Chapter 124 - She saw Wen Rugui standing there, being surrounded like an animal in the zoo. (3)

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Tong Zhenzhen invited Mother Tong and Big Brother Tong inside the house.

The décor in the house was very crude. There was only a bed and a beaten-up low table and that was it.

Mother Tong and Big Brother Tong felt their heart ached and guilt all over again.

Mother Tong must take off after spending an hour there.

Before Mother Tong took off, Tong Zhenzhen held onto Mother Tong’s hand longingly and said, “Mom, don’t worry. I really am fine here. You will not need to worry about me.”

Mother Tong wiped away her tears. “How can I not? If there’s anything that you want to eat, just let the person in charge know. Mom will try and get it to you.”

Tong Zhenzhen shook her head considerably, “No, that will be fine. You and Dad should have them. I do have a favor to ask though, Mom.”

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Mother Tong felt both comforted and heartache when she saw how thoughtful her daughter was and all the more she wished to do something for her.

When she heard that from Tong Zhenzhen, she asked right away, “What is it? Do tell.”

Tong Zhenzhen said, “I had inadvertently hurt Mianmian last time and I had been feeling guilty about it. I can’t leave right now but can Mom visit Mianmian and my other two brothers for me and bring them some stuff?”

Mother Tong had been wondering what Tong Zhenzhen’s request would be. Now that she heard it, she felt even more gratified. “You have really matured, child. Don’t worry. Mom will go visit them as soon as she gets home.”

Tong Zhenzhen gave her a bright smile, “Thanks, Ma!”


Tong Xuelu returned to the compound by bus and said to Tong Jiaming the minute that she walked inside the house, “I’ve got a place already. We are moving today.”

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Everyone in the house were stunned.

Tong Jiaxin was the one who couldn’t help himself. “Where are we moving to? Is it the compound that we’ve talked about before?”

Tong Xuelu shook her head, “No. We will not be going over there. I rented a standalone place. It is a bit more expensive in rent, but the surrounding is very good. Each of you can have your own room.”

Tong Jiaxin’s eyes widened and sparkled. “We really can each have our own room?”

Tong Xuelu nodded. “Yes. And we will have a car here to help us move. Hurry up and pack your stuff up.”

Tong Jiaxin shouted out happily, “Yay! I will not have to put up with Second Brother’s smelly farts from now on!”

Tong Jiaming, embarrassed and annoyed, shouted out, “Shut up, Tong Jiaxin!”

Looking at Tong Jiaming’s angry look, Tong Jiaxin quickly ran over to the door. His mouth cracked open, and he smiled and said, “I’m not making this up, Second Brother. You farted into the blanket last winter and I almost passe Development Outing from the smell. I can still remember the smell to this date!”

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Tong Jiaming stared at Tong Jiaxin with his lips pinched shut. His handsome face turned the color of pig liver.


Not expecting that the boss in the future has this side in him, Tong Xuelu laughed so hard that her stomach hurt.

Tong Jiaming’s face reddened even more when he saw Tong Xuelu laughing.

Tong Mianmian looked from one of them to the other and she was baffled. There were big question marks in her eyes.

“Big Brother, Third Brother, what are you laughing at?”

Tong Jiaxin, “We are laughing at Second Brother’s fart.”

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Tong Mianmian cocked her head and thought about it for a little while. Suddenly, she covered up her nose and said, “Bad Third Brother, farted smelly fart at Mianmian!”

Tong Xuelu, “……”

Welp, that was a bit disgusting.

However, Tong Jiaxin, the unruly child, did not feel that he was disgusting. He even stuck his bottom up proudly and made others want to give him a beating.

After the Tong’s sibling were done attacking each other, they finally started packing up their remaining items.

An hour later, Wen Rugui showed up with a jeep.

The military style jeep showing up in front of the compound immediately caught a lot of attention.

That rocked the entire compound.

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