Chapter 269 - What a cute and cunning man. (3)

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“Now that your girlfriend is mad at you, she would not answer your calls, right?”

Zhou Yan nodded repeatedly. “Yes, you are exactly right. She wouldn’t even talk to me when I was over at her place the other day!”

Huang Qimin had an I-know-it look on his face. “But you should try to resolve this miscommunication. As such, you will need to write to her!”

Zhou Yan scratched his head. “Is that really necessary? We live in the same city. It seems odd to write to her!” More importantly, his handwriting was awful, and he was embarrassed by it!

Huang Qimin gave him a very disappointed look. “It is not necessary. Which is exactly why it will be a pleasant surprise! One will only have a pleasant surprise when it is unexpected. Just think, how could she not be surprised and happy when she receives your mail out of the blue during work one day?”

Zhou Yan thought about it some. That seemed to make sense. He, too, would be pleasantly surprised if he was to receive a letter from his girlfriend out of the blue one day.

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Seeing that Zhou Yan had been convinced by him, Huang Qimin carried on. “As such, you write to your girlfriend after work today. You want to let her know why you said what you said and tell her how you truly feel! Women are all soft-hearted. She will certainly forgive you after she has received your letter!

“In addition, letters can be kept for a long, long time. It will become a good memento when you are old and gray!”

Zhou Yan was convinced.

That was too well put!

How come he never thought about that before?

The thought of the two of them, old and gray, sitting next to each other and reading those letters when they had lots of grandchildren, made him happy.

His mind was set. He would write to his girlfriend after work. That way their romance would be documented!

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Wen Rugui still had a nonchalant look on him. Nobody saw how he had drummed the chair gently with his fingers under the table.

Wen Rugui returned to his office after the three had parted ways.

He pulled the notebook out of his drawer, crossed out the word “large,” and replaced it with “small” under the “compliment that her face is large” point.

He then added another line under that.

5. Write to her. Letters make the best mementos when they are old and gray.

Both Wen Rugui and Zhou Yan wrote letters after work that day.

Zhou Yan chewed on the tip of the pen, and his hair was messed up by him, looking like a chicken coop.

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He is your typical science boy. He excelled in mathematics, physics, etc. But asking him to write a poem or an essay could kill him.

The same applied when asking him to write a letter.

He thought about it long and hard and finally decided to stick to the basics.

“Xiaoyun, I had misspoken the other day. What I wanted to say was that your face resembled gold and jade basins and is very lucky looking. But you know me. I am never good with words, and I misspoke. Will you please forgive me?”

He added bits and pieces of memories since the two of them had known each other, and at the very end, he concluded, “Xiaoyun, I am truly very sorry. Please don’t give up on me, okay?”

Right when he was about to review his letter, Wen Rugui appeared outside his office.

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Wen Rugui tightened his lips a little and asked, “I want to mail something to the post office. Do you want me to drop off your letter as well?”

Zhou Yan quickly nodded. “This is what they call someone handing me a pillow right when I am sleepy. I was just going to ask around for someone to help send this out for me!”

He needed to work overtime on his experiment. Writing the letter was all the free time that he had for the night.

He quickly placed the letter into an envelope. Zhou Yan saw the letter that Wen Rugui had in his hand when he handed him his and asked curiously, “You have a letter to send out as well?”

Wen Rugui’s eyelashes fluttered. “Yes, to a friend.”

Zhou Yan didn’t pry any further. As someone who had no girlfriend, Zhou Yan couldn’t be bothered wondering about who he was writing to.

Wen Rugui brought the letters to the post office and sent them out.

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