Chapter 230 - "You are the shameless one!" (3)

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Tong Jiaming looked at his brother and sister bantering thenTong Xuelu, who was watching them with a grin on her face. Suddenly, an unfamiliar feeling rose from his heart. It was a warm feeling that made his nose feel a bit sour and his eyes water.

When his parents passed away, he felt that the sky was crashing down on him. Even though he kept telling his little brother and sister that things would be alright, in truth, he was as panicked as they were.

He couldn’t have been more scared. He worried that he would not be able to support his younger siblings, and even worse, he was terrified that they would be brought back to the village by their grandmother and their uncles.

Tong Xuelu showed up at his most fearful and most helpless moment.

He had thought that the only reason for her return was to achieve their personal goals with the help of the other. He needed her to help fight off their grandmother’s side, while she needed a place to stay and a job.

He thought that a cold partnership was all there was and all there will ever be between them.

Yet ever since her arrival, they have been able to eat meat frequently, and they no longer needed to send most of their earnings to their relatives back in the village.

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They were able to live in a nice house, have their own bicycle, and now even receive new clothes for the winter.

All of these changes took place after her arrival.

Tong Jiaming’s lips pinched shut a little. He had wanted to call Tong Xuelu “Big Sister” much like Tong Jiaxin, but after his lips parted and shut a few times, he still wasn’t about to say it out loud.


Just like the day that they received the bicycle, Tong Jiaxin was so excited that he wasn’t able to fall asleep the entire night and almost couldn’t get up the next day.

Unfortunately, the weather was not cold yet. Otherwise, he would otherwise have gone to school in his new clothes and be the envy of everyone.

The two pushed the bicycle with them to school again.

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That was right. They were pushing it, not riding it.

Tong Jiaming had already learned to ride the bicycle, but he still wasn’t able to carry a passenger with him. He didn’t want to bring the bicycle to school, but unfortunately, Tong Jiaxin liked to brag too much.

He felt that it was a waste to leave the bicycle at home. Even if they couldn’t ride it, they would still push it to school, so the other kids at school would know that they own a bicycle.

As expected, their classmates were very envious of them. A few even became Tong Jiaxin’s underlings just for the opportunity to touch the bicycle.

That very morning the two ran into Jiang Ming when they arrived at the entrance of the school, pushing their bicycle with them.

What a coincidence.

The timing could not have been better.

Tong Jiaxin gave Jiang Ming a haughty look and purposefully said in a loud voice, “Second Brother, let me ride the bicycle on our way home today. I am certain that I will have it figured out with today’s practice!”

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Tong Jiaming knew that his little brother was trying to show off in front of Jiang Ming and kindly cooperated with him. “Okay.”

The smile on Tong Jiaxin’s face deepened. Bobbing his head and shaking his bottom, he couldn’t have been more complacent.

Jiang Ming’s brows were furrowed as he stared at Tong Jiaxin.

It was all because of this tool’s sister that his life was a mess right now. After his aunt was denounced, his whole family became the laughingstock of others, and his parents were scolded.

It was all the fault of this tool and his family!

The more Jiang Ming thought about it, the angrier he became. Suddenly, he lowered his head and charged toward Tong Jiaxin.

Tong Jiaming had been watching Jiang Ming this entire time just in case he tried something, so when he saw Jiang Ming charging toward Tong Jiaxin, he quickly grabbed his little brother out of the way.

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Completely missing Tong Jiaxin, Jiang Ming wasn’t able to stop himself on time and fell straight onto the ground.

When Tong Jiaxin finally realized what had happened, his face reddened from anger.

He ran up and kicked Jiang Ming. “You shameless Jiang Ming. How dare you try to hit me?”

Jiang Ming had scratched his palms on his way down, and he gasped from the pain.

Hearing Tong Jiaxin scolding him, he looked up and yelled, “You are the shameless one! Your Big Sister is even more shameless. Your whole family is shameless!”

Tong Jiaxin was so angry that smoke could come out of his head. “You are the shameless one! Your aunt was in an affair! Your whole family is full of bad seeds!”

All the students around them looked over at Jiang Ming when they heard that.

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