Chapter 057 - “You two are quite compatible.” (3)

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“……” Teacher Liu remained silent for a little while before she walked over to Chu Qianli and saw the start charts on her cellphone and the scratch papers. She asked, curious, “What exactly are these? Why do I feel like there are more drawings now?”

Chu Qianli arranged the star charts as she replied, “Checking for compatibility is a bit more complicated and entails different types. There are comparison, compatibility (synastry), temporal ones, etc. You have heard of plans of Heaven, conditions on earth, and efforts by humans. We must look at them all comprehensively.

“For example, your chart might be very compatible to that of a certain male celebrity but you will never run into each other in this life time. So that in and of itself is meaningless. Nothing will ever happen between the two of you.” Chu Qianli went on to explain. “Two individuals must be compatible in all aspects before we can draw the conclusion that he is your true romance.”

Teacher Liu watched Chu Qianli as she focused on her work. Her habit of being a teacher kicked in reflexively and she said to Chu Qianli, “You won’t do your homework but you are quick when it comes to this.”

Chu Qianli’s body froze and she looked up in fear, “Teacher……”

Teacher Liu stopped herself immediately and quickly comforted her, “Alright, just keep doing what you are doing.”

Chu Qianli finished up with the arrangement and, looking at the information from the star charts, said with alacrity, “You are quite compatible.”

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Teacher Liu said, in shock, “That straightforward? But I don’t like those introduced to me by my family.”

“Mmm, I know that but from your star chart, most likely your spouse would be someone introduced to you by your family. Mainly that you will never venture out and look for yourself. In addition, you prefer the stable and trustworthy type, all the more difficult for you find someone like that on your own……”

“……too true.”

Chu Qianli pulled her astrology dice out of her pocket and placed them next to Teacher Liu. Smiling, she said to her, “Now that we have the star charts, we have advantages on the information. I’ll throw in a reading for free and see what he thinks of you.”

Teacher Liu picked up the dice with a blank look and rolled them per Chu Qianli’s instructions.

Chu Qianli looked at the result and said, “Even though you don’t remember much about him, you had, however, left him with quite a good first impression. He did, however, picked up on your resentment, which was why he worried about reaching out to you first.

“He worried about reached out to you in the past few days but you messaging him earlier had gotten rid of his worries. He would most likely chat you up from time to time. You might find that annoying from time to time but you will also find it reassuring at the same time. You don’t like to make the initiative to reach out to others so this approach of communication works well for you.”

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Teacher Liu’s cellphone, sitting on her desk, lit up all of a sudden with a WeChat notification.

Chu Qianli clapped her hands happily. “See? Here we go!”

Teacher Liu looked at the WeChat content in a daze. He had asked her out to dinner. She exclaimed, “I am starting to suspect that you are working with my parents to get me to message him……”

Chu Qianli comforted her, “Nah. You can turn him down if you don’t want to go. He will ask you again after a little while. The two of you will just go down this tiring path.”

Teacher Liu did not like taking initiatives but she needed a sense of security. The other person would need to keep it up on his end for her to feel reassured.

Teacher Liu, “…… I still wish that the star charts would have left something private.”

Chu Qianli stood up, relaxed. Picking up her own cellphone and her scratch paper, she said to Teacher Liu softly, “Well, have a chat with him. I will excuse myself now……”

“Wait. I am not going to chat with him when I’m at school.” Teacher Liu turned her phone off and gestured at Chu Qianli. “Don’t go let. Let’s have a little chat.”

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Chu Qianli returned, baffled, “What else do you want to talk about? More compatibility reading?”

“Something like that. You just looked at my star chart and know that I really want to be a good teacher.” Teacher Liu pulled out two notebooks, smiled, and flipped open to one of the pages. She then said, “You’ve been copying your homework assignments from Tan Muxing, right? And you would even introduce a few mistakes here and there trying to throw me off.”

Chu Qianli’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Teacher, you can’t just accuse me like that.”

Teacher Liu knocked on the notebook, pointed at some markings next to the problem, and said slowly, “You even copy the process because copying only the answer would make it too obvious. That’s good thinking on your part……

“Except that Tan Muxing would sketch from time to time when he works on his homework assignments. Does he enjoy clothing design? He would doodle a little here and there……” Teacher Liu picked up the notebook and asked gently, “Why did you copy even his doodling?”

Chu Qianli stuck her head over and said incredulously, “This is sketches for clothes? I thought they were drafts for trigonometry.”

Tan Muxing’s drawing was very messy so she thought it was part of the calculations.

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Teacher Liu looked at her quietly.

Chu Qianli turned her head stiffly.

The very next second, she covered up her mouth and said frankly, “I take back my last sentence.”

Teacher Liu circled the notebook casually with a pen and said calmly, “You know that I don’t like my family up setting me up with dates and I know that you don’t like doing homework. But you should at least do the standard problems. You will have to take your own final examinations, you know?”

Teacher Liu returned the notebook back to Chu Qianli and mimicked Chu Qianli’s style of encouragement, “Go do! Go do! Go do!”

Chu Qianli, “……”

Chu Qianli felt that city-dwellers are very complicated and neither the students or the teachers were simple people.


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