Chapter 164 - Tong Jiaxin got back up on his feet, and went back to the classroom with his teeth still gritted. (2)

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Edited by Lulu

Fang Wenyuan frowned. “Stop with that already. We had never dated and definitely never been engaged!”

The first coworker said, “No way. I recall her saying it herself that the two of you had been engaged since childhood.”

Fang Wenyuan argued back. “Our parents were just joking about that. Besides, we are in the new society now, not the old one. Engagements between children are not serious.”

The second coworker nodded. “You are right. Childhood engagement and marrying someone that one has never met are both customs from the old society. We must object to them vehemently!”

“Okay, stop with that already. Let’s go and see what is there to eat.”

Having said that, the first worker walked in first.

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Tong Xuelu looked up when she heard the footsteps and happened to see Fang Wenyuan. She turned back immediately as though she hadn’t seen him at all.


Fang Wenyuan felt unhappy about that.

“Comrade Childhood Bride, what are there to eat right now?” The coworker giggled.

Tong Xuelu stood up, rolled her eyes, and said, “First of all, my name is not Comrade Childhood Bride. And I was never engaged with Comrade Fang Wenyuan. If you keep this up, I am going to report you to the police that you are being a hooligan and insulting a female comrade!”

The coworker was merely joking. Hearing that she would report him, he was intimidated right away. “I’m sorry, Comrade. I was just messing around. I’ll apologize to you. Please don’t report me to the police.”

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In this day and age, it didn’t take much to make a case against hooligans. Even if he wasn’t arrested, his reputation would be ruined. How would he keep his job then?

Seeing that Fang Wenyuan didn’t say anything, Tong Xuelu didn’t bother pursuing this. “We have green bean soup and steamed red date cakes. Do you want any?”

“Yes, yes, yes. Three orders please.”

“Green bean soup is 11 cents per bowl, and steamed red date cake is 9 cents each. That’s 20 cents per person, 60 cents in total. And an additional 6 meal tickets and 3 sugar tickets.”

The three of them quickly fished out their money and tickets and handed them over to Tong Xuelu.

Tong Xuelu took the money and brought their food out of the kitchen before returning to her study.

Fang Wenyuan looked casually over at her and was shocked greatly when he noticed that she was reading a textbook.

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He had noticed that she was quick with her mathematics earlier. Her mathematics was awful in the past, and she had failed it every time back in school.

And she hated reading. She would always say that her head hurt whenever she read, but she had the patience to sit down and read now?

Why did it feel like she had changed so much?

Truth was, this was not the first time he had that feeling. She had always followed him around in the past, but ever since she had left the Tong’s, she had never come looking for him again.

She was resentful the last time he went looking for her and even ended up at the police station in the end. This time seemed like that as well. She didn’t even give him an extra look.

He recalled what his sister had said. “She couldn’t even be bothered to look over at you. It was as though Big Brother was nothing more than a pile of shit.” His lips twitched violently.

The first coworker elbowed him. “Haven’t you said that you didn’t care for her? Why are you staring at her now?”

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Fang Wenyuan recollected himself and cleared his throat to cover up his embarrassment. “I wasn’t looking at her. I was thinking about work.”

His two coworkers exchanged a look. Obviously, neither one of them believed a word he said.

They dared not say anything else, however. They worried that Tong Xuelu would overhear them and threaten them with a police report again.

Tong Xuelu wasn’t fond of Fang Wenyuan, but she didn’t hate him either. He was more like a stranger to her.

She was perfectly fine ignoring him so long as he didn’t come and bother her.

Fang Wenyuan and his coworkers left after they were done eating. Even to the last second before he left, Tong Xuelu never once looked up at him.

And for some inexplicable reason, Fang Wenyuan felt a hint of irritation.

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