Chapter 299 - "I have a girlfriend." (2)

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On the other part of the story.

Lai Muqing rode the train for three days and three nights and arrived at the Northwest part of China. She was visibly disheveled.

The thought of being able to meet up with Su Yueshen shortly, however, made her happy like having a chilled watermelon in the middle of summer.

Her parents died when she was young and she was raised by her aunty and uncle.

Others all commented that she was so lucky to have such a nice aunty. She was the only one who knew what it was really like to be raised under someone else’s roof.

Whenever there were new clothes, she never dared to be the first to pick. She must let her cousin pick before her. Same with food. Even on examinations, she dared not outperform her cousin, worried that her cousin would be upset at her.

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Her uncle and aunty had always said that they looked at her as if she was one of their own but, in their eyes, they loved their daughter more.

They were nice to her when it was convenient for them. Besides, being nice to her made them look good to the others.

From that perspective, she never owed them anything!

She had thought that she could get away from the Gu family when she became an adult.

Low and below, her husband died from illness less than a year after they were married. Her mother- and father-in-law said that she brought bad luck and banished her as soon as 49 days after her husband’s death had passed.

She had no choice but to return to the Gu family.

Her husband had passed but Su Yueshen, her cousin’s husband, doted on her cousin. Her cousin’s mother- and father-in-law treated her cousin as if she was their own daughter.

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They were all humans, so why was it that her cousin was always the luckier one?

Later on, her cousin-in-law’s family were labeled as villains and were sent to the farm for reforming.

Her cousin-in-law, for the sake of his wife, divorced her and changed their child’s surname.

Lai Muqing finally felt better seeing that misfortune had finally happened to her cousin.

But then her cousin-in-law’s family had been reinstated!

She was certain that Su Yueshen’s would, once again, become the Deputy Director of the Revolutionary Committee and that Su Yueshen would marry her cousin again.

And she would do anything within her power to stop that from happening!

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Thinking of that, Lai Muqing’s eyes looked their they had poison in them.

She didn’t stop to rest on her way and waited for two hours for the car that would take her to the production team. She vomited uncontrollably on the bumpy way to the production team.

As soon as she felt slightly better, she tidied herself up and hurried over to the production team.

It took her an hour to walk to the production team. Right when she thought she was about to see the man that she was fond of, she was told that Su Yueshen had already left!

Not only had Su Yueshen left. The entire Su family had left!

She had called earlier to inform the production team that she was on her way. So why didn’t they wait for her?

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What was the purpose of her coming all the way here through all the hardship if they were gone?

Lai Muqing’s felt dizzy and passed out.

While Lai Muqing had failed to meet up with the Su family, Su Yueshen and the others had already returned to capital city.

He had asked his friends and family to keep an eye out on the Gu family when he left capital city back then and, as such, he found out that his son had gone missing as soon as that happened.

As his status had already been reinstated, he could have taken off a while ago.

He only waited because his wife said she was going to pick him up. Now that he learned that his son was missing, he took off immediately.

He headed straight to the Gu family the second he arrived at Capital city.

Everyone at the Gu family was shocked.

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