Chapter 294 - "Yes, I am here." (3)

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Tan Xiaoyan was the first to hop out. “Bull, since when did you get yourself a boyfriend? You’ve told me in the past that you are single!”

Tong Xuelu, “I didn’t have one in the past. Remember that I had taken a day off a week ago? I went to a movie with my boyfriend. Besides, would I lie about such things? If I am lying, Captain Pu would be the first to have me arrested!”

The other cops found that very convincing.

Liu Dongchang and Tan Xiaoyan were both worried and envious at the same time when they heard that.

As it was a he-said-she-said situation and everyone were suspects, everybody were brought back to the police station to be held there temporarily.

Seeing that Tong Xuelu was about to be taken away, Fang Jingyuan was anxious. “Don’t worry, I will have my parents do something about this!”

Tong Xuelu shook her head, “No, we don’t need to trouble your parents for this. That being said, I do have a favor to ask.”

“What is it? Do tell!”

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“Can you please go over to my place and let Grandma Shen, my neighbor, know that I might not be back tonight and have her help look out for my brothers and sister?”

Fang Jingyuan nodded, “Sure, I will head over there right now!”

Tong Xuelu gave her an appreciative look. “Thank you so much!”

These were the times when one could see true friends. Tong Xuelu was glad that she was surrounded by a group of trustworthy and cute people.


After Tong Xuelu was taken away, Fang Jingyuan quickly rode her bike over to the Wei’s.

Shen Wanrong’s heart throbbed when she learned that Tong Xuelu had been detained by the cops. “Thank you, miss. Don’t worry, I will take good care of the children.”

Shen Wanrong quickly told Wei Guozhi, her husband, what had happened after Fang Jingyuan had taken off.

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Wei Guozhi thought about it some and took off.

When Tong Xuelu and the others were brought to the police station, they were all locked up into their respective jail cells according to their genders.

Nevertheless, the two jail cells faced each other’s and Tong Xuelu could still see Liu Dongchang’s disgusting face.

Nobody came over for a long while after they were all locked up.

Tan Xiaoyan looked at Tong Xuelu with her puffy eyes and snickered, “Didn’t you say that the captain of the investigation team is best friend with your boyfriend? Why hasn’t he come check on you yet?”

Tong Xuelu gave her a cold look, closed her eyes, and ignored Tan Xiaoyan.

Tan Xiaoyan became more complacent when she saw that. “I knew you were bluffing. Your boyfriend is a researcher? He is friends with the captain? And his grandfather is a commander? Hahahaha. That is hilarious. Not even the hooligans in our village would make up stories like that!”

Liu Dongchang was envious and worried when he saw how confident Tong Xuelu was when she said those earlier.

Seeing that she did not rebut Tan Xiaoyan’s words, he was certain that Tong Xuelu was lying and felt much better.

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He knew it. With Tong Xuelu’s family background and her look, there was no way that she would have a boyfriend from such family background.

She sure knew how to make things up!

Suddenly, footsteps came from outside of the jail house.

The door opened with a creak.

A tall man with board shoulder walked in with two cops behind him.

Everybody looked over at him instantly.

Pink bubbles appeared in Tan Xiaoyan’s eyes when she saw the man’s look.

The man stopped in front of the jail cell.

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A cop quickly ran up. “Hang on for just a moment, Comrade Wen. I will get the door right away!”

Comrade Wen?

Tong Xuelu, whose eyes had been shut this entire time, blinked and opened her eyes when she heard that.

The door was opened at the same time and Wen Rugui walked in on his long legs.

Meeting his ink-like eyes, Tong Xuelu smiled after a quick shock flashed through her face. “You come.”

Wen Rugui looked at her, “Yes, I came.”

Everyone, “……”

A man cop said, “You are free to go now, Comrade Tong.”

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