Chapter 236 - And the two boys fell onto the ground together. (3)

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Edited by: Lulu

After days of practice, Tong Jiaxin could sort of ride the bicycle already.

Nevertheless, his legs weren’t long enough and could only sit on the cross bar when he rode it. The two brothers would take turns on their way back home.

It was Tong Jiaming’s turn again when they reached the alleyway.

Tong Jiaming suddenly wanted to see whether he would be able to carry a passenger with him. As such, he turned and said to Tong Jiaxin, “Hope on. I’ll take you.”

Tong Jiaxin’s eyes widened. “Are you sure about that?”

Men don’t like the abilities questioned, and neither do boys.

With Tong Jiaxin doubting his abilities, Tong Jiaming became competitive all of a sudden. “Just hop on!”

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Seeing how confident his Second Brother was, Tong Jiaxin leaped onto the back seat and said, “Okay. I’m ready!”

With an additional person in the back, the bicycle became even heavier.

Tong Jiaming almost immediately lost control of the bicycle. Not wanting to lose face, he put in his best effort with his face turning red from embarrassment and effort. Finally, the bicycle started in a wobbly fashion.

Seeing that his Second Brother could really take a passenger with him, Tong Jiaxin couldn't help but say happily, “Second Brother, you can take a passenger now. That’s awesome! When we go to school from now on, ……”

The bicycle turned to one side all of a sudden before Tong Jiaxin could even finish his sentence.

With a loud BANG, both of the boys and the bicycle fell onto the ground.

The two of them gasped in pain.

Tong Jiaming got up on his feet, and ignoring the fact that his knees were bleeding, he was just about to turn and check on his brother.

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But before he could say anything, he heard Tong Jiaxin’s pained voice. “The bicycle is broken. This is all your fault, Second Brother! You shouldn’t have forced it if you didn’t know how to carry someone with you!”

Tong Jiaming, “……”

In Tong Jiaxin’s mind, was the bicycle more important than his brother?

The truth was always hurtful.

From Tong Jiaxin’s perspective, the bicycle was his biggest treasure.

Tong Jiaxin didn’t even care about his own injuries. He picked the bicycle up, and when he noticed that the front of it was crooked, his heart ached really badly.

Tong Xuelu quickly learned that they had crashed the bicycle when the two boys got home.

She, however, didn’t say much about it. They were boys, and boys had thick skins; taking a fall wasn’t a big deal.

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The Wei’s had sent over some taros, and her plan was to make Hakka stuffed tofu, garlic greens, and sweet and crispy taros.

To make the Hakka stuffed tofu, she carved out a hole in the middle of the tofu and placed the prepared meat stuffing inside of it before placing and frying the tofu in the pan.

When both sides were a golden color, she added in some water and spices and braised until the sauce thickened.

Wen Rugui sat next to her while peeling the taros to help. He was quite distracted, looking over at her from time to time.

Tong Xuelu, on the other hand, was fast and very focused while preparing food, much like he was with his experiments.

The corners of his lips curved upward uncontrollably when he discovered the similarities between the two of them.

Noticing his look, Tong Xuelu turned and smiled. “Be careful, Comrade Wen. You wouldn’t want to cut your hands again.”

Wen Rugui recollected himself, the tips of his ears reddening a little. “It was just an accident last time. I… I cook quite well, really.”

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He always remembered what she had said. He did, however, have a little guilty conscience when he said that out loud.

His cooking was nothing when compared to hers.

Tong Xuelu had no idea that her words had a powerful effect in his life, prompting the usually indifferent man to change and go beyond what he was normally comfortable with. Nonetheless, her lips curved, and she said, “Right. Perhaps I will get to try Comrade Wen’s cooking sometime.”

Wen Rugui thought about something and nodded seriously. “For sure!”

After Tong Xuelu had finished her Hakka stuffed tofu, she started on the garlic greens.

Once she was done with the garlic greens, she washed the pot and got ready for the sweet and crispy taros.

Wen Rugui had already chopped the taros into small pieces, so Tong Xuelu just had to add oil into the pot before frying them to perfection.

Sweet and crispy taros required a lot of oil and sugar. She would not have normally made them, but she owed Wen Rugui too much.

She was not able to repay him just yet, so all she could do right now was to make him good food.

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