Chapter 169 - He couldn’t. He refused to let the others have the satisfaction! (1)

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Edited by Lulu

She shoved the milk candies in her hands into the hands of her two brothers. However, this time the usually glutton Tong Jiaxin did not take them.

Tong Jiaming, on the other hand, stroked her on her head and said gently to her, “Your brothers are not fighting. Keep your candies, huh?”

“Yes, you two are fighting!”

Tong Mianmian stubbornly wanted to shove her candies into the hands of her brothers. In the mind of the little girl, as soon as the two had her candies, they would be happy and stop fighting.

“What happened?”

Tong Xuelu put her military bag down on the table and asked.

Tong Mianmian was the first to run over on her little feet. “Big Sister, Second Brother and Third Brother are fighting. Third Brother hurt his head.”

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Tong Xuelu picked her up and walked over to Tong Jiaxin. “What happened to your head? Did you bump it yourself, or something else had happened?”

Tong Jiaxin, who had been facing the wall quietly this entire time, whipped around suddenly and stared at her with his beet-red eyes. “That’s none of your business!”

Tong Mianmian was startled. Pouting her little lips, she said while choking back her tears, “Bad Third Brother. You can’t talk to Big Sister like that!”

Tong Jiaxin’s eyes rounded, and he shouted, “She’s your Big Sister, not mine. Who asked her to butt into my business!”

Having said that, he turned and ran out of the living room. They heard a loud slam of the door shortly after that.

The living room went silent for a few seconds after Tong Jiaxin was gone.

Tong Jiaxin and Tong Mianmian both looked at Tong Xuelu at the same time. Both of them looked worried and cautious.

“Sorry, Big Sister. Bad Third Brother. Don’t be mad, Big Sister.”

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She was a little girl, but she knew that her Big Sister must be feeling aggrieved.

She was also somewhat worried that Big Sister would scold Third Brother. She didn’t want Big Sister to fight with Third Brother, so she apologized for her Third Brother ahead of time.

Tong Jiaming pinched his lips shut for a little and said dryly, “I don’t know what happened to Jiaxin.”

The Tong Xuelu in the past would have a long look by now.

Well, if you think I am just barging into your business, then fine. I don’t care if you live or die!

Nevertheless, with everything that had happened, she had learned that the first and foremost important thing to do was to remain calm when something happened.

Tong Jiaxin was a naughty child, but he would never cross the line.

On the first day that she returned to the Tong’s, both of the brothers were not happy with her, yet neither one of them said or did anything.

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Even though he had yet to call her Big Sister, he would always follow her orders obediently.

As such, something probably happened to him judging from his reactions today, and it wasnd very likely that it had something to do with her.

She did see the wound on Tong Jiaxin’s forehead when he turned around earlier. It wasn’t bleeding, but there was a big bruise there.

Was he bullied in school?

That thought made Tong Xuelu frown.

Bullying at school existed at all times. It wasn’t nonexistent now just because people were more simple.

Quite the contrary, the simpler the people were, the worst they were when it came to bullying others.

Looking at the pouty Tong Mianmian who looked like she wanted to cry but was worried about crying, Tong Xuelu decided to comfort her first. “Big Sister is not upset. Big Sister is just thinking about something. Have you eaten yet?”

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The little bun nodded and said in her milky voice. “Yes, Second Brother’s cooking is not as good as Big Sister’s.”

Tong Xuelu couldn't help but chuckle when she heard that. The little girl had learned to be picky.

She pinched her nose and put her down. “You go and play. Big Sister needs to talk to your Second Brother.”

Tong Mianmian cocked her head and thought about it some before she ran over to look for Tong Jiaxin on her short little legs.

“When did you find out that Jiaxin was injured?”

Tong Jiaming frowned a little. “After school today. I asked him about it, but he didn’t tell me anything.”

Tong Xuelu thought about it some and said, “Then don’t pry anymore. Go and ask around when you go to school tomorrow. Pay some more attention after school and see if he’s bullied by others.”

Tong Jiaming nodded in agreement. “Okay.”

That was his plan, even if she hadn’t said anything.

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