Chapter 185 - Tong Xuelu will need Tong Jiaming and Tong Jiaxin's help. (2)

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Edited by Lulu

Pu Jianyi learned about what happened to the Tong family from his brother-in-law, who worked at the Department of Education.

After he had learned about it, he specifically took half a day off to go look for Tong Xuelu at the government-operated restaurant, but he hadn’t expected that she had taken a few days off.

He then found out where she lived from her coworkers and only found out that she was out and about after he had arrived at her place.

He waited outside for half a day before she finally returned. Darn, she was gone for most of the day and returned home with a headful of mosquito bites.

Recalling how she had sent Tong Zhenzhen to the farm and became the witness that had the He’s mother and son sent to the farm, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to know that she was up to something again.

“Why? Do you want to give me a hand?” asked Tong Xuelu with her brows raised.

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Pu Jianyi explained, “It wasn’t that I wanted to butt into your business, but Rugui had asked me to keep an eye out on you. I have known Rugui for many years, and this was the first time he cared so much about a girl. How can I not help him out?”

Most girls would blush when they heard that.

Tong Xuelu blinked and then smiled. “So it was Comrade Wen who asked you to help me. Now I can trust you.”

Pu Jianyi, “……”

So that was why she wouldn’t divulge anything to him earlier. She had her guards up.

Tong Xuelu said to him, “What I want to do is very simple. I want my two brothers to go back to school.”

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Tong Jiaming and Tong Jiaxin were expelled because they had “talked back to their teachers and were too unruly to be taught.” Nothing was mentioned about the fight for the sake of protecting Jiang Ming, the grandson of the Director of the Department of Education.

Since that was the case, the only way to get them back to school was to prove that they were not too unruly to be taught.

And the best way to prove that they were not bad students was to show that their teacher was an immoral individual.

As long as Ma Mei’s reputation was ruined, she could use that to get Tong Jiaming and Tong Jiaxin back to school.

Pu Jianyi went silent for a little while and asked, “So you are aiming for that Teacher Ma?”

Tong Xuelu denied, “Not aiming for. This is about doing the right thing. Someone like her shouldn’t be a teacher.”

Pu Jianyi asked, “What do you have in mind then? Perhaps I can help.”

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Tong Xuelu thought about it some and said, “I don’t think you should meddle in this one. This will affect you negatively.”

Pu Jianyi was the captain of the investigation team and not a minion cop who took care of matters between citizens. Things would really get blown out of proportion if he was involved in it.

Besides, they were both single and not related. There would be all sorts of speculations if word got out.

She had wanted to report Ma Mei on the charges of corruption but she quickly gave up on that idea. That was not an easy way to go.

In order to catch her red-handed, she would need to have a cop’s presence. But that way she would end up dragging Pu Jianyi in. Nevertheless, if there was no cop presence, things could backfire easily.

Pu Jianyi asked, “You can take care of it on your own?”

Tong Xuelu nodded. “I already have an idea of what to do. That being said, I do have a favor to ask of you.”

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“What is it?”

“Can you please help me find out information on Ma Mei’s husband, including where he works?”

Pu Jianyi couldn’t really figure out what Tong Xuelu had in mind but looking that information up was not difficult for him at all.

He nodded and said, “That’s not a problem. I’ll get them to you as soon as possible. But you must promise me that you would not do anything illegal.”

Tong Xuelu promised him. “Don’t worry, Comrade Pu. I am a law-abiding citizen. I will never do anything that’s against the law!”

Yes, she was a green tea, but there are good green teas and bad green teas. She would never break the law, and she would never be a third person in a relationship.

Life was so good. What would be a reason to do those things?

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