Chapter 375 - Her bottom was on fire. (1)

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They heard knocking on the door all of a sudden and Wei Ran went to get the door with gritted teeth. There was another person following behind him when he returned.

Tong Xuelu looked over and her eyes lit up. “Rugui, you are back?”

Everybody looked at him when he showed up.

Wen Rugui looked at Tong Xuelu tenderly. “Yes, I have the next three days off.”

That was wonderful!

Tong Xuelu was not one to feel awkward. She stood up and said, “I should head back then, Grandma Shen, Grandpa Wei.”

Shen Wanrong gave her an I-get-it smile. “Yes, be on your way then. Comrade Wan probably still hasn’t have dinner yet. Take some date cake with you.”

Tong Xuelu did not decline them. She took two pieces of the walnut and date cake and headed back with Wen Rugui.

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Seeing that, Tong Jiaming quickly gathered up his siblings and headed home with them.

It would be bad for his sister’s reputation to be alone with a boy should others find out.

He meant well but he had no idea that he had inadvertently turned into the third wheel (and long with him the fourth and fifth wheels).

White moonlight casted down on the bluestone slab road. The shadows from the trees on both sides of the road looked like demons.

Tong Xuelu turned to look at Wen Rugui, “When did you arrive?”

Wen Rugui blushed a little. “I just got in.”

Tong Xuelu lifted her brows. “You headed over here right away? You didn’t head to the military compound first?”

Wen Rugui’s cheeks burned some more. He nodded gently, “Mmm.”

Tong Xuelu’s lips curved upward and she handed over the walnut and date cakes in her hand. “Hold this for me.”

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Wen Rugui quickly reached out to take them from her but, soon as he touched the walnut and date cakes, Tong Xuelu scratched his palm lightly with her finger.

He shuddered and his heart sounded to pound.

Where she had touched tingled and he felt an electrical current running all over him.

Tong Xuelu did not hand the walnut and date cake over to him. Instead, she placed her hand into his.

Wen Rugui’s body might be tingling but he was not slow to react. He reflexively held her hand.

Their fingers intertwined.


Wen Rugui felt that his heart was beating uncontrollably fast. His cheeks and ears were red and he felt that he was walking on clouds.

Tong Jiaxin’s eyes widened as he looked at them from behind. He pointed at the two and said, “Look, Second Brother, they……”

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Before he could finished his sentence, Tong Jiaming had reached out and covered his eyes.

“Why are you covering my eyes, Second Brother? Let go of me quickly!”

Tong Mianmian’s eyes were covered at the same time. “Second Brother, Mianmian can’t see anything.”

Tong Jiaming said, “Just another minute, Mianmian. No need to be frightened.”

Tong Jiaming finally uncovered his siblings’ eyes after Tong Xuelu and Wen Rugui had walked inside the yard.

Tong Jiaxin looked again and there was nothing.

Tong Xuelu made some noodles for Wen Rugui and the two spent quite a bit of time chitchatting inside the kitchen before they walked back out.

They couldn’t do anything with the three lightbulbs at home with them.

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But, as far as Wen Rugui was concerned, holding hands alone was enough to make his heart pound.

Inside the military compound.

Sun Manrou looked over at Sun Wuyang and asked, “Did you head to the restaurant again today, Third Brother?”

Sun Wuyang acknowledged her question.

Sun Manrou, “Why did you head over there again?”

Sun Wuyang blushed a little. “Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer. I want to see if I can find out more about her.”

Sun Manrou gave him a suspicious look. “Why are you blushing, Third Brother? Did you lie to me? You always blush when you lie!”

“That’s not true. What is there to lie about?” That might be what he was saying, but he blushed some more, as if to prove her right.

Sun Manrou suddenly covered up her mouth. “Third Brother, have you fall for Comrade Tong?”

Sun Wuyang’s ears turned beet red. “What are you talking about?!”

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