Chapter 396 - That was so embarrassing! (2)

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After a long while, Commander Xiao finally said, “Get up already. I need to head back to the troop to take care of something important. I will be back to bring you home with me.”

Xie Jinhua and Xie Guangtian were ecstatic when they heard that.

Xie Jinhua and Xie Guangtian tried as hard as they could to invite Commander Xiao to have dinner at their place but Commander Xiao had turned them down. He left quickly on the car from the Production Team.

Even though Commander Xiao left behind him nothing but a promise, but that was more than enough!

From this point forward, the Tong and the Xie families would have made a big leap in their statuses!

The Tong family was ecstatic and they shared the news with whoever they ran into in the Production Team. They even slaughtered two chickens that night to celebrate.

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They would be the relative of the commander. What were two chickens then?

Xiao Yanghua remained silent for a very long time on their way back. “Uncle, do you really buy that that Xie Guangtian is your son?”

Commander Xiao, “I am going to take a trip to Capital City. I want to meet Tong Daijin’s children before I make that decision. I would like you to keep on investigating the matters on this end.”

Xiao Yanghua nodded, “Sure.”

They didn’t know that Xie Jinhua would say that her nephew was the commander’s son. On top of that, the nephew did look a little like Commander Xiao and had an item that used to belong to Commander Xiao.

They would need to look into this more before they could arrive at a conclusion.

Commander Xiao boarded the train to Capital City when the Tong and Xie families were very certain that they had made a big step forward in their social statuses.

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On base.

The three romance rookies were gathered together to have dinner and brag about their girlfriends again.

Zhou Yan pointed at both Wen Rugui and Huang Qimin and scolded them. “You two ungrateful person. I would have spent my birthday alone had my girlfriend didn’t come!”

All Wen Rugui could think about was: So lucky that I’ve gone home that day. He would otherwise regret for life.

Recalling the kiss from that day, the tips of his ears turned red bit by bit.

Seeing that they were both quiet, Zhou Yan said complacently, “Dog Egg Haung, both Rugui and my girlfriend had already visited us on base. Your girlfriend is the only one who had yet to be here. Tsk, tsk, tsk. I guess she didn’t care that much about you after all.”

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Huang Qimin wasn’t going to take that sitting down. “My girlfriend is super sweet to me. She made me braised pork when I went home. And just what are you bragging about anyway? Have you even held your girlfriend’s hand after you’ve been dating her for so long?”

Zhou Yan was taken aback a little when he heard that. “Holding hands is hooligan behavior. You can’t hold your girlfriend’s hand.”

Huang Qimin smiled. “Didn’t think so. Did you not hear what Comrade President say? Hooligan behavior is dating without the intention to wed. I am going to marry my girlfriend. Of course we can hold hands.”

Rebutted, Zhou Yan turned to Wen Rugui for support. “Rugui, hurry up and tell him that holding hands is hooligan behavior!”

Wen Rugui said nonchalantly, “Holding hands is not hooligan behavior.”

Huang Qimin raised his brows. “Rugui, have you held your girlfriend’s hands already?”

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Wen Rugui nodded and the tips of his ears grew redder.

Never mind about holding hands, he was kissed by her!

Huang Qimin laughed. “Hahaha, Dog Poop Zhou, you are the only one here who had not yet held his girlfriend’s hands. Even Rugui, who was the last to get himself a girlfriend, had already held her hands. And you call yourself a man?”


Zhou Yan looked at Wen Rugui in disbelief.

Wen Rugui had held hands with his girlfriend already. How had they been progressing along so fast?

He was the only one who had yet to hold his girlfriend’s hand among the three of them. That was so embarrassing!

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