Chapter 221 - It appeared that what they were looking for was, indeed, hidden in that secret room. (3)

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Edited by: Lulu

Mother Xiao heard the news of Jiang Huarong’s arrest from her big brother that same afternoon.

She suddenly had an idea and had Xiao Guangyuan, her nephew, help her load the booklets into the car before she drove over to Tong Xuelu’s place.

Tong Xuelu didn’t think that Mother Xiao would come in person.

She had Tong Jiaming and Tong Jiaxin bring the booklets inside their house.

Mother Xiao said, “There’s a delay on the fruit trees. I will be bringing those over in a few days.”

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Tong Xuelu waved her hands. “It’s fine. We can forget about those.”

She only threw in some odd requests because of Mother Xiao’s haughtiness in the past. Ever since Mother Xiao showed her concern towards her, she had already forgotten about those extra things.

Mother Xiao frowned when she heard that. “Why not? Have you had a change of heart?”

Tong Xuelu,”……”

What kind of logic was that? She couldn’t even say she didn’t want them anymore?

“Alright. Pretend that I hadn’t said anything. Please bring them over when you have the chance.”

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Mother Xiao harrumphed. “I’ll be sending the fruit trees over.” After pausing for a little bit, she said, “Oh, by the way, Jiang Huarong was arrested today. You won’t need to worry about retaliation anymore.”

Tong Xuelu was taken aback a little. “He was arrested? How?”

Mother Xiao’s lips tightened some, and she said, “Because he had committed many crimes against the people and our country, of course. You don’t need to know the details, nor would you need to understand them. I’m taking off now!”

Mother Xiao turned and left briskly before Tong Xuelu could say anything else.

Tong Xuelu wasn’t sure whether she should find that comical or not. She gave Tong Jiaming a hand and moved the remaining booklets inside her bedroom.

Tong Jiaming asked, “What are these for?”

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Tong Xuelu replied unhurriedly, “They will come in handy in the future. Just don’t mention them to anyone else.”

Tong Jiaming acknowledged her instructions. Then, after a slight pause, he asked, “When you talked about Jiang Huarong earlier, was that Jiang Ming’s grandfather?”

Tong Xuelu nodded and said, “Yes, that was him, but you and Jiaxin shouldn’t say anything about this outside. We don’t want any more trouble.”

Tong Jiaming nodded. “I won’t.”

Mother Xiao returned to the car and saw Xiao Guangyuan stretching his neck and staring at the other end of the alley where the Tong family lives.

Her face dropped instantly. “What are you looking at? Do you know who lives there?”

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Dazed after being caught, Xiao Guangyuan stammered, “No, no, I don’t. I don’t know who lives there.”

Mother Xiao didn’t believe a word he said. She said to him coldly, “If you dare say a word about this to your cousin, I am going to have your old man break your leg. Try me if you dare.”

Xiao Guangyuan, “……”

His cousin Xiao Chengping had asked him to keep an eye out on Comrade Tong before he returned to the army and to let him know if anything happened to her.

He was going to place a call when they got home, but he had now changed his mind.

His leg is more important than his cousin.

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