Chapter 063 - “You need your surplus value wringed out of you for you to learn of your own value.” (2)

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Inside the teacher’s lounge, the class teacher had already found out the details of the incident and had demanded that Tan Muxing and Wang Zheng to notify their parents to come meet her at school.

As Chu Qianli had spoken up for Tan Muxing and she was not part of the fight, she did not need to ask her parents to come.

Wang Zheng said nothing the entire time. He kept his head lowered, dispirited and purposefully kept a distance from Tan Muxing. He knew better than picking on just anyone. For example, he would never pick on He Shichen. He Shichen would have a million ways to ruin him. He only picked on Tan Muxing because the big polar bear had never lost his temperament.

Had Wang Zheng not lunged at Chu Qianli, Tan Muxing still might not have did what he did.

Chu Qianli walked into the hallway with Tan Muxing and couldn't help but asked him, worried, “Are you really going to call your parents?”

Tan Muxing comforted her, “Oh, it’s quite alright. I don’t think my family would be bothered by his at all. They might even say things like ‘Good job!’ or ‘About time!’”

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Chu Qianli, “?”

Chu Qianli, “But you are so mighty! I never knew that about you before!”

Chu Qianli only remembered Tan Muxing punching the basketball away the other day. She didn’t know that he possessed such strength and had such good reflex.

“You probably couldn’t tell that because of my size.” Tan Muxing scratched his head and smiled embarrassingly. “Don’t laugh but my uncle had sent me to train with the troops before but I still didn’t lose any weight even when I was working out every day. My family worried that it could be a health issue but the hospitals couldn’t find anything wrong with me either.”

Tan Muxing came from a well-off family. His family worried about his health condition but nothing worked no matter what they had tried. His size did not affect his health. In fact, his reflex was better than most others. He just couldn’t lose any weight.

Chu Qianli, “Really? That’s so odd. Perhaps I can perform a reading for you?”

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Tan Muxing declined her offer. “We had tried that before. He told me that I will lose my weight when I find my goal. Me, on the other hand, feel that I am fine the way I am. My appearance allowed me to see a lot of things clearly.”

The fortuneteller had mentioned that it wasn’t that Tan Muxing couldn’t lose weight, but that he resisted it subconsciously.

He resisted a certain matter subconsciously and that had, in turn, reflected on his physical appearance.

Chu Qianli asked hesitantly, “See what clearly?”

“Nobody sees me for who I am because of how I look. As long as you have nothing to offer others; you are just a worthless person.”

Tan Muxing smiled bitterly, “Just look at manga and anime. The most popular characters are always the ones that are strong and handsome. Their moral standpoints are not important. They could even be both good and evil. The audiences will like them regardless.

“Real life is the same. Wang Zheng had always picked on me. Every time I talk to anyone else at all, he would interject. Over time, nobody talks to me anymore.”

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Tan Muxing said calmly, “I don’t blame anyone. Being friends with me is just too much of a hassle. They would have to deal with Wang Zheng. In the end of the day, the hassles brought about by Wang Zheng outweighed being friends with me.”

Tan Muxing’s inner self was very different than his look. He was sensitive, delicate and thoughtful. He was able to see his surrounding objectively.

Had it been Chu Qianli who was having conflicts with Wang Zheng, for sure someone would stand up and speak out for her. Her astrology ability determined that she would always have a lot of friends. She was one who had a lot to offer.

Others in the same situation would also have reacted differently.

Tan Muxing sometimes felt that Wang Zheng helped him filtered out those around him. If others would rather stay away from him because of what Wang Zheng would say about them, then he didn’t see the need to be friends with those people either.

Humans are complicated. He couldn’t easily label others as good or evil nor was it possible to categorize everyone in class into two simple categorizes. Everybody did what they could to maintain the balance in class.

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Naturally, after his constant filter and balance, he was all the more certain that he was just a worthless individual.


Translator’s Rambling:

It’s the NEW YEAR (Yay 2022!!) AND y’all are so supportive that I MUST post two more chapters. =D

This last two chapters are brought to you by:

Foolishlurker, Rohi, Akai Sora, Seemanta, Echo In Outer Space, 37 Hmangaihzuali Khawlhring, and Golialo. Luv ya all!! 

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