Chapter 259 - "That looks pretty on you." (4)

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Edited by: Lulu

To his surprise, before he could try to salvage what he had said, Tong Xuelu’s smile brightened, “When have you learned to sweet talk like that? C’mon in, I made dessert.”

Wen Rugui followed her inside, feeling very baffled.

So women were pleased whether they were told that their faces were small or large?

So what was the right thing to say in the future?

Today was Zhou Yan’s girlfriend’s birthday.

He got up earlier to dress up before he left for his girlfriend’s place with present and snacks.

His girlfriend’s family were happy to see him there. “Zhou Yan is here. C’mon in quickly. Xiao Yun is waiting inside.”

Zhou Yan quickly handed over the snacks, putting on the world’s best son-in-law.

Xiao Yun, his girlfriend, also walked out when she heard the ruckus.

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As it was her birthday today, she had on new clothes and her hair was braided. Her forehead was showing and her face seemed large than normal.

Zhou Yan’s eyes lit up when he saw that. He quickly walked up with he gift in hand and said to her, “Xiao Yun, you look so good in this outfit!”

Wang Xiaoyun blushed. She gave him a charmed look and said, “Oh, stop it. There are many others around.”

Seeing the shy look on his girlfriend, Zhou Yan knew that she was secretly happy.

He felt that Huang Qimin’s method was very useful.

Seeing that all the other Wang’s had gathered around, he cleared his throat and said loudly, “Xiaoyun, your face is so huge. It is as huge as a basin!”

Everybody, “……”

There were a few seconds of silence in the air.

Wang Xiaoyun’s face turned beet red. She lifted her foot and kicked him on his shin. “Go to hell, Zhou Yan!”

Zhou Yan gasped and held his shin as he watched his girlfriend ran back inside the house.

He was baffled and aggrieved.

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He had already told her that her face was huge. Why wasn’t she happy still?


Rock sugar, dates, and tremella dessert is good for nourishing the yin and regular the dryness. It was the choice dessert during the change of season in fall.

Wen Rugui, sipping the sweet tremella dessert, felt that the sweetness spread from his mouth all the way to his heart.

As for bringing some for Old Mr. Wan, that did not even cross his mind.

The two left with the bicycle after they have finished their dessert.

As soon as the wooden door was closed, Tong Jiaxin quickly ran out of the study and looked in the direction of the door before he ran back. “Second Brother, do you think Big Sister is in a relationship with Brother Rugui?”

Tong Jiaming stared at this textbook and said nothing.

Seeing that Tong Jiaming did not respond to him, Tong Jiaxin scratched his head and said, “I would say that is most likely what is going on. Our teachers at school are always going out with their dates.”

Tong Jiaming finally spoken. “Get back to your homework. And, do not mention anything about it when you are outside!”

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Even though Tong Jiaming was only 2 years older than Tong Jiaxin, but he was already like an young adult.

Tong Jiaxin, on the other hand, was still a child, an unruly one at that. Even Tong Mianmian was more mature than him.

Tong Jiaxin’s face dropped when he heard that he needed to return to his homework.

After she had shut the wooden door, Tong Xuelu turned her head and asked, “Where are we going?”

Wen Rugui quickly pulled out a stack of tickets and two movie tickets.

“I have a couple movie tickets. We can go to a movie if you like. If you want to go to the mall, I have tickets as well. You can get whatever you want.” I will take care of the costs and the tickets.

Oh wow.

He was well prepared. Tong Xuelu had underestimated him, truly!

She thought he would say something along the line of “I don’t know. What do you want to do?”

Apparently, he had done his homework before he came.

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Tong Xuelu curved her lips and smiled. “Let’s go to a movie then.”

She had yet to go to a movie since she came to this era.

She would skip the mall. He had already bought her a lot of stuff. She would feel bad to make him buy more.

Wen Rugui caught sight of her bright red mole next to the corner of her eyes and his heart skipped a beat. “Alright.”

Wen Rugui hopped onto the bicycle and rode toward the movie theater.

Tong Xuelu had an odd feeling when she rode on the back of the bicycle.

She didn’t even feel anything special when she rode in sports cars in the past. But riding in the back of a bicycle gave her a sweet feeling?

Was it because of the way she looked at things or because of the individual?

She thought it was the individual.

If she had met someone as handsome as Wen Rugui in the modern time, she would be happy even if they were riding on a scooter.

That being said, anyone that can afford a bicycle at this day and age were already considered rich.

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