was her family pressuring her to get married. That made her both upset and irritable.

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Last week, she was going to go out drinking with her friends after work but, by chance, had a reading done by Chu Qianli. At the time, Chu Qianli told her that her friends would bail on her and that should would miss out on a romantic encounter if she gone drinking alone.

Sure enough, she was ditched by her friend after work that day so she decided to just head home. Lo and behold, she ran into the man set up by her family.

They didn’t openly call it an arranged date but the two families’ attitude could not have been more obvious. That made both of them felt awkward and embarrassed and, as such, they wrapped out the gathering quickly.

How could that be called a romantic encounter? It was straight up a disaster!

Teacher Liu glance at her cellphone, saw the newly added WeChat contact and felt even more befuddled. She heard knocking suddenly and quickly responded with, “C’mon in.”

Chu Qianli poked her head in when the door opened up and asked cautiously, “You looking for me, Teacher?”

Teacher Liu remembered this transfer student. Chu Qianli loved sleeping through classes and was a clever one. Chu Qianli probably thought that her copying of homework was subtle and would even include a few mistakes every time. Truth was, Teacher Liu had found that out a long time ago.

Granted, that was not the reason she asked to see Chu Qianli today. She had other reasons.

Teacher Liu waved at her and said to Chu Qianli in a friendly manner. “C’mon in. Don’t worry. You are not in any trouble. I just want to talk to you about something.”

Chu Qianli finally made her way inside the office and saw down on a chair. She sat there docilely and very lady like.

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Teacher Liu was surprised. “You don’t even sit with your back so straight during class.”

Chu Qianli chuckled nervously as her eyes drifted.

“Do you remember sleeping in class last week?” asked Teacher Liu. Seeing the worried look on Chu Qianli, she comforted her. “I didn’t ask you here to lecture you. You did a reading then and said I’d miss out on a romantic encounter if I go drinking.”

Chu Qianli let out a sigh of relief. “Yes, I remember that.”

Teacher Liu recounted her situation to Chu Qianli and couldn't help but asked dubiously, “Are you sure this is a romantic encounter?”

Chu Qianli replied affirmatively. “Most definitely.”

Teacher Liu had not expected her to be so certain and quickly added, “But he also felt awkward and resented the encounter. That’s still a romantic encounter?”

Chu Qianli nodded, “Of course.”

Teacher Liu hesitated a little and said, “Perhaps you didn’t understand all the circumstances surrounding it. Both of us resented our family for setting us up, and this is still……”

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“Yes,” said Chu Qianli directly. Then she said, “Teacher, you aren’t being fair.”

Teacher Liu was taken aback a little. “What do you mean I wasn’t being fair?”

Chu Qianli said in a low voice, “When you don’t have romantic encounter, you complain that you never met anyone. When you have romantic encounters, you said they were not romantic encounters. You actively try to run away from romantic encounters.”

Teacher Liu clutched her hand over her chest. “…… Alright. Alright. ‘nuff said.”


Translator’s rambling:

Per Rohi’s request I have completed raw ch 15. Interestingly enough, ch 53 was a better place to end as it ended the minor story arc of CQL’s bad luck whereas ch 54 started the next arc. I have no idea why the author divvied up the chapters this way. Hehe.

Neeways, for those of you who checks daily, I will be busy for a few days so no need to check daily. Just come back in a few days. >.< See the discord link below. Updates will be announced on Discord.

The next raw chap (3-4 ch on here) will wrap up the teacher’s arc THEN our CQL will venture out to the “real world” and do some readings online!! =)


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