Chapter 291 - The man at the next table collapsed suddenly. (2)

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Liu Dongchang was very angry. The way he was looking at Tong Xuelu grew more and more devious and cold as days went on.

Tong Xuelu watched out for him. She had Tong Jiaming and Tong Jiaxin came to pick her up at the end of her workday.

They were both kids but at least she would have someone with her. She gathered that Liu Dongchang would not make any moves then.

The next few days went by uneventfully.

This afternoon, Fang Jingyuan whom she hadn’t seen for a while showed up for lunch.

Fang Jingyuan ordered a meat and a vegetable dish by herself. She was being very luxurious.

After a nice and hearty meal, Fang Jingyuan rubbed her tummy and lamented. “Now I know what they meant by once you have had the best, you can never go back. I can no longer eat anyone’s cooking other than yours.”

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Tong Xuelu rolled her eyes. “That’s now how that quote was used.”

Her rebuttal did not bother Fang Jingyuan. She suddenly lowered her voice and said, “My Big Brother was forced to go on arranged date the last couple of days but he wasn’t happy with the girl.”

Tong Xuelu said, “What’s so odd about that?”

It’s arranged date, usually one of the two would be unhappy about the other person.

Not to mention that Fang Wanyuan was a pretty outstanding guy for the most part. He had what it takes to be picky.

Fang Jingyuan said secretively. “What was odd was that he said the girl was not as pretty as you! You get it now? He’s comparing others to you!”

Tong Xuelu, “……”

Fang Jingyuan went on to say, “Do you think maybe my Big Brother regret about it now? When you were into him, he didn’t care for it. Now that he is nothing but dog poop to you, he finally noticed what a catch you are. What do you think is wrong with him?”

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Tong Xuelu, “……”

Comrade Fang Jingyuan, was that a nice thing to say about your brother?

Fang Jingyuan lowered her voice some more. “Oh right. What did you like about my brother back then?”

Tong Xuelu signed and said, “I only made the same mistake as any other woman under the sun.”

Fang Jingyuan, “?”

Tong Xuelu, “I judged the book by its cover.”

Fang Jingyuan, “……”

Fang Jingyuan thought about it some and nodded. A man’s look is quite important after all. An unattractive man is just not all that appetizing.

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She then pulled out some snacks. “This is to repay you for the snacks that you made me last time.”

Tong Xuelu was just about to tell her that would not be necessary when the man next to them suddenly vomited and collapsed onto the floor.

He was foaming from his mouth.

“Someone’s dead! Someone’s dead!”

Someone shrieked inside the restaurant.

The man twitched on the floor. Holding his stomach, he shouted out loudly. “Someone help! The food at this restaurant was poisonous. My stomach is killing me……”

His words plunged the restaurant into a chaos.

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Some of them who were perfectly find seemed to feel that their stomachs, too, started to hurt, after hearing his words.

Tong Xuelu, too, was startled but she calmed down quickly.

She turned and told Fang Jingyuan calmly, “Jingyuan, hurry over to the police station and have the police come by.”

Fang Jingyuan turned pale from the scene and only recollected herself when Tong Xuelu had shoved her. She nodded repeated. “Yes, yes. I will go right now!”

She was just about to turn around when Liu Dongchang stopped her. “Nobody is going anywhere. You are a friend of the chef. You are no going anywhere before the cops get here.”

Tong Xuelu was about to bust out laughing from anger. “Whatever do you mean by that, Manager Liu? Certainly you are not suggesting that I have something to do with his poisoning.”

Liu Dongchang looked at her and he was not smiling. “I’ve said nothing , comrade Tong. Besides, how do you know that he was poisoned and not just ill?”

Tong Xuelu wanted to take her shoes off and smack him on his face with it. “Is your brain filled with water or are you deaf? This comrade said himself that he was poisoned. I was merely repeating what he had said!”

Liu Dongchang’s face turned beet red.

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