Chapter 242 - "Do you... like me?" (3)

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Edited by: Lulu

Chapter 243 - Tong Xuelu blinked at him, “What would you like to ask me, Comrade Wen?” (1)
Edited by: Lulu


Wen Rugui felt that all of his blood had rushed to his face and his cheeks were so red that they could bleed. “Comrade Tong, do you mean that you agree to be my girlfriend?”

Tong Xuelu nodded, then she shook her head again. “Not yet. Comrade Wen would need to pursue me first before we come boyfriend and girlfriend.

“If Comrade Wen could past my tests, then we will be a couple. Do you want to do that, Comrade Wen?”

Men are dogs. They do not appreciate things that come too easily.

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Besides, she didn’t know Wen Rugui too well yet nor did she know anything about his family. She offered him the opportunity to pursue her and also allow herself to learn more about him.

Wen Rugui nodded heavily. “Yes! I do!”


His “I do” was so firm and decisive that reminded Tong Xuelu of how people say it at a wedding. She couldn't help but busted out laughing.

Wen Rugui’s cheeks reddened even more.

He had no idea what she was laughing about. All he knew was that she was very pretty when she smiled.

She was prettier than flowers; tenderer than morning rays; and brighter than the sun.

He could not look away from her.

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An autumn night is long and the chirping of unknown insects could be heard mixed in with the breeze. That made the night seemed even more tender.

A little bug came inside and landed on Wen Rugui’s hair.

Tong Xuelu leaned over and stood on her tiptoes.

Wen Rugui’s breathing paused. He could detect the scent of fresh grass coming from her. The hair on the top of her head brushed against his chin and tickled him.

He wanted to scratch but he didn’t want to startle her.

All of a sudden, he was stiff like a statue.

Tong Xuelu looked up and brushed away the bug on his hair. Lifting up her head slightly and she smiled. “You had a bug on you, but I had gotten rid of it.”

Wen Rugui’s body was tense. He said stiffly, “Thank yoU!”

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Looking at how nervous he was, Tong Xuelu wanted to tease him again. That being said, she had all the time she wanted in the future, she should pace herself.

Having said that, she took a couple of steps back and allowed more distance between the two of them. “Let’s make mooncakes together, Comrade Wen.”

So she was just brushing a bug away for him……

Wen Rugui couldn’t describe the disappointment that he was feeling inside. Pinching his slips shut a little, he said, “Okay.”

Having said that, he quickly added, “Let me go wash my hands outside.”

His palms were sweating and that would be embarrassing if she noticed that.

There was water inside. He didn’t need to go outside to wash his hands.

Looking at the way that he ran away frantically, Tong Xuelu’s lips curved upward uncontrollably.

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As they had limited ingredients, Tong Xuelu only planned on making meat and red bean mooncakes. In addition to the shares for Wen Rugui and the others, she would also be making for the Wei’s and the other Tong family.

After she had finished shaping the mooncakes, Wen Rugui placed the tray holding the mooncakes to be roasted over a small flame per Tong Xuelu’s instructions.

The intestines inside the big pot were also done by now and the kitchen was filled with the aroma of marinated meat.

Tong Xuelu was just scooping out the pork intestines when Jiang Danhong walked inside the kitchen with two plates of raw dumplings. “Comrade Tong, the dumplings are ready. Where are we cooking them?”

Tong Xuelu wasn’t too overly cautious with her. She simply said to her, “You can just use this pot. But I’ve just made the pork intestines in it. It needs to be washed out first.”

Sometimes it would make one feel even more uncomfortable when they were tiptoed around.

Sure enough, seeing that Tong Xuelu treated her like a friend, Jiang Danhong seemed much more relaxed.

Placing the raw dumplings on the stove, Jiang Danhong grabbed the pot and went outside to wash it.

The dumplings were done quickly as was the bean sprouts. Dinner was finally ready.

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