Chapter 383 - Level I Restaurant (1)

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Wen Rugui looked at her lips and his body seemed to be getting hotter as he looked.

His throat rolled and his heart pounded.

Her eyes were closed peacefully. She looked so very docile when she was asleep.

Wen Rugui took a few deep breathes and, finally, succumbed to the temptation, he lifted his hand and gently touched her lips.

They were so soft.

What a strange sensation.

Wen Rugui was like a child who had just found a toy. He stroked her eyelash and then gently poked her on her cheek.

Her eyelashes were long like two fans. Her cheeks fair and spongy. But none of those rocked him the way it did when he touched her lips.

The second that he touched her lips, his heart pounded and there was an indescribable desire inside of him.

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He didn’t understand that desire. As such, he longed to touch them again.

As such, his hand landed on her lips once again. This time he even pressed down on them gently.

It was getting windy outside. Wen Rugui was just about to fetch Tong Xuelu a blanket when she blinked and opened her eyes.

The two’s eyes met.

And the air went silent for a few seconds.

Tong Xuelu’s eyes widened. She looked at him doubtfully. “Comrade Wen Rugui, what have you done to me? What did you touch my lips with?”

Wen Rugui’s face turned red instantly. “I touched you with my hand.”

Tong Xuelu shook her head and touched her lips with her own hand. “No. That didn’t feel right. Did you lie to me?”

Wen Rugui shook his head. “No. Truly, I touched you with my hand.”

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Tong Xuelu touched her lips again and insisted that he was lying.

Wen Rugui regrated deeply. “I’m sorry I was being a hooligan. But I truly touched you with my hand.”

Tong Xuelu’s eyes rolled. “The hand just doesn’t feel the same. Here, let me show you.”

Having said that, she reached her hand and touched him on his lips. She even pressed down on them the same way that he did.

Wen Rugui’s breathing came to a stop ad he dared not move one fiber of his body.

Tong Xuelu, “Keep in mind this is how the hand feels.”

When she finished saying that, she suddenly leaned in and touched his lips gently with hers.

? ? ?

! ! !

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Wen Rugui felt an electric current had gone through his body and his entire body tingled.

He felt that all the blood in his body rushed to his face and his heart was pounding so hard that it could leap out of his threat.

Tong Xuelu’s lips touched his like a dragonfly touching the surface of water ­­– backing away as quick as it had landed. “Comrade Wen Rugui, would you agree with me that the two felt very different?”

Wen Rugui looked at Tong Xuelu, dazed like a puppet. He nodded. “You are right. They were not the same.”

Tong Xuelu, “So did you touch me with your lips?”

Wen Rugui shook his head, “No, with my hand.”

Tong Xuelu cocked her head. “Really? I don’t believe me. Unless you’d touch me also so I can see the difference between the two.”

The sun was just perfect in the afternoon and peeking through the trees. It was warm on his body and Tong Xuelu could see his throat rolling up and down.

She raised her brows. “Comrade Wen Rugui, are you too timid to do that?”

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Wen Rugui blushed, “No.”

Tong Xuelu lifted her cheeks and pushed her lips out a little at him. “Then do it.”

Looking at her red lips. Wen Rugui felt that he had completely lost control of his heart beat.

He leaned his body in. As soon as he had gotten close to her, he could detect the special scent that belonged onto to her.

He held his breath and was just about to come into contact with her lips when a voice came from the outside—

“Big Sister, Mianmian’s clothes were dirtied!”

The door to the yard was pushed open when the words stopped and Tong Mianmian came running inside.

Tong Xuelu pushed Wen Rugui away and stood up.

Wen Rugui, “……”

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