Chapter 216 - He had no choice but to go and get Tong Xuelu

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Edited by: Lulu

When Tong Xuelu got home, she heard Tong Mianmian’s frightened voice.

“No, don’t come over! Don’t come over!”

Startled, Tong Xuelu dashed into the yard.

When she entered the yard, she saw a dog chasing after Tong Mianmian.

Tong Xuelu, turning pale earlier, was so anxious that something had happened to Tong Mianmian,  but after looking closer at the dog, she wasn’t sure what to feel.

The dog, or more accurately the puppy, chasing behind Tong Mianmian was just a month or two old. It was small and fluffy.

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Its tail was wagging when it suddenly lunged at Tong Mianmian, and by ‘lunge,’ it meant that it leaped for about 2 millimeters before it plopping onto the ground.

The little puppy didn’t seem to be hurting from falling. Instead, it immediately twisted its little butt and growled at Tong Mianmian in its milky viciousness. “Bark bark~~”

Tong Mianmian stumbled backward. Waving her short little hands in front of her, she said in her milky voice, “Don’t come close to me. I’m a puppy too. We are both puppies, so you can’t bite me!”

Wuu, how were the two of them so cute?

Spotting her Big Sister, Tong Mianmian came running over on her little feet. Blinking her big eyes, she ratted out her brother to Tong Xuelu, “Big Sister, Third Brother released the dog to bite Mianmian!”

Tong Xuelu tried not to laugh out loud and rubbed Tong Mianmian on her little head. “Why is Mianmian so afraid of the puppy? Isn’t it cute?”

Tong Mianmian’s grape-like eyes twinkled and said, “But it bit Mianmian and Mianmian’s pants.”

“Did it hurt?”

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The little bun cocked her head and thought about it some before she shook her head and said, “No, it didn’t.”

“Then it was not scary. Here, Big Sister will go over there with you.”

With her Big Sister there, Tong Mianmian was more confident. She placed her soft, little hand into her Big Sister’s.

Tong Xuelu walked over and asked her brother, “Where did the puppy come from?”

Tong Jiaxin answered, showing his bright, puppy dog eyes, “We picked it up on our way home. Can we keep it, Big Sister? It’s still so small. It will starve to death if we don’t keep it!”

Tong Xuelu gave the puppy a look. It looked to be around 1 ~ 2 months old, probably tossed out by some family who couldn’t no longer afford to keep it.

The puppy was a mutt, but it was exceptionally adorable. It was white all over, except for a small patch of black fur on its forehead.

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What was more interesting was that the patch of black fur looked like a heart.

Noticing the newcomer, the puppy clumsily stumbled over to Tong Xuelu and affectionately nuzzled her feet after it got close

Tong Xuelu squatted down and patted it on its head. The little thing looked like it was enjoying that a lot and finally plopped down by her feet and exposed its soft tummy to her after awhile.

Tong Xuelu also had an imaginary nosebleed from its cuteness. “Okay, you can keep it if you want, but you must be responsible for feeding and cleaning it. You can only keep it, if you will take up the responsibilities.”

There were no adults in their house, except for her, and their place was so spacious. They really needed a dog, not only for entertainment but also for added protection.

Tong Jiaxin’s eyes lit up, and he vowed with his voice loud, saying, “I promise I will take care of it!”

Seeing that the puppy really wouldn’t bite her, Tong Mianmian, too, squatted down and reached out her trembling little hand. She had successfully patted the puppy. “Big Sister, it’s so docile-” It was docile like Mianmian.

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She wasn’t even able to finish what she was saying before the puppy opened its mouth and bit her on her pinky.

Tong Mianmian burst into tears.

Truth was, the puppy’s teeth were not sharp, and the bite didn’t hurt at all. However, Tong Mianmian still cried from fear and refused to get close to it again.

Lo and behold, the puppy loved to chase after her. At that very moment, the Tong family’s home was bustling with noises.


For Chef Meng, everyday life was very inconvenient with the injury in his hand. His son was busy with work as well. As such, when he saw that Tong Xuelu had skillfully picked up the chef duties, he stopped coming to work the next day and headed back to the village to stay with his little brother and his family.

Liu Dongchang was never in the habit of eating at the restaurant. He used to go eat at his Big Sister’s place.

However, ever since he ateTong Xuelu’s cooking the day before, he never left to eat anywhere else again, eating both his lunch and dinner at the restaurant.

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