Chapter 104 - “I will be waiting your wedding candies then!" (2)

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The process at the government-operated restaurant was simpler than that at the garment factory. A chef at a government-operated restaurant needed to be certified but there were no requirements to be a server. All they needed was a signature from the manager.

Liu Dongchang, the manager at the restaurant had wanted Su Xiuying gone for a while now. After all, having a “vicious” woman such at her at the restaurant was bad for their reputation.

As such, he signed the paperwork with alacrity when he learned that Su Xiuying would be departing.

Su Xiuying still looked disturbed when they walked out of the restaurant.

Tong Xuelu comforted her softly. “Are you alright, Comrade Su?”

Su Xiuying’s tightened her lips some and said, “I’ve been hearing a lot of those lately. I’m fine. Oh right, where are you going to be staying after you move to the city? Have you found a place yet?”

Tong Xuelu sighed to herself and shook her head. “No, not yet. I paid a visit to the Housing Management Office but the houses for sale were all too expensive. I don’t have that much money.”

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Su Xiuying, “My house will be vacant for the time being. You can stay there temporarily if you have nowhere else to go. You don’t even need to pay me rent.”

Tong Xuelu waved her hands quickly. “I can’t do that! I already got the better part of the deal when it came to our jobs. I must pay you rent!”

Giving her current situation, she would have no choice other than renting from Su Xiuying.

The other Tong family might be able to help her out but she was no longer their daughter and, after the Tong Zhenzhen incident, even if the Tong family didn’t say anything, for certain they were not happy about it.

As such, Tong Xuelu did not reach out to them for help.


Tong Xuelu was going to take a car ride back after she had parted with Su Xiuying. She suddenly recalled about repaying Wen Rugui.

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After asking Pu Jianyi about Wen Rugui’s preference, she was going to make him some food and sent it over to him. But she only found out later that the research center was not in the city at all.

Zhongguang City was a 3 ~ 4-hour car ride from Province Yanqing County. Throwing in the wait time, probably closer to 5 ~ 6 hours.

Tong Xuelu had no idea whether the fish could survive the trip, but she was certain that she would puke her lungs out and die.

Besides, she couldn’t possibly take any more time off, so she had no choice but to give up on that idea.

Now that she had switched jobs and had some free time, she thought this would be a good time to send him the gift.

She figured that Wen Rugui’s family was probably in the city. She just didn’t know when he will be back and where his house was located. It would be best to find out from him first.

Right now, telephones were available at the post offices and each work unit. Tong Xuelu turned and headed toward the post office.

She still remembered the number given to her by Wen Rugui.

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Her call was answered by a cold female voice. “Research Center, who are you looking for?”

“Hi, I am looking for Comrade Wen Rugui.”

The female paused a little when she heard Tong Xuelu’s crisp voice and responded after a slight delay, “Hang on.”

5 ~ 6 minutes had passed and still nothing.

Looking at the time, Tong Xuelu was hurting. The cost for calls was 10 cents a minute!

Right when she was debating whether she should hang up and call back, someone finally picked up the phone from the other end.

A warm voice came from the other end. “I’m Wen Rugui.”

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“Hi Comrade Wen. I am Tong Xuelu.”

Wen Rugui’s eyelids quivered a little when he heard Tong Xuelu’s voice. He looked up and saw the receptionist looking straight at him.

He turned and said in a low voice, “Hi Comrade Tong. Is there something I can do for you?”

Tong Xuelu asked naughtily, “Can I not just call you?”


Wen Rugui was speechless for a second there. He had never been asked that before. After a pause, he said, “Of course that will be alright.”

Hearing the slight paused and picturing his look in her head, the smile on Tong Xuelu deepened.

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