“Should I say that myself? I want to hear you say it yourself.”

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Raymond said in a sharp voice. Desia opened her small red lips, perhaps because she thought it was not wrong.

“Fifth Prince, is it true that you have reached the rank of a junior wizard in a week?”

‘Was that what she was curious about? It’s just as I expected. Desia Helly, she is of the lineage of a sage wizard. I know that fact myself.’

‘Dessia Helly moves with a deep longing for the level of the Sage Wizard.’

In order to revive the collapsed family, she must become a sage.

Three years after she learned magic, she was regarded as a genius wizard just around the corner, but she thought she was still lacking.

In the meantime, he met the fifth prince and lost.

‘I know the answer she wants.’

It’s really simple.

“Are you asking me if it’s true that I’ve reached the level of a junior wizard in a week?”

She opened her mouth with a calm expression as she slightly expressed her positive intention by nodding her head.

“That’s true. I fought you about a week after I learned proper magic.”

That’s the answer she wants. Also it was the truth.

“Fifth Prince, how did you do that?”

It sounded rude to the royal family, but it doesn’t matter.

Raymond could read her desire for high ground from her eyes.

“Do you want to know?” He asked quietly.

Desia nodded silently. At the end of his straight gaze, there was a smiling fifth prince.

What is so interesting about it?

“You don’t want to tell me for free, right?”Desia’s face hardened when she recalled another title for the fifth prince.

‘The Prince of Foolishness.’

He may make an unreasonable demand.

‘But if I could get to a higher level…….’

“Do whatever you want.”

“Be my man, Desia Helly. I want you to join the soon-to-be-organized Secret Squad.”

“I’m just a Junior-level wizard with the power of an mid-level wizard.”

No matter how absurd it may be, the position is like that for a Royal Guard. Is there any need for a Mid-Level Wizard? Desia thought so.

“Don’t be mistaken.”

The atmosphere has changed.

“I’m not suggesting to a wizard who’s about to be in the Mid-Level.”

The air freezes cold.

“I’m suggesting to Desia Helly, the lineage of the Great Wizard.”

“Oh, how…….”

“Does it matter now?”

There’s something else important.

“I can turn you into a Great Wizard. I can help you raise your family.”

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If we’re together,

“I’ll make sure you’ll become a great wizard.”

Desia closed her eyes quietly at the suggestion.

“I told you, I keep my word.”

The fifth prince, who has achieved great achievements of becoming a Junior-Level Wizard within a week, even though Lisefield has handed down the “secret transmission” He is still greater than a genius.

‘Maybe it could be possible.’

“Ffith Prince.”

Desia slowly knelt down on one knee, speaking in a calm voice.

“May my magic shine upon the future of the Fifth Prince.”

The future Magician has joined us.

* * *

Lisefield Dior, secretly moved on. He was good at climbing over the fence of the Fifth Imperial Palace.

Arriving at the study, Lisefield took off his hiding spell and appeared before the fifth prince.

“Fifth Prince.”

“Has the old man come?”

At the sight of the eye, there was a Lisefield wearing the robe with the pattern that represents the Blue Tower.

“You’re not even surprised now.”

“Have I ever been surprised?”

“Yes, I won’t ask.”

Lisefield nodded with a faint smile around his mouth.

He was old but he was confident in his own memory. And he remembered that the Fifth Prince was sometimes surprised when he lifted the hiding spell, but now he thought it would be better to be quiet.

“Did you deliver what I said to Desia?”

“Yes, Your Grace the Fifth.”

According to the original development of the novel, some of the magic books that the main character should have delivered to Desia are from the Imperial Chamber No. 7.

Raymond asked Lisefield as the middleman to deliver the books to Desia.

In the novel, Desia reads the magic books given by the main character and becomes stronger.

It may be earlier than the plot, but the fact that she will grow will not change.

Desia is a talented wizard.

‘According to the setting in the novel.’

Organizing his thoughts, Raymond took the glass to his mouth without saying a word.

Did he seem to be seriously agonizing? Lisefield carefully took a step closer and opened his mouth.


“She’s a talented kid. She’ll go up to the level of the higher wizard.”

‘Dessia Helly is going to be a big shot.’

It’s absolute because the setting is set to be like that.

“Well done, Old Man.”

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He is an old man who is not honest with his feelings.

“Come to think of it, I would like to ask you something.”

“Tell me.”

“In three months, there will be a banquet to celebrate the victory of the Great War. You know that, don’t you?”

“Of course I know.”

It is an annual banquet held by the imperial court to commemorate the survival from the great war of ancient times. Of course there’s no way he didn’t know.

‘Of course, five years ago was my last attendance…….’

During the years that went off the beaten track with the death of the Third Empress, Raymond confined himself to the Fifth imperial Palace and did not come out of the world.

“You want to ask if I’m going to attend this banquet, right?

“As expected, you are the prophet Fifth Prince.”

Since ancient times, banquets have also been an official place for nobles to stand behind those in power.

There is such a setting.

“It’s good to be honest.”

“It’s a very small advantage for me.”

Raymond opened his mouth with a smile on his face as he looked at Lisefield.

“I’m going to attend.”

He vowed to take off his reputation as a “Fool” and make a full-fledged move. This banquet will be the first stage.

‘Since we’ve decided to do it, let’s be clear.’

My mind’s made up.

“Old man.”

“Yes, Your Grace the Fifth.”

“Can you take me out of the Imperial City?”


Lisefield was surprised by the sudden decision of the Fifth Prince.

“You’re going out of the Imperial City?”

He asked again to be sure with his eyes open-wide.

“Yes, I’m going out of the Imperial City.”

“From what you’ve told me, you’re sneaking out without a separate escort, right?”

“As expected, the old man and I are on the same wavelength.”

It was good that there was no need to explain for a long time.

“If you don’t mind, may I know your destination?”

“On the slums.”

“Oh, my God!”

The blue tower owner sat down holding his head. What the prince just said seems to be shocking.

“Fifth Prince, the slums of the capital are too dangerous to go without escorts!”

As the empire fell, the darkness of the capital was as deep as the abyss.

However, whether or not he knows the worries of Lisefield, Raymond was just smiling.

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“Isn’t a high-ranking wizard enough to become a royal escort?”

“Oh, my lord, the fifth prince……. The Imperial Palace was just attacked recently. Don’t you know how precious the blood of the House of Pilius is?”

The House of Pilius. The royal family, who inherited the blood, is able to control the ancient weapon ‘Keejun’ that lies dormant in the empire.

If it were not for the existence of the ancient weapon, the empire would have already collapsed.

The great ancient being that supported the fallen empire was the Keejun soldier.

“That’s why I’m going.”

“Can you elaborate for a little bit?”

There is a one-armed swordmaster in the slums of the capital. He has the talent of a swordmaster and knows how to enlighten him.

“You’ll know when the time comes.”

It’s too early to explain the details.

“Fifth Prince…….”

“Two thousand years of promise.”

“Would you follow?”

 Lisefield first stopped asking the fifth prince, but he could hardly prevent his sighs from bursting.

“The elderly won’t be worried, so don’t worry.”

“You’ll have to. If anything happens to you, the Emperor will strike me in the neck.”

Raymond, who was about to answer, “No way.” He had no choice but to shut up.

Perhaps because of the recent change in him, the emperor’s affection deepened.

He’ll be upset if he came back from the slums with any injuries.

“Your Majesty the Fifth is no longer a fool.”

Though he said it thoughtlessly, Lisefield denied it strictly, solemnly and seriously within himself.


After going out of the Imperial City, Raymond headed to the slums with Lisefield. Behind them was Alex, who wore a sword unexpectedly, followed.

‘The Slums are more dangerous than you think. So take one more prosecutor to escort.’

It was a condition offered by Lesefield. However, the imperial knight he has was not reliable so he only took Alex with him.

Though he doesn’t seem to be a reliable fella, Alex still has a Knight Level of strength that has passed down from his family.

In addition, there was a high-ranking wizard, so his escorts are sufficient.

“This is the slum.” Lisefield spoke in a very small voice.

“It’s much worse than I thought.”

He had read in the setup book that describes the situation of the slums in the capital of the Pilias, but it’s the first time he had ever seen them like this.

“I didn’t expect this.”

Crows were sitting on the bodies scattered all over. There were many people who had fallen to their death. A terrible smell pricks the tip of their nose.

He had no choice but to frown. It’s not because he think it’s dirty. It’s because it’s a pity that he can’t help them.

“Fifth prince, Your Grace…….”

Alex looked around. He looked straight ahead without saying a word.

“Let’s go.”

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He hurried to get out of here quickly. How much deeper did he need to get into the slums?

Unlike Raymond and Lisefield, who looked relatively relaxed, Alex was seeing his surroundings and touching the blade.

“We’re here.”

There was an old cottage in front. And there he saw a middle-aged man without his left arm.

The man, who was staring up at the sky blankly, turned his head toward Raymond and his group.

“Two wizards and one knight. What brings you to this shabby place?”

Is that because he was a high-ranking knight? He was caught at a glance. Looking to the side, Lisefield seems a little surprised. Because he was hiding his power after all.

“Captain of the Order of the Frosted Shield, Gestein.”

“Do you even know my name?”

Before he knew it, there was a sword in his right hand. He didn’t even know when it got there.

Alex was surprised and stepped forward, and Lisefield pulled Mana up with a nervous face.

“Even though I’ve lost my left arm, it won’t be easy to get ahead of me.”

“Don’t you want to go back?”

Instead of hearing an answer, he continued without stopping.

“Don’t you want to regain your lost sword skills?”

“Is that possible?”

Gestein began to show interest.

“I lost my left arm. I don’t know if there’s any skill for a single-armed swordsman, so there’s no way I can do proper swordsmanship.”

“There is such a sword skill.”

You didn’t know that, but you can know a sword skill from the ancient times.

“Let’s reveal who I am.”


Laughing, he pulled the hood back. And Raymond took out a ring of the Fifth Prince symbol.

‘This should be enough.’

Sure enough, Gestain recognized the ring of the Fifth Prince.

“I’m the Fifth Prince, Raymond Pilius. I will help you regain your lost sword skills.”

“Is that possible?”

His voice is full of doubts. Gestein’s eyes were also not favorable. Indeed, he was betrayed and lost his left arm by the Lord, who swore allegiance.

“I’ve come to see you, Baron Heinkel, but I haven’t found any other way.”

Gestein Heinkel, one of the last Swordmasters of the Pilius Empire, he was one of the five disciples of the Northern Lords. No one thought he would have gone all the way to the far north with an uncomfortable body.

“Will you follow me if I let you regain your lost sword skills?”

“Is that the price?”

Instead of answering Gestein’s question, he nodded.

“Then I’d be happy to follow.”

Raymond smiled at the answer.

‘I know how to get Gestain’s lost sword skills back. I know all the settings, so there’s no way I don’t know. This gives us the future Swordmaster.’

Taking away the main character’s helpers, the plan is going smoothly.

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