Chapter 297 - Is he really a wild man deep down inside? (3)

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Wen Rugui and Pu Jianyi took off from Tong Xuelu’s place after dinner.

They did nothing in the next few days and it seemed the police had made no progress whatsoever either.

Tan Xiaoyan and Liu Dongchang, however, were dying inside!

The jail cells were cold and humid. They did not have enough to eat and were sleep deprived. Everyday was pure torture!

In addition, it was already fall and the jail cells were chilly like an ice cave at night. The thin blanket that they had did absolutely nothing. They were so cold that their teeth would clatter every night.

Compared to the two of them, Aunty Lin and Guo Weiping’s situations were much better.

They had better food compared to the other two and their blankets were newer and thicker.

This was so unfair!

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Tan Xiaoyan had wanted to snatch the blanket from Aunty Lin originally and only gave up on that idea after she was scolded by the cops.

Tan Xiaoyan became progressively more irritated as days gone on and Liu Dongchang became quieter. He, too, started regretting about this decision.

Had he known what he knew now, he would not have used this approach.

This was more than it was worth.

Two more days later, Cao Dajian finally decided to be discharged from the hospital.

He had been using the poisoning as an excuse to stay at the hospital. Days at the hospital with all the good food had been too comfortable.

He finally checked himself out of the hospital disgruntledly when he was told by the cops when they noticed that he had recovered entirely.

As soon as he had left the hospital, he immediately went over to his lover’s place that same night.

Nevertheless, he was barely 10 minutes into his trip when a gunny sack was thrown over his head and he was kicked in his stomach.

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Falling onto the ground, Cao Dajian hurt so much that he gasped.

A man grabbed him by his collar and punched him in his face repeatedly.

He tasted blood in his mouth shortly. “Help! Help! …… Oooh oooh…… Stop. Please stop!”

A somewhat odd voice came from above him. “Were you in cohort with Liu Dongchang on the poisoning incident?”

Cao Dajian was stunned. He gritted his teeth and remained silent.

The next second, the fist landed on his face all over again.


He was bleeding from his nose and he thought he nose was broken. It hurt so much that tears were streaming down his cheeks.

“Alright, alright. I’ll tell you the truth!”

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He spilled everything to avoid further beating.

The voice came again. “You are turning yourself and Liu Dongchang into the police station tomorrow! Don’t try anything stupid. If I can beat you up once, I can do that again.”

Cao Dajian had wanted to skip out on that but the man’s words made him worried.

He had no idea who the other person was, but they knew who he was. He couldn’t even go file a police complaint.

“Besides, even if you don’t care about yourself, you should keep your family in mind. It’s best if you go and turn yourself in to the police, otherwise……”

“I’m going! I’m going!”

The man finally let him go after that.

After they had walked a long way from the alleyway.

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Pu Jianyi looked at Wen Rugui and tsked. “Oh, Rugui, I never thought that there is this wild side about you.”


Wen Rugui was stunned. Then he recalled the dream that he had the other day.

Was he truly a wild person deep down inside?


Cao Dajian went over to the cop station to turn himself in the very next day with all the bruises on his face.

He admitted that he was in cohort with Liu Dongchang.

Liu Dongchang had promised him that once they got Tong Xuelu into jail, not only would Cao Dajian’s lover be guaranteed a job at the government-operated restaurant, Cao Dijian would receive an additional 200 yuan in payment.

His girlfriend had promised him that she would marry him and have children with him if he could get her into the government-operated restaurant.

He was dirt broke and had no money to get himself a wife. Now that he was offered 200 yuan in addition to a wife just for ingesting a little bit of pesticide, of course he would not say no to that?

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