Chapter 009 - And the lethality of three methods progressed in that same order. (4)

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He Shichen finally couldn’t sit still anymore. He must stop this madness. Standing up, he said in a dull voice, “Teacher, we should start the class now. My little sister had just returned and is still adjusting to everything around her.”

He Shichen really didn’t want anything to do with Chu Qianli but he didn’t want her to continue bringing shame to the family. She was still the He family’s real daughter who had been switched and had just been found.

He had spent years making the He family looked good and didn’t want to her to ruin it in a day!

With He Shichen’s help, the class teacher quickly took the out. She said helplessly, “Alright. Why don’t you take the seat by the window?”

Chu Qianli looked at the spot in the back and she didn’t mind that the spot was very remote. She walked over to her desk with her textbooks in tow.

Her new deskmate was a fair and chubby boy. Sitting on the aisle seat, he was at loss. He wanted to scoot over to the inside but also felt awkward about that.

Everybody looked over at them and waited for the drama to unfold. The fair and chubby boy had always at alone because others found it too crowded sitting next to him.

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Seeing his panic, Chu Qianli said mildly, “You don’t need to scoot. I prefer the window seat.”

Wang Zheng, next to them, mocked, “You probably couldn’t even squeeze past him.”

The fair and chubby boy’s face darkened. He stood up and backed off. “Perhaps I should……”

Chu Qianli quickly squeezed past her deskmate and started establishing her territory at the window seat. She looked back at the person who just spoke, raised her brows, and said, “Who said I won’t be able to squeeze past?”

Wang Zheng pursed his lips some and the fair and chubby boy was a little surprised.

Chu Qianli, “What’s your name?”

Wang Zheng interjected again, “Just call him Fair and Chubby!”

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Chu Qianli ignored him and asked again, “What is your name?”

“…… Tan Muxing.”

The male student who resembled a polar bear was very soft-tempered. Seeing the hesitation on her, he showed her his name on his textbook.

Chu Qianli complemented, “Nice name.” As long as the word Star was in it. (TN: “Xing” = Star)

Tan Muxing was a bit surprised. He muttered, “Thanks.”

He couldn't help but glanced over at Chu Qianli, who was organizing her books. He thought the new student was somewhat rebellious but she seemed to be quite easy going.

Tan Muxing hesitated a little and kindly suggested to her, “You can talk to the teacher to switch to a different spot. You don’t need to sit with me.”

Tan Muxing was big and took up a lot of room. He would only get into Chu Qianli’s way. He had no idea why the teacher assigned her to sit next to him. He knew that nobody in the class wanted to sit with him. Perhaps the teacher was making a point for her being rude earlier.

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“No. It’s great. I don’t want to sit with anyone else,” said Chu Qianli casually.

Tan Muxing, “Oh?”

Chu Qianli piled her textbooks up on the desk and, turning toward her new classmate, said, “Can you scoot over a little.”

Tan Muxing, though baffled, still did as she had asked.

Chu Qianli curled up in the area formed between the window, her textbooks, and Tan Muxing. Hiding her body with the stack of textbooks and her deskmate’s body, she laid there comfortably on her desk and said happily, “Goodnight.”

“It’s still daytime,” said Tan Muxing.

Resting her head down on her arms, she said agreeably, “Good morning.”

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The very next second, she closed her eyes peacefully and started napping openly.

Tan Muxing, “?”

After the class teacher had walked out, nobody noticed that Chu Qianli was sleeping in class. The other teachers didn’t even notice that there was a new student there. Chu Qianli was able to be the invisible person hiding behind Tan Muxing.

He Shichen, who witnessed the entire thing, was enraged. She was assigned the worst spot in the class and she decided to nap unambitiously?!

Whatever happened to that prideful person the day before? Was she just going to give up without a fight? Was her plan to drive him insane by shaming their family?

The three ways that Chu Qianli tried to murder He Shichen: 1. An explosion. 2. Die by embarrassment. 3. Die by anger.

And the lethality of three methods progressed in that same order.

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