Chapter 262 - Tong Xuelu sneered when she heard that. (3)

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Tong Xuelu cocked her head and asked, “Comrade Wan, now that we are in a relationship, do you think you should tell me about your family members?”

The corners of Wen Rugui’s lips flattened a little. “My family consists of me and my grandpa. And then there is Uncle Zong, who was an orderly.”

Tong Xuelu was taken aback a little.

What did that mean?

She had no parents. Did he not have them either?

Wen Rugui paused a little before he carried on. “My father passed away when I was five. As for my mother…… she divorced my father very early on and has remarried.”

The air went silent for a few seconds.

Tong Xuelu, “I apologize. I didn’t know……”

She really had no idea that his family situation was so complicated. Had she known, she certainly would not have brought that up so casually.

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Even if she wanted to find out, she would have waited until the two had gotten to know each other better.

Wen Rugui curved his lips slightly. “There is no need to apologize. These are all facts.”

The mood turned heavy all of a sudden.

In order to lighten the mood, Tong Xuelu suggested for the both of them to take a walk around the park pushing the bicycle with them.

Naturally, Wen Rugui agreed with that suggestion.

They spent almost 2 hours at the park before they headed home.

Wen Rugui needed to return to the base in the afternoon, so he could not spend too much time in the city.

When Wen Rugui passed an alleyway with Tong Xuelu in the back, Zhou Yan happened to look up when he walked out of his girlfriend’s place.

He was stunned.

Was he seeing things? He thought he had just saw Wen Rugui?

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He must have mistaken. Wen Rugui didn’t have a girlfriend!

Wuwuwu, would he become single like Wen Rugui?

His girlfriend never looked at him again after he said that her face was huge like a basin.

That jerk Huang Qimin. He had scored to settle with him when he got back!

Finally, Wen Rugui dropped Tong Xuelu off in front of her place.

Tong Xuelu looked at him with her almond eyes. “You should go, Comrade Wan. I’ll see you off.”

Wen Rugui was very stubborn this time. “You go inside first.”

Tong Xuelu’s eyes rolled around and her lips curved upward. “Comrade Wan, I noticed that you have been peeking at me all day long today!”

With a THUD, Wen Rugui almost stopped breathing.

Both is cheeks and his ears turned red visibly. “I’m sorry, Comrade Tong. I am not trying to be a hooligan!”

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He just couldn’t control himself and he would want to look at her all the time.

Looking at his pink ears, Tong Xuelu felt that she was the hooligan.

And she didn’t want to stop just yet.

Tong Xuelu blinked and smiled. “Next time you want to look, just look openly!”

Wen Rugui looked at her in disbelief. His throat rolled. “Can I?”

Wu. What kind of a simple cutie was he?

Tong Xuelu winked at him and said, “You can do whatever you want.”

She then turned, walked inside the house, and closed the door behind her, leaving Wen Rugui standing outside her house, dazed.

He could do whatever he wanted?

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So, next time…… could he try to hold her hand?

Tong Xuelu had no idea that Wen Rugui was struggling long and hard outside her house just because he wanted to hold her little hand.


She returned to work like normal the next day.

She was the first to arrive at the restaurant, followed by Tan Xiaoyan and Meng Qingqing.

Tan Xiaoyan still was not happy when she saw Tong Xuelu. She looked like Tong Xuelu owed her 250 yuan.

Tong Xuelu couldn’t be bothered by that.

Meng Qingqing was a bit timid but very chatty once she had gotten close with Tong Xuelu. When she smiled, her two canine teeth would show and she looked very cute that way.

She loved circling Tong Xuelu normally and looked at Tong Xuelu as though she was her idol.

Today, however, Meng Qingqing had her head lowered since she had gotten there and she looked as dispirited as an eggplant after a hale storm.

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