Chapter 390 - There was a lot to be uncovered here. (3)

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Shen Wanrong turned to look at her husband. “If that’s the case, you stay home with Zhuzhu and I’ll go be with the other two kids.”

Wei Guozhi nodded. “Sure, you go. You be careful on your way to the hospital, Xuelu.”

Tong Xuelu said appreciatively, “Thank you so much, Grandma Shen, Grandpa Wei.”

Shen Wanrong, “Oh, look at it. Now its not the time to be polite. Let’s hurry up.”

Tong Xuelu nodded.

On their way over, she told Shen Wanrong that she could be infected again and had her not to touch anything that Tong Jiaming had used.

Shen Wanrong waved her hand. “Ah, you don’t understand this. You only get chicken pox once in your lifetime.”

Most of the time, yes, that was true.

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But, when someone is immunosuppressed, they could get it a second time. Or it could be possible that they had lost the antibodies that they had gained from the first infection. Granted, the odds of that is very low.

But now wasn’t the time to go into the details.

Tong Xuelu asked her again to not touch the cup and utensils that Tong Jiaming had used before she went inside the house, had Tong Jiaming put on his thick jacket, and wrapped his head and mouth with a towel and leaving only his eyes exposed.

“Let’s go. I will take you to the hospital.”

Tong Xuelu wrapped her own mouth and nose with the towel as well and helped Tong Jiaming up.

Tong Jiaming was helped onto the bicycle feeling groggy.

Tong Xuelu, “Do you think you can sit still on your own? If you can’t, hold onto to my waist.”

Tong Jiaming paused for a little and tightly held onto her clothes. “I’m ready.”

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Tong Xuelu kicked her feet and the bicycle dashed forward.

The wind was strong at night and it felt like knives on one’s face. Tong Xuelu shuddered.

Sitting behind her, Tong Jiaming could feel her shuddered.

Tong Xuelu had tied a flashlight to the front of the bicycle before they left but the area that it could lit was very limited.

She dared not rode the bicycle too quickly. If she rode into a ditch, they would fall off royally.

Remembering that wind was bad for chicken pox, she was a little worried as well. “Hide your face behind me, Jiaming. You can’t have any wind right now!”

“Yes, okay.”

Watching her riding the bicycle with all her might and her voice trembled in the wind, Tong Jiaming felt a very complicated emotion.

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It normally took an hour to get from the Tong’s to the hospital but, as it was at night, it took Tong Xuelu an hour and a half to get there.

Luckily nothing bad happened and they did not kill themselves in a crash.

Arriving at the hospital, Tong Xuelu told the nurse about Tong Jiaming’s symptoms. Tong Jiaming was then brought inside the emergency room to be examined.

The result came back just as Tong Xuelu had expected – Tong Jiaming had chicken box and he was running a fever.

Tong Xuelu chose to have him hospitalized with no hesitation.

What she worried right now was the medical technology back then and that Tong Jiaxin would have other complications.

Chicken pox is not dangerous in and of itself but complications like pneumonia, encephalitis, meningitis could be fatal.

As chicken pox is highly contagious, they had to get their own room and it cost a lot higher than normal.

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But now was not the time to be frugal.

The doctor gave Tong Jiaming a fever suppressing shot and some medications for his fever.

Tong Jiaming fallen asleep only to wake up and vomited twice. The chicken pox was also uncomfortably itchy.

Tong Xuelu would never have taken care of anyone in the past.

But now she didn’t have a choice.

Luckily Tong Jiaming’s fever broke by midnight.

Tong Xuelu let out a sign of relief and felt exhausted.

She felt asleep on the chair.

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