Chapter 173 - Nobody talked on their way back. (1)

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Edited by Lulu

Seeing that everyone was on her side, Ma Mei became more complacent. “What do you think of this, Director?

“It wasn’t that I was on my nephew’s side, but my nephew had always got along with all the other students. Everyone also likes him very much at home. If his grandfather found out that he was beaten up at school, he would surely be very upset!”

The grandfather of Jiang Ming, her nephew, was the Director of the Department of Education. She was willing to bet that the director would choose to punish the two brats and avoid the risk of being fired!

The Director knew that Ma Mei was exerting pressure on him.

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Me Mei had always been arrogant around the school because of that relationship, and Jiang Ming had consistently bullied other children at school. Nevertheless, nobody dared to offend them.

He knew well that the new students were bullied, and he felt for them. Nevertheless, there was nothing he could do for them.

The Director thought about it and said, “Have their parents make a trip over then.”

Ma Mei snorted loudly, sounding like a pig. “Oh, I don’t think you are aware of this, Director. Both of their parents died. That is why they are so unruly!”

Both Tong Jiaming and Tong Jiaxin’s eyes were beet red, Tong Jiaxin’s in particular. Had Tong Jiaming not been holding onto him tightly, he would for sure lunge at Ma Mei with all of his might.

That was the first time the Director learned that their parents were gone. “Surely, they must have other guardians.”

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Ma Mei sneered. “Well, yes, but they are probably better without guardians like them. Their Grandmother is crazy. It was said that she would beat up whoever that is in her path. And their Sister, she is even more shameless. Do you know what their Sister did?”

All of the others became curious. “What did she do?”

Ma Mei snorted. “I didn’t know this before either, but my cousin got a girlfriend recently. He learned that his uncle got into a minor quarrel with his wife and was reported to the police. Not only are the two divorced now, his uncle and his mother were even sent to the farm!

“My cousin’s girlfriend said that someone had convinced her ex-aunt-in-law into taking that course of action. You know who that someone was?”


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“Surely, you are not talking about these two students’ Sister, are you?”

Ma Mei was very emotional about it. “That’s exactly right. We are talking about none other than these two brats’ Sister! I mean, c’mon, couples bicker all the time. Is it really necessary to get the cops involved? Am I right?”

It was the first time the others had heard about this, and all of their eyes widened. They started talking about this feverishly after they had recollected themselves—

“They were turned in for minor bickering? If that’s the case, who would dare to find themselves a wife going forward?”

“Exactly. As the saying goes, one should take apart 10 temples rather than ruin a marriage. There will be bad karma for those who ruin others’ marriages!”

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“Oh mi. For all these years that I have lived, I had never heard of a wife turning in her own husband and mother-in-law!”

Ma Mei became even more arrogant and complacent. She thrusted her chest out like a victorious rooster. “With a Sister like that, what kind of kids do you think her brothers are?”

The teachers in the office already had bad impressions of the two boys, and now that they’ve heard what Ma Mei had said, this negative opinion of them had gotten worse.

This was especially true for some of the older teachers. They were even more disturbed by the idea of ruining someone else’s marriage.

Couples fight at the head of the bed and makeup by the end of the bed. Why would an outsider get involved in someone else’s marital matters? And she even went as far as to convince the wife to report the family to the police and have them sent to a farm. That was despicable!

The Director still had some sympathy for the two brothers earlier, but even that was gone now. “Well, since they have a Sister. Let’s have their Sister swing by.”

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