Chapter 166 - She learned that Tong Jiaxin was hurt when she got home. (1)

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Edited by Lulu

After Fang Wenyuan and his group left, Tong Xuelu picked up the used bowls and plates and brought them to the kitchen to be cleaned.

Guo Weiping smiled shyly at her and asked, “Were you reading earlier, Big Sister Xuelu?”

Tong Xuelu nodded. “Yes, I was reading. It was a textbook from junior high school.”

Guo Weiping frowned a little. “Haven’t you graduated already? Why do you still need to study?”

Tong Xuelu replied, “One could never have too much knowledge. We don’t need to only learn from a classroom. As long as we want to learn, we can do that from anywhere.”

Guo Weiping thought about it some and seemed like he didn’t quite follow what she was saying. “I can’t do that. Just looking at a book is enough to give me a headache. I like cooking way better!”

Recalling the dreams of her three siblings, Tong Xuelu couldn't help but burst out laughing.

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He was right that back in the 60s and 70s, being a chef at a government-operated restaurant was a profession with high status. Unfortunately, that would be going away in two years’ time.

She didn’t say anything, however. People have different dreams.

Guo Weiping suddenly threw his hands over his stomach and let out a cry. “Ow! Big Sister Xuelu, please keep an eye out on the restaurant for a second. I…… I need to go……”

Tong Xuelu curved her lips some and said, “Okay, go.”

Guo Weiping blushed even more after being laughed at by Tong Xuelu. He dashed out the back door from the kitchen still clutching his stomach.

There was no bathroom inside the government-operated restaurant. He needed to go to the public bathroom outside.

Tong Xuelu planned to study a little bit more after she had finished doing the dishes.

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She had just walked back out when a tall and slender woman walked inside.

The woman was wearing Dacron all over herself. Her nose was big, and her eyes were small. She wore her hair clean and short.

Xiao Chengping’s face popped into Tong Xuelu’s head all of a sudden. He looked almost like a clone of his mother.

This woman was Xiao Chengping’s mother. She was known to be stern at the compound of the Logistics Department. Many of the children there found her scary.

With her showing up by herself during work hours., all Tong Xuelu could think of was: She is bad news.

Tong Xuelu wasn’t scared though, nor did she greet her voluntarily.

Seeing that Tong Xuelu didn’t even greet her when she saw her, Mother Xiao frowned right away. “I had always thought of you as spoiled and barbaric. You were at least courteous back then. Now you don’t even know how to greet people? You are certainly getting worse!”

Tong Xuelu rolled her eyes inside,  but outwardly, she put on a shocked look. “Oh mi. You are Aunty Ning? I almost didn’t recognize you. Aunty Ning, I heard that women who often get mad  age faster. I guess you like getting angry too much, which was why I didn’t recognize you right away!”

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Mother Xiao almost coughed out blood when she heard that. “You are so rude. You……”

Tong Xuelu cut her off. “Aunty Ning, here you go again. Quickly touch your crows’ feet. I’m sure you have just gained a few more!”


Mother Xiao knew that she was provoking her purposefully.

Regardless, all women cared about their appearances. She was infuriated, but for the sake of not gaining more wrinkles, she had to suppress her anger.

Mother Xiao sat down in a corner and looked at Tong Xuelu sharply. “You come and sit down over here!”

Tsk tsk. With that haughty air. Anyone who didn’t know better just might mistake her for Empress Dowager Cixi.

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Tong Xuelu walked over there leisurely and sat down in front of her.

That irritated Mother Xiao again. “Look at you. You can’t even sit or stand properly. Who would want someone rude like you to be their daughter-in-law?”

Mother Xiao’s ridiculous words made Tong Xuelu laugh. “You won’t need to worry about that. I’m very pretty and can get married any time that I want.”

Mother Xiao was so angry that her chest heaved up and down. “You are young and pretty now. But what happens when you get old? Do you think you can keep Chengping interested in you for life?”


What the heck?

That took Tong Xuelu a while to wrap her head around. She didn’t think she and Xiao Chengping were dating, did she?

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