Chapter 234 - And the two boys fell onto the ground together. (1)

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Was he really mad at her?

He didn’t seem like someone so petty. Then again, it was her fault. She was the one who compared him to a puppy.

Tong Xuelu thought about it some and decided to patch things up some more. “I guess Xiao Gui isn’t that good of a name after all. Comrade Wen is well-educated. Perhaps you can come up with a name for it?”

Wen Rugui recollected himself and suddenly had an idea. “Perhaps we can name it Xiao Lu?”

She had suggested using his name. Suggesting to use her name would only be the right thing to do.

Tong Xuelu, “…….”

That really wouldn’t be necessary.

Tong Xuelu felt that she had a newfound understanding of Wen Rugui. Underneath his gentlemanly front was a meanie!

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To one side, Wei Zhuzhu was mesmerized by Wen Rugui’s beauty.

Suddenly recollecting herself, she chimed in. “Big Sister Xuelu said to name it Xiao Gui [turtle], and pretty Big Brother said to name it Xiao Lu. Perhaps we can combine them both and name it Lugui?”

Tong Xuelu, “…………”

Green-haired turtle?

What the heck?

Oh, heck no. Take that back immediately, please!

Wen Rugui’s eyes lit up. They were so bright that they could rival stars in the night sky. His look made Tong Xuelu panic.

Tong Xuelu quickly said, “Perhaps we should name it mooncake instead.”

It was almost mid-autumn festival, and she would like to have some mooncakes.

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Wen Rugui felt a little bit disappointed. He quite liked Lugui to be honest.

But if she didn’t like it, they would go with what she liked.

Tong Mianmian gulped and clapped her hands when she heard the word ‘mooncake’. “Mooncakes are delicious!”

Wei Zhuzhu, too, would like to have some mooncakes. She nodded and expressed her approval. “Okay, mooncake it is. After Mooncake has grown, we can slaughter it and turn it into a dog meat mooncake.”

Wen Rugui, “……”

Tong Xuelu, “……”

Little buddy Wei Zhuzhu, if you keep talking like that, you are going to have a hard time keeping your little friends.

And just like that, the awkwardness had dissipated.

Tong Xuelu quickly rinsed off Mooncake and wiped it dry with a towel. She then had Wei Zhuzhu and Tong Mianmian bring it over to dry under the sun. They wouldn’t want it to catch a cold.

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Wei Zhuzhu felt that Mooncake was much more attractive after it had been bathed, so she instantly abandoned Wen Rugui and his good looks and carried Mooncake over to dry under the sun.

Tong Mianmian pitter-pattered behind her, and the two little girls chattered between themselves.

Tong Xuelu cleaned up her things and asked again, “How come you are back in the Capital City today? Do you have a day off at the base?”

Wen Rugui walked over to help her with the cleanup. “No, the sentencing of the Jiang family is today, so I took the day off to come and check it out.”

Tong Xuelu was shocked. “The Jiang family? Are you talking about the same Jiang family that I am thinking about?”

Wen Rugui nodded. “Yes, same one. Jiang Huarong.”

Tong Xuelu was even more baffled. “Had he crossed Comrade Wen as well?”

Wen Rugui looked at her with his ink-black eyes, and recalling what Old Mr. Wen had told him, he suddenly had an urge to tell everything that he did for her.

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The atmosphere around them heated up as though there was something in the air that could make one’s cheeks blush and one’s heart pound.

Tong Xuelu was even more befuddled by his look. However, it all became clear the very next second as she heard him saying––

“No, he did not offend me, but he offended you.”


Tong Xuelu felt that something had drummed in her heart, “The Jiang family had all been turned in to the police. Did Comrade Wen have something to do with that?”

The setting sun looked like a spilled glass of orange juice that coated the entire sky a deep red and orange.

Rays of the sunset casted down on Wen Rugui, and his face seemed to have turned red again. “Mmm.”

He further told her how he had taken the train to look for Jiang Danhong at Beihe and how he had worked with Old Mr. Wen and Pu Jianyi to report Jiang Huarong and bring him down.

His words were objective and nonchalant. He did not emphasize on how much work he had put in, but he didn’t need to say anything about it. Tong Xuelu could tell how much effort he had put in and how dire the circumstances he had experienced because of her.

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