Chapter 249 - Just why couldn't her brother step up his game? (2)

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Edited by: Lulu

Guo Weiping wasn’t the most talented but he gave it all he was focused and would give it his best when learning something.

Tong Xuelu felt good about him.

More importantly, he was a simple person.

Some unexpected guests arrived that afternoon.

And they were someone that Tong Xuelu knew.

The moment the group walked inside, they immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

Young, attractive, tall and straight, and all of them in green military uniforms. They came in 5 ~ 6 bicycles.

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It was the equivalent of a group of White, Rich, and Pretty arriving in a caravan of Maserati in modern times.

Fang Jingyuan was the one leading the way. She waved at Tan Xiaoyan when she saw her and asked, “Hi server. Is there someone by the name of Tong Xuelu working here?”

Tan Xiaoyan looked Fang Jingyuan up and down. Her look was filled with envy and jealousy. “Why are you asking? How are you two related?”

Fang Jingyuan gave her a look and said, “I am a friend of hers. Where is she? It’s lunch time. Why is she not here?”

Tan Xiaoyan would have snapped had it been anyone else. Nevertheless, in front of this group of “White, Rich, and Pretty”, she felt that she did not measure up to them.

Pointing at the direction of the kitchen, she said, “She is no longer the server. She is sitting in for the chef and is cooking inside.”

The chef?!

Fang Jingyuan was stunned right then and there when she heard that. “Are we talking about the same Tong Xuelu?!”

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Tong Xuelu could cook?

That was not possible!

Growing up, Tong Xuelu was the type who wouldn’t even pick up the soy sauce bottle if it was knocked over, let alone cooking!

Tan Xiaoyan got impatient. “You can go see for yourself if you don’t believe me. And, go get a seat if you are here to eat. Don’t just stand there and block others from coming inside!”

Tong Xuelu, walking out of the kitchen, was impressed by Tong Xuelu.

She had no problems snapping at just anyone!

Fang Jingyuan frowned a little. She was just about to snap back when she spotted Tong Xuelu.

Her eyes widened. Pointing at Tong Xuelu in surprised, she asked, “You are not really the chef here, are you?”

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Tong Xuelu nodded, “Yes, I am. But it is only temporary.”

Fang Jingyuan didn’t care about whether it was temporary or not. What she cared about was the cooking part. “You know how to cook? I mean, is your cooking really edible?”

“If what she cooks isn’t edible, are you saying that yours are?”

Tan Xiaoyan beat Tong Xuelu to it.

Tong Xuelu almost busted out laughing.

Tan Xiaoyan reminded her of a saying on the internet before her transmigration. Basically it said that it was better to send someone like Tan Xiaoyan out to annoy others than keep her at home and annoy oneself.

It was annoying when Tan Xiaoyan snapped at her normally but it was very satisfying watching her snapped at someone else.

Fang Jingyuan was speechless for a second there. If it wasn’t for her image, she would for sure teach that server a lesson.

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The others from the Cultural Troupe walked inside and, one by one, seated themselves.

Fang Jingyuan walked over to Tong Xuelu and said, “Those were the ones who had helped when you asked me to ask last time. They said they would like for you to help them with heir hair design. You better keep your words!”

Tong Xuelu said, “Of course. I always keep to my words. That being said, it is lunch hours right now. I won’t have time till my afternoon break.”

Fang Jingyuan told her that she understood that and she segued back to their original topic. “You really can cook? When did you learn how to do that?”

Tong Xuelu sighed and gave her a sad look. “Those from poor family must learned to do the house work early. You know about the situation at my home. My siblings are still young. Who else is going to cook if not for me?”

Fang Jingyuan, “……”

Tong Xuelu sounded very feeble and pitiful.

That made Fang Jingyuan felt bad.

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