Chapter 257 - "That looks pretty on you." (2)

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Edited by: Lulu

As soon as Tong Xuelu arrived at the front of the restaurant, she saw Tan Xiaoyan leaning out the window looking out.

Tan Xiaoyan immediately followed behind Tong Xuelu when she walked inside and asked, “What did my brother-in-law said to you?”

Tong Xuelu looked over at her and said, “Why don’t you ask your brother-in-law directly if you want to know?”


Tong Xuelu stared at Tong Xuelu. Her eyes rounded like those of a frog.


Liu Dongchang looked like he was in a foul mood after he had returned and would scold anything profusely when their performance was subpar.

Whether he felt embarrassed or was worried that Tong Xuelu would go to the police, he never picked on here again.

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He did not look happy either.


Another week came and gone.

It would be Sunday tomorrow and Wen Rugui couldn't help but felt very excited.

That afternoon, Zhou Yan came looking for him to head to over to the government-operated restaurant. Joining them was another male researcher, Huang Qimin.

When they were almost done with dinner, Zhou Yan finally let out a sigh and said, “I think my girlfriend is mad at me. I called her a couple of days again and, for some reasons, she suddenly didn’t want to talk to me anymore.”

Wen Rugui gave him a look and didn’t say anything.

Zhou Yan didn’t intend for Wen Rugui to be his listener. After all, what did a single person know?

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Huang Qimin was different. He had been dating for two years and the two were very close. He was about to tie the knot by the end of the year.

He was mainly looking for Huang Qimin’s help and hope that he could give him some suggestions.

Huang Qimin swallowed the last bite of his food, wiped his mouth clean, and asked, “What did you say to your girlfriend?”

Zhou Yan thought about it some and said, “Her birthday is coming up and she asked if I could go see her on the day of. I am still halfway through my experiment so I said I am not sure yet. She seemed to be upset after that.”

What he didn’t understand was that this was not the first time. She had never said anything when he was tied up in the past.

So why was she upset this time?

Huang Qimin shook his head after he heard that. “This is not just any other day. She isn’t upset normally because she was thoughtful. But if you didn’t make an effort on her birthday, of course she would be upset.”

Zhou Yan thought about it some and felt that that made a lot of sense. “You are right. Perhaps I should ask for a day off tomorrow and spend her birthday with her?”

Researchers had no fixed time off. It all depended on their experiments.

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He wasn’t certain earlier whether he would have the free time but he had made good progress in the last couple of days. He should be able to take one day off.

Huang Qimin gave him an approving look. “Now you get it. Bring a gift with you tomorrow and say something that will appease her!”

Zhou Yan frowned again when he heard the last thing. “Bro, I need more help. What would be something that I can say that will appease her?”

Zhou Yan was normally a chatterbox everywhere else but he would stutter when he was in front of his girlfriend.

Huang Qimin, looking like the love expert, was just about to start talking when he saw Wen Rugui sitting across from him, dazed. “Rugui, if you find this boring, you can head back first.”

After all, Wen Rugui did not have a girlfriend. These tips would not be useful to him.

Zhou Yan said, “It’s alright. They will come in handy when he has a girlfriend.”

Wen Rugui’s long and slender eyelashes shuttered and he didn’t make a sound.

Feeling that made sense, Huang Qimin continued to say, “If you want to appease your girlfriend, you need say what they like to hear. For example, if she is wearing new clothes, you need to tell her that her clothes are pretty and she is prettier.”

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Zhou Yan nodded and committed that to memory.

Wen Rugui looked nonchalant, as though he was not listening to the conversation at all.

Huang Qimin carried on, “But these are very standard. Any one can say them, so they are cliché!”

Zhou Yan, looking like a good student, asked, “What is not cliché then?”

Huang Qimin lifted his brows and patted himself on his cheek. “You get it?”

Zhou Yan, “Face?”

Huang Qimin nodded, “Exactly. Face. My girlfriend has a large face. What do you think she likes to hear?”

Zhou Yan said sillily. “Pretty?”

Huang Qimin looked disappointed. “That’s too generic. You need to say ‘your face is so huge!’”

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