Chapter 252 - When did she say that she had eye on Zhou Yan to be her son-in-law?? (2)

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Edited by: Lulu

There were a few seconds of silence in the air.

Looking at Liu Dongchang, Tong Xuelu was apologetic. “I’m sorry, Manager Liu. I didn’t see you walking inside. I’m so sorry about that!”

Luckily he wasn’t bleeding from his face. Which meant that he probably would not have an infection. Tong Xuelu wasn’t sure if there were shots available at this day and age.

Looking at her face, Liu Dongchang suppressed all his anger. He straightened up his hair some and said, “It’s fine. I know you didn’t do that on purpose. Of course I won’t be upset at you.”

Having said that, he turned and left. If he stayed any more, he just might start yelling.

Tong Xuelu, “??”

That was odd. When did Liu Dongchang become such an understanding person?

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Tan Xiaoyan, who witnessed the interaction from the dining hall, felt that something was off and gave Tong Xuelu a vicious stare.


After Wen Rugui had returned to the base, anyone who was not blind could see that he was in a good mood.

To be entirely honest, he still look as nonchalant as he used to be.

Except that, his steps were springy when he walked now and he seemed to be beaming. Everyone could tell that he was in good spirit

Zhou Yan asked him a few times if something good had happened to him. Naturally, Wen Rugui wasn’t going to say anything. Their relationship had yet to be made official.

Zhong Shulan had her eyes on Wen Rugui ever since she had returned from the ranch. She would really like him to be her son-in-law.

She had hinted at that to her husband many a’ times. He even promised her that he would go and test water the previous time.

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Nevertheless, he changed his mind again after he had returned.

She found that disturbing.

This was about her daughter’s happiness. She decided that she would take matters into her own hand.

Naturally, she would feel too awkward to approach Wen Rugui directly. She thought about it some and decided to start with his friend Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan was the one closest with Wen Rugui at the base.

If Zhou Yan could talk up her daughter in front of Wen Rugui and nudge him along some, it would be much better than her approaching him herself.

The more she thought about it, the more she thought that was a good idea.

As such, when she found out that Zhou Yan had a sore throat, she sent scaphium affine his way.

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In fact, when she saw a tear on his clothes the other day, she even offered to sew it back up for him.

She had become more familiar with Zhou Yan after a while.

Several times, Zhou Yan even brought up wanting her to be his godmother.

When that happened, Zhong Shulan subtly mentioned that her daughter was not getting younger but she didn’t have a boyfriend. She hinted that someone would Wen Rugui’s temperament would be perfect.

Zhou Yan was a smart one and said he would help her.

Another two days had gone by and Zhong Shulan felt that the time was right. She went to seek out Wen Rugui.

She used food as an excuse and chitchatted with him for a little while.

Then, with reddened eyes, she said to him, “I’ve always felt that I have wronged Yunshi. If it wasn’t for my family, she would not have to go to the ranch with us at her young age. She had never had a good day in the last 10 years of her life.”

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Wen Rugui, “Don’t feel that way, shimu. Now that you have reunited with Teacher, your days will only get better.”

Zhong Shulan nodded as she wiped away her tears. “You are right. Our days will only get better. It’s just that Yunshi is not getting young and she doesn’t have a boyfriend. Rugui, you……”

Wen Rugui cut her off before she was done talking.

Wen Rugui was never one to do such thing as rude as to cut someone off before they finished talking. Nevertheless, he had no choice but to do so this time.

He looked at Zhong Shulan seriously, “Shimu, I understand your worries and how concern you are for your daughter. Nevertheless, Zhou Yan is already in a relationship. No matter how happy you are with him, you should not do that.

“Did you want Zhou Yan to break up with his girlfriend and be with Comrade Jiao? Besides, if he really has done that, would you still think of him a someone you want your daughter to be with? Not to mention that this will affect Comrade Jiao negatively if words get out. I do not think that shimu should bring this up again in the future.”

Zhong Shulan was stunned.

She stood there as though she had been struck by lightning.

What the heck was he talking about? When did she say that she had eyes on Zhou Yan to be her son-in-law??

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