Chapter 280 - "What are Aunty and Uncle supposed to do if you don’t hang in there,?” (2)

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Suddenly, a male comrade walked over to them and said, “Rugui, the mailman just came. You have a package too, so I thought I would bring it to you.”


Wen Rugui was taken aback a little. He couldn't help but feel excited with anticipation.

Could it be from Comrade Tong?

He took the package and hundreds of flowers blossomed inside of him when he saw “Tong Xuelu” as the sender.

It was her! It was her! It was her!

The package was from Comrade Tong!

Zhou Yan and Huang Qimin looked at Wen Rugui. They saw him beaming like a revived dried-up tree in springtime.

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The two couldn't help but get curious. “Who’s it from, Rugui?”

Wen Rugui’s hand tightened around the package. “It’s from my family. I’m full. I am going to head to my office now.”

Having said that, he got up immediately and walked away with the package before the two could say anything.

Huang Qimin felt that something was off. “Do you think Rugui had gotten himself a girlfriend?”

Zhou Yan shook his head like a rattle drum. “Impossible. Would he be able to get himself a girlfriend by himself? I had a girlfriend once, but you had mucked it up for me!”

Huang Qimin, “……”

Huang Qimin could not understand what had happened, but he figured that it wasn’t too serious if Wang Xiaoyun’s family hadn’t called and talked to Zhou Yan yet. It meant that Wang Xiaoyun had not shared their breakup with her family yet.

In other words, she only said that she wanted to break up because she was mad at Zhou Yan right now. She really wasn’t serious about breaking up.

Zhou Yan had also figured that out. Which was why he phoned Xiaoyun’s two brothers immediately after breakfast.

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He had no choice but to wait for his time off to go figure out what really had happened from his girlfriend’s perspective.


Returning to his office, Wen Rugui carefully unwrapped the package with shaking hands.

A nice aroma came at him as soon as the package was opened up.

He pulled the content out and saw that the box contained a bag of peanut crisps and two bottles of hot sauce.

There was also a letter inside. He couldn’t wait to open it up—

“Hi, Comrade Wen. How have you been? I was very pleased to have received your letter. Thank you for the fabric tickets also. You don’t need to send those anymore. You should keep them for yourself.

A few days ago, naughty children Jiaxin and Mianmian decided to bathe Xiao Lu. Xiao Lu was so cold that it was shivering. Luckily, it made it. I think we should rename it ‘Strong Chicken’.

I registered for an examination to get my chef license a while ago. Lo and behold, the timeline was moved up to tomorrow. I am confident that I will be able to earn my license tomorrow though.

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I’ve made you some snacks (peanut crisps and two bottles of hot sauce.) Do you like them?”

Reading the letter over and over again, Wen Rugui felt that the dangling rock inside his chest finally landed back safely on the ground.

She was not mad at him! She even made yummy food for him!

He read through the letter one more time before carefully folding it back up, putting it inside the envelope, and locking it up in his cabinet.

He then unwrapped a piece of the peanut crisps and put it inside his mouth. It had a good peanut taste, sweet but not overly so.

It was delicious.


Everybody was stunned when Tong Xuelu returned home with a child.

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Tong Jiaxin’s eyes widened. Looking at the child in her arms, he asked, “Who is this, Big Sister?”

Tong Xuelu sighed. “It’s a long story.”

She briefly told them what happened today and explained the child would be staying with them for a while starting today.

Tong Jiaming and Tong Jiaxin were stunned again.

Tong Jiaxin, in particular, reacted strongly to the news. “Big Sister, what if we never locate his family? Are we going to raise him permanently?”

Tong Xuelu shook her head. “That would not be the case.”

His family would definitely come looking for him. And even if they didn’t, the police would not leave the child with her forever.

Tong Jiaxin felt better after he heard that.

They were poor enough. One more child meant one more person to fight over the meat with him!

And an annoying child at that. He was nothing but trouble!

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