Chapter 084 - She is not a white lotus pretending to be high and mighty; she is a black lotus straight up. (21)

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When Chu Qianli was done with her fake crying, she returned to her normal, relaxing self. “That being said, what she said wasn’t entirely wrong. There are all types in this field and it isn’t a good thing to perform too many readings in one day.”

“So there really is such thing as spiritual energy?”

“Oh, I don’t really know how to opine on that. For instance, someone might do what I do and call themselves spiritual healer……” Chu Qianli scratched her head, troubled. “Some of them are theists and some are atheists. There are all sorts of labels.

“To put it in words of materialists, performing to many readings might negatively impact one’s psyche. Think like a psychologist seeing too many patients. One always has a limit there somewhere.”

Tan Muxing was curious. “So where’s your limit?”

Chu Qianli said righteously, “How would I know? All of these sayings only apply to ordinary people. What do they have to do with me?”

Tan Muxing, “…… Alright, alright. You can stop with the showing off.”

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Tan Muxing suddenly figured out why Chu Qianli was always attacked by her peers. She upset the balance in the market in some sense. She even threatened others livelihood with her low price point.

All divinators had limited spiritual energy and could only handle a limited number of inquirers. It was only natural that they would continue to raise their prices. That was, after all, their livelihoods.

Chu Qianli, on the other hand, was not bound by such limit and she priced her services on her mood. She was well liked by inquirers but, naturally, would also be referred as white lotus pretending to be high and mighty by her peers.

In the end of the day, there are no set market rate for this field and Chu Qianli’s existence impacted others price points. Not everyone could be as charitable as she was.

Hearing that Chu Qianli was agreeing with what Ya Hun had said, Qiu Qingkong asked hesitantly. “Does that mean the crystal powder that Ya Hun is selling is also reading? Do they really have cleansing properties?”

“What crystal powder?”

“Crystals grinding into powder and drink with water. She bragged that they would purify your magnetic field.”

Ya Hun had her own online shop that sold crystals, incense, and crystal powder.

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Chu Qianli frowned, pondered for a long time, and said tentatively, “Em…… your question seemed to have deviated from the discussion of metaphysics……”


“That’s right. I feel that even a kindergarten child should know that one should not just put random stuff into one’s mouth. Shouldn’t everyone know what they can or cannot eat?” Chu Qianli looked surprised. “What is wrong with steamed lamb, roast ducks, and roast chickens? Why would anyone want to eat stones?”

It is true that crystal can purify magnetic fields. But putting them in one’s mouth has nothing to do with metaphysics; it had everything to do with one’s intelligence.

Qiu Qingkong, “……”

Tan Muxing reminded her, “You missed steamed bear claws and steamed deer tails.”

Chu Qianli, “Eating wild bears and deer are against the law.”

Tan Muxing, “?”

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Chu Qianli was not bothered by Ya Hun’s spew at all, but Qiu Qingkong refused to let go of it.

Qiu Qingkong said righteously, “Teacher, surely you are not saying that we are just going to ignore a swindler like her! We will be positively reinforcing her behaviors!”

Chu Qianli nodded docilely, “You are right. We should report her and have that crystal powder removed.”

Qiu Qingkong, “No! We need to proof that she didn’t know what she was talking about. We will make a video to show that she was the incompetent one!”

“That won’t work. She will just say that our video is edited and that we have a team behind us working on it.” Chu Qianli waved her hand. “To the extent that we are not sitting down face to face but through the internet, there is no way we can resolve this.”

Ya Hun had said that the Cardcaptor Squad was a big team and that we used a lot of beginner divinators to make up our quantity. Videos would be said to have been edited and it was done by the same person on the same day.

Qiu Qingkong thought about it some and brought up a proposal, “Well then, we will do a livestream. We can’t fake that!”

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“That’s right, we will stream live for an entire day. Teacher, you can perform readings when requests come in and do something else when there aren’t any, as long as we leave the camera running.”

“That will work, but……” Chu Qianli said hesitantly, “The money-print machine will scold me to death if I spend all day performing readings.”

Yu Shen had already returned home from the hospital and recovering well. He Shichen, no longer needing to worry about his mother’s health, went back to managing Chu Qianli on the weekends. Now that he had paid her, he was much more confident in the way he talked and would scold Chu Qianli madly if she spent the entire weekend goofing off.

“What about my place?” Qiu Qingkong said with a headache. “Wait, that won’t work. My dad will be home on the weekend and he is naggy.”

Tan Muxing hesitated for a few seconds upon hearing that. Seeing that his companions were in distress, he finally said weakly, “…… How about my place?”


Translator’s rambling:

I was able to squeeze out one more part before the weekend is over. You shall rejoice. =D

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